Special to the Cape Charles Mirror – on this election day, we received this note from a person that loves this town from afar. He wishes to remain anonymous, but the sentiment was so pure, we wanted to share it.
I visit a lot, and hope to move to the Cape Charles area some day. Why? It’s not because of a statue or the crappy “Love” sign. Sorry Dora. It’s because of the people, the beautiful surroundings, how quiet the area is, the beautiful B&Bs, the beach. I’m not looking to change a thing (well, maybe the reverse parking… dumb move). You have a wonderful place. Just fix the basics. Water, sewage, please keep the theater public and reverse that damn reverse parking. People will come. I work in a high stress job, I like to get away. I choose your town! Don’t scare me away. Do the right thing. The children are the most important resource you have. Put back the basketball courts, keep the theater public, collect your fees from Bay Creek and Dickie. Please make the right choices for the future of your town. I’m not coming there to play golf. But I can move to Florida, Carolina or even Virginia beach.
Wonderful sentiment. This area has some unique and wonderful attributes which draw people here despite any problems. Let’s not lose track of the Shore’s inherent blessings.