January 21, 2025

23 thoughts on “Welcome to Cape Charles: Large Wedding Party ticketed for Front In Parking

    1. Dinner is nonspecific for lunch or supper. Over time it has hardened one way or the other. My grandmother referred to dinner and supper as the two non-breakfast meals.

  1. I know change is hard. Since the town went to the expense of painting the parking space lines on Mason Avenue why not allow back in or front in parking in those spaces? Everyone can live with that and we don’t have to make Cape Charles the UNFRIENDLY TOURIST TOWN!

  2. I’m confused. How can so many details of a “story” about a parking ticket be incorrect?
    Who made these “facts” up, the author or the sources?
    Are most of the “news” pieces on this site made up?

    Note: If you were there, and can provide more details of the event, please send to capecharlesmirror@gmail.com. Also, please refer to Mr. Kelly’s comment.

    1. I did refer to Mr. Kelly’s comment, hence my curiosity about the reporting. Was it simply reported to the author by “sources” that someone from a wedding party got a parking ticket and the reporter makes up details to fill in the story?
      A beautiful sunset wedding. False
      Reservations for dinner. False
      Having a grand time at the pub. Did the wedding party tell you that?
      Large block of cars parked in front of Kelly’s-obvious it was was an out of town group. No, cars parked in front of Kelly’s or anywhere else the wrong way does not make it obvious that someone is from out of town.
      My sources tell me that you don’t like the reverse parking and over-dramatize to make a point.
      That said, I think it’s dumb to ticket someone for pulling in forward.

      Note: Mr. Banks, thanks for the comments, and we agree with you. This story was sent over the transom late Saturday, and we attempted to triangulate the sources and versions as quickly as we could before publishing early Sunday…since we had spent a considerable amount of time and energy tracking down a dead dolphin that was stranded by the pier, and which contained signs of pathogens which we worry could indicate another morbillivirus outbreak, we thought this story would be light and silly and funny, and not taken that seriously, or at least taken within context, drama and all…we were proven wrong once again.

      1. Thanks for the reply. That was fun!

        Mr. Banks, oddly enough, this episode did expose a deficiency; this story really belongs in a gossip column, not a regular news story….only, the Mirror doesn’t have a gossip column…so, we’ll try and launch one next week. Thanks again!

  3. were they within the lines? Then who cares…..if there is no accident getting in and out of the space then parking was a success…..Cape Charles you have lost your mind!

  4. This is outrageous! This can’t be who we are. What kind of heartless individual would not think to go inside the restaurant to let the wedding party know that they needed to change the direction of their vehicles or be ticketed. This back-in parking method is so very counter-intuitive, and just plain stupid. This couple’s wedding day was unnecessarily marred, and just think of how many friends of friends have now heard about the unfriendly place that Cape Charles is, but in fact it’s not. We need to stand up to the individual(s) responsible for forcing this backwards (in so many ways) way of parking on our citizenry and ask for it to be reversed. The mayor needs to send a letter of apology to the wedding couple along with a note canceling all fines incurred by the wedding party.

    1. Not taking sides but if backing in is “counter-intuitive and stupid” then backing out could also be considered “counter-intuitive and stupid”. Either way I glad to see major issue resolved and everyone cheery and merry again.

  5. Maybe more cars can fit in a block with back in parking but it looks like more congestion to me. It’s traffic engineering at its worst.

  6. The important thing about this story is the “fact” that it did happen. Mr. Banks there may have been some confusion on timing but there definitely was a wedding party of 25 with reservations that came from the beach after the ceremony to celebrate their marriage. I was speculating that since they came from that direction the sign for parking was not visible. I did the drive to see what it would be like for out of towners unfamiliar with the parking rules and I must say it is a natural to pull in from that direction and no you don’t see the sign. Yes, there were several cars since we know there were at least 25 people. It would certainly have been nice for the police officer to come inside to inquire about the parking. When was the last time any of us got a ticket….it kind of ruins your day right? Please can we just be rational and friendly here? These folks are our bread and butter and the money they bring in also pays wages to those employed by the town. It is not as if they harming anyone. Do you not see the big picture Cape Charles?

    1. Totally agree.
      Unfortunately there are signs on the beginning and end of the street only. For visitors who find a parking space in the middle of the street, there is no way they would see the sign.
      Bad form Cape Charles, Bad form.

    2. Can’t the business owners come together and convince the town “leaders” to see the error of their ways? This ridiculous parking situation is a nuisance to everyone.

  7. To make it clear….No I was not the source of the information. Yes, I am an opponent of reverse angle parking! Yes the wedding party had a “Grand Time ” for Lunch…at least until they were ticketed!

  8. This is precisely why I avoid going in to Cape Charles except for Rayfields and Riverside Cape Charles Medical. Too many stupid rules. Who cares whether you park forward or reversed in a parking space. Obviously Cape Charles doesn’t need the tourists or what they bring to our area! I am sure the wedding party has passed on their experience to all they know. So were the fines generated by the improper parking worth the loss of future revenue? I wouldn’t come back!

  9. Tacitus told us millennia ago;
    The more rules a society imposes, the greater the chance for corruption.
    But I am sure that some down in Cape Chuck still think MORE government is the way to go.
    One cannot change a marxist’s mind.

  10. It is ridiculous that the Town of Cape Charles would institute a parking method that has been shown time and time again to 1) provide more parking than parallel 2) be safer than parallel or nose in (with regards to pulling out, loading/unloading, open doors guiding children & pets towards the sidewalk rather than the street, etc.) 3) be a traffic calming device 4) easier than parallel parking 5) reduces numbers of fender benders compared to parallel or nose in parking….the nerve of those tyrants!

    Are there signs up informing motorists of the reverse angle parking, and stating that they will be ticketed if they do not adhere to the law? If so, ticket away.


  11. After observing the new parking method first hand for a year, I can tell you this:
    1. It does provide more parking.
    2. It is not safer in the fact that when backing in the vehicle actually blocks both narrowed driving lanes. The doors on the parked vehicles are now subject to being struck by the parking vehicle if a passenger opens the door after it is parked. (I have seen it)
    3. Is certainly not a “traffic Calming” device when drivers slow down, determine that they are uncomfortable or confused by a weird parking process and then either turn off of Mason and park on side streets or in front of residences on Randolph…or drive on to Bay Ave. hook a u turn and park parallel on the South side of Mason…OR say Screw it and just drive straight out of town!
    4. It is not easier, especially if the vacant spot is framed by 2 full sized pick ups. Also you are totally blind pulling out as the cabs on said pick ups block your view!
    5. I don’t have the figures on the fender benders..but have seen my share, and also watched many near misses!
    If you don’t see it every day….you don’t know what you are talking about! The Business owners on Mason…Don’t like it…that I can attest to!

  12. Indeed, Mr. Ennis…..if the officials did so with no input from the CITIZENS then they are indeed tyrants. Thank you for your concurrence.

    Btw, that parking layout? Studies show little to no safety improvements and when one adds in the issues associated with the learning curve?
    Any benefit vanishes.
    And who cares if businesses suffer? Anyone who owns a business is just some multimillionaire looking to screw the little people, right?
    Good luck in Utopia.

  13. Gene, one more you can add to your list….Reverse parking puts many if not most noxious muffler fumes directly at tableside if you have outdoor seating (many tourist prefer eating outside-weather permitting). I would imagine this would greatly diminish the dining experience, especially if the vehicle were left running for any length of time after backing into to its spot. Another negative for reverse parking.

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