February 19, 2025

8 thoughts on “ASSES&VILLAINS: Workers of the World Unite

  1. “I’m very sympathetic to Greta Thunberg.”

    “She’s totally wrong about everything, but I get why she’s wrong because… most of the people we’re trusting to predict our future are in total denial about the present.”

    – Alex Epstein

    What a comment that is that so accurately captures the times that we are now in, in this new century and millennia where the worship of ignorance has been elevated to an art form.

    And little Greta is a product of those times, bred and groomed to become a cultural icon by spouting mindless gibberish over and over while raising her voice to holler at adults, which adolescent adult liberals thought was brave and heroic of her, yelling at world leaders as she was doing.

    One wonders why we aren’t hearing from here now as Europe is getting ready to go back to generating electricity with coal.

    Is Greta being patriotic here, and bowing to the reality that she has to compromise her principles if she wants to save SACRED DEMOCRACY from Putin?

    And where is John Kerry?

    How come we’re not hearing his mouth running about all the extra CO2 the autocrat Joe Biden is generating sending planeload after planeload to Ukraine loaded with weaponry and likely, pallets of US dollars for Zelensky, and then sending more planeloads loaded with baby formula back to here, all the time generating copious amounts of greenhouse gases that will cause climate change?

    Because it is a “time of war,” is John Kerry also saluting the flag and being patriotic by keeping his mouth shut about the hypocrisy of Joe Biden pretending to be fighting climate change with his green policies at the same time Joe Biden is causing the generation of so much new green house gases?

  2. So could the “stop being nice” comment be a call to arms???😲

    Note: Sometimes things are just what they say they are.

    1. The “stop being nice” comment means whatever it means to whomever wishes to consider it and interpret it in their own way.

      Is it a “call to arms,” what ever that is supposed to mean or imply?

      Not to me, anyway.

      I consider it as expressing a sentiment along the lines of “STOP PASSIVELY TAKING THE BULL**** THESE FOOLS IN WASHINGTON ARE SPEWING AND SYAND UP TO THEM” the way Americans once stood up to George III and stopped being nice to him.

      As to the mood of the country these days, I think this article from The Hilll titled “Campaign Report — Dems vent frustrations with Biden before midterms” by Julia Manchester on 7 July 2022, expresses it quite well:

      A Monmouth University poll released Tuesday found 88 percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, with just 10 percent saying it’s on the right track.

      end quotes

      Can eighty-eight percent of the American people be wrong?

      I don’t think so, myself.

      And who are the ten percent who think things are going in the right direction for them?

      What is wrong inside their heads, one must wonder.

  3. Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg, a failed Democrat presidential contender handed the sinecure of transportation secretary in the dictatorial Biden regime, is in the news this morning making what I believe are unbridled threats against Supreme Court Justices who do not deliver decisions the Biden-istas want them to deliver.

    Here is the Washington Post version of the Buttigieg story:

    “Buttigieg says officials like Kavanaugh ‘should expect’ public protest”

    María Paúl

    11 July 2022

    Two days after Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh fled abortion rights protesters at a Morton’s steakhouse in D.C., Chasten Buttigieg — husband of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg — tweeted his assessment of the incident.

    “Sounds like he just wanted some privacy to make his own dining decisions,” Chasten Buttigieg wrote, alluding to Kavanaugh’s recent vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 court decision that had guaranteed abortion access on the basis of Americans’ right to privacy.

    The tweet drew criticism from some conservatives, including former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, who decried what he called an endorsement of “the use of mob intimidation tactics” as “wildly irresponsible.”

    But Pete Buttigieg defended his husband’s remarks during a Sunday interview with Fox News’s Mike Emanuel.

    “Any public figure should always, always be free from violence, intimidation and harassment but should never be free from criticism or people exercising their First Amendment rights,” Buttigieg said in a “Fox News Sunday” appearance.

