In defiance of Glenn Youngkin’s policy of lifting mask mandates for state employees, Accomack County Public Schools will continue mandating the wearing of masks for all students, staff, and visitors. Due to the uptick in covid cases, the board felt it was better to be safe than sorry, so masks it will be.
But, is this worthwhile, or just doubling down on a policy, and methodology that so far can only be labeled an epic, and very expensive fail? Should we force our kids into this protocol based on flimsy evidence provided by very unimpressive people?
Should children in schools be forced to suffer the effects of masks for long hours each day despite being at exceedingly low risk for death or serious illness from covid?
The mask narrative seems to change with the wind–the story changed from “masks don’t work,” to “masks may work,” to “masks work and you must wear one.” Now the narrative switches yet again: “cloth masks don’t work, so you should wear a surgical or ‘well-fitted’ mask,” or even wear two.
Can we just say it? Masks are not just relatively ineffective, but they’re also gross. Human lungs and our respiratory system are designed to inhale nitrogen and oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is literally a waste product, removed from the blood via our lungs. Masks may not trap injurious levels of carbon dioxide against our nose and mouth, but they certainly get filthy very quickly unless changed constantly (not to mention how they are impacting the planet). They also encourage mouth breathing, which can cause “mask mouth” symptoms including acne, bad breath, tender gums, and lip irritation. N-95 is not going to solve that problem.
We understand the reason for the policy, another covid surge, probably another mutation in the works, however, at this point, the individual needs to determine whether the policy is beneficial to them or not. Covid is never going away, it will not be eradicated. The zero covid policy is not realistic. You get 3 doses of a vaccine, you wear a mask, social distance, and you still catch the virus.
Kids need a healthy immune system, built up through diet, exercise, and sunlight. This is probably the best way to live with any illness, including covid-19.
If you do come in contact with a virus, should not the focus be on treatment, and not prioritizing prevention?
Note from elsewhere: Florida public schools have been open to 100% of K-12 students since the Fall 2020 semester. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of many Virginia Counties that received lots-o-dollars to “safely reopen schools” but are still forcing kids to engage in ineffective methodologies.
Be brave and embrace life, not run from it…embrace all its risks, and rewards.
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Paul R Plante says
This COVID bull**** is all so stupid as to be unbelievable and it keeps getting more stupid, which is to be expected, of course, from hysterical people in charge who are power-hungry themselves.
We have become a literal police state because of the word “pandemic” (SHUDDER SHUDDER SHUDDER BE VERY SCARED THE PANDEMIC IS GOING TO GET YOU RUN FOR YOUR LIVES THE SKY IS FLLING) and once a police state, ALWAYS a police state.
And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made, banging their heads rhythmically on the floor while chanting as loud as they can “four legs good, two legs better” over and over and over, and that folks, is the news, and now we take a commercial break for ten minutes of your favorite commercials!
Bob says
Ok what is Younkin going to do about this defiance ?
Walt Disney says
Very sad news for all that Accomack will defy the governor. Will our taxes go up when the county uses attorneys to defend it’s position ? Will our taxes go up because the governor has to hire attorneys to come after Accomack defiance ? Why do the folks who manage our schools care more about their own selfish fears and opinions than caring about the problems students are enduring ? By the way, thanks for teaching our students defiance and refusal to listen to authority. Great job.
Stuart Bell says
Stop letting others tell you what to do. My God, what has happened to people? They have become so submissive.
J Wheaton says
Yup Stewie doesn’t let others tell him what to do but he still drives the speed limit, still pays his taxes…. he’s just a rebel isn’t he?
And now he’ll reply with the wit of some 10 yr old.
Dave Moore says
“Thank you for your time, we ALWAYS like to hear from students” BS!
Not a Pharisee says
Will all the school board members, teachers, administrators and staff be masked whenever they are out in public for our continued safety? Can they smell anything on a west wind passing the Perdue or Tyson plants through their mask? Have they seen a smile on the face of a student in two years?
Paul R Plante says
These children are being conditioned while young to accept without question ore peep of protest that which A FOR-PROFIT BIG PHARM CEO tells them is good for them!
“That’s it, little Suzy, just open your mouth and say AH, while I put this pill that is real good for you in there so you can swallow it in front of me so I am sure that you took it!”
“C’mon, little Suzy, time’s a’wasting, now get your mouth open!”
“This is the government speaking, little Suzy, if you don’t open your damn mouth and take the pill, you’re going to be in a world of trouble, so get your mouth open before we have to resort to force!”