    He added that officials “should expect” public protests — especially after “an important right that the majority of Americans support was taken away.”

    end quotes

    There Peter Paul is talking about losing his right to have an abortion if God forbid, he was to be raped and impregnated.

    And this is what Marketwatch had to add to the story of Peter:

    “Buttigieg defends Kavanaugh protesters’ right to demonstrate during his dinner”

    Mike Murphy

    10 July 2022

    U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Sunday defended the right of abortion-rights protesters to demonstrate against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh outside of a restaurant where he was eating dinner.

    “People are upset.”

    “They’re going to exercise their First Amendment rights.”

    “As long as that’s peaceful, that’s protected,” Buttigieg said on “Fox News Sunday,” according to a transcript.

    He said public officials should expect some amount of criticism and protests.

    When asked by Fox News anchor Mike Emanuel if he’d be comfortable with protesters demonstrating against him while he was eating at a restaurant, Buttigieg replied: “Protesting peacefully outside in a public space?”


    “Look, I can’t even tell you the number of spaces, venues, and scenarios where I’ve been protested.”

    end quotes

    Interesting that we have never read about any of those protests in any of the media, and how is it that a transportation secretary has it in his list of duties to encourage people to protest anybody in America, let alone Supreme Court justices?

    And do not forget what “peaceful” Democrat protests really look like when they turn violent.

    Think BLM and Anti-fa.

    Is it time for mass protests against Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg with huge mobs dogging his tracks everywhere he goes, including home?

    Sounds it to me, anyway.

    He dealt the play here, so he should not complain and whine when it is he in the spotlight.

  4. As to Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg’s comment that “Look, I can’t even tell you the number of spaces, venues, and scenarios where I’ve been protested,” Vox.com has the story of one of those times in an article titled “’Wall Street Pete’: Progressive protesters crash Buttigieg fundraiser – A local progressive group tracked down the event to protest the candidate’s reliance on big money donors to fund his campaign” by Katelyn Burns on December 12, 2019, as follows:

    At one of Pete Buttigieg’s first high-dollar fundraisers since he agreed to open them up to the press, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and his donors were greeted by more than just a new level of media scrutiny: A local progressive group also protested outside.

    New York Communities for Change (NYCC) tracked down the Wednesday event in New York City to protest the presidential candidate’s reliance on big money donors to fund his campaign.

    While Buttigieg is far from the only candidate to face protesters at fundraisers, Wednesday’s protests come at a moment when his surging campaign has faced extensive scrutiny over his ties with big money.

    end quotes

    Is Peter peddling his *** to corporate America and the Oligarchs of the Democrat party to fund his political career?

    But enough of that, of course he is because that is where the BIG BUCK$ are, not with progressive crowds, so let’s go back to that story to see how Peter Paul handled it back then, to wit:

    According to a video posted on NYCC’s Twitter account, it appears protesters attempted to enter the Upper West Side home of Kevin Ryan, a tech investor who was hosting the fundraiser, at which point the police were called to control the crowd of about two dozen people.

    end quotes

    WOW, people, did Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg sic the heat onto a handful of protestors?

    If Justice Kavanaugh had sicced the police on his protestors, would we be hearing howls of protest from not only Peter Paul, but loving husband Chasten, as well, who sounds like he is mounting a campaign to get wife Peter into the white house so Chasten can then be First Man, and have that as a bully pulpit to go after whomever it pleases him to call out and go after, like he is doing here as the husband of a Biden cabinet member?

    Getting back to the story of the protesting of Peter for peddling his **** to Wall Street, it continues as follows:

    According to one of the posted videos, protesters chanted “no justice, no peace! Where is Pete?” while police looked on and led some protesters away from the front door of Ryan’s residence.

    Inside the fundraiser, Buttigieg reportedly commented on the protest.

    “Wow, they’re excited,” he joked, adding “One of the things you learn on a deployment is dealing with distracting noises,” referring to his time in Afghanistan.

    Another video posted on Twitter by NYCC shows the candidate leaving the fundraiser while protesters chanted “Wall Street Pete!”

    According to the New York Daily News, Buttigieg left the event to attend another fundraiser at the Greenwich Village home of Anna Wintour, the long-time editor of Vogue Magazine.

    It was his third large fundraiser of the day after spending time in Midtown with a group of investment bankers in the Redbury Hotel earlier on Wednesday.

    It was the second night in a row the group was able to track down the campaign’s fundraiser.

    “Pete can’t run a populist presidential campaign while he’s being funded by billionaires,” NYCC executive director Jonathan Westin told the Daily News.

    “You can run for president without taking money from executives.”

    The Buttigieg campaign did not respond to a request for comment from Vox, but touted the campaign’s connections with small-dollar donors late Wednesday when asked by Newsweek about the protests.

    This isn’t the first time Buttigieg has had to answer questions about his coziness to power.

    Buttigieg’s connection to moneyed power has come under increasing scrutiny of late, particularly from Democratic primary challenger Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

    “It is even more important that candidates expose possible conflicts of interest right now,” Warren said when asked about his three years working for McKinsey, a global consultancy firm who’s had some ethically questionable work in the news recently.

    “And that means, for example, that the mayor should be releasing who’s on his finance committee, who are the bundlers who are raising big money for him, who he’s given titles to and made promises to.”

    Even with a newfound commitment to openness surrounding his campaign’s fundraising apparatus, Wednesday night’s protest shows that Buttigieg doesn’t appear to have allayed progressive skepticism.

    Concerns over his campaign’s finances don’t appear to be going away, as Nilsen and Stewart explained:

    Getting money out of politics is a big issue for Democrats, whether liberal or moderate.

    Democrats want politicians who are less beholden to corporate interests and who don’t feel like they owe favors to donors.

    That’s the concern Buttigieg is trying to allay, but he will likely be getting more questions down the road.

    Earlier this week, a video showing a teenager confronting Buttigieg over his reliance on big-dollar donations went viral on Twitter.

    “I wanted to ask you if you think taking big money out of politics includes not taking money off of billionaires and closed-door fundraisers,” asked the teen.

    Buttigeig’s reply?

    A curt “no,” before moving on.

  5. With respect to goofy old Joe Biden reading off the teleprompter “end of quote, repeat the line,” as we see in this Washington Examiner story, the white house, which should be called the brown house because of all the rank bull**** that emanates from there, says it never happened, to wit:

    “‘End of quote’: Biden has yet another teleprompter fail”

    Julia Johnson

    8 JULY 2022

    President Joe Biden accidentally read instructions off of the teleprompter during a speech Friday, and despite widely spread footage, the White House is denying it.

    “End of quote.”

    “Repeat the line,” Biden said at a White House event.

    After the footage was shared on social media and critiqued, White House assistant press secretary Emilie Simons responded.


    “He said, “let me repeat that line,” she claimed.

    end quotes

    Here, however, is a video from the news clip where the goofball can clearly be heard saying “end of quotes, repeat the line,” which makes out this Emilie Simons, whose LinkedIn page lists her not surprisingly as Communications Director, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Chairman of House Intelligence Committee, as somebody who is full of ****:


    Joe Biden actually reads “end of quote. Repeat the line” from teleprompter


  6. Goofy old Joe Biden is really on a roll here:


    “Biden’s approval ratings hit all-time lows in CNBC poll”

    Mark Murray

    14 JULY 2022

    A new CNBC poll, conducted by the same polling firms that helm the NBC News poll, finds President Joe Biden’s overall approval rating sinking to 36% among all adults, while his approval rating for handling the economy has fallen to 30% — both all-time lows for the president in CNBC polling.

    What’s more, Biden’s ratings are lower than the worst scores ever for Donald Trump (37% job rating, 41% economic handling) or Barack Obama (41% job rating, 37% economic handling) during the entire course of their presidencies, according to both the CNBC and NBC surveys.

    1. If one studies on those approval rating numbers above here a moment, as we hear what a BAAAAD president Trump was, and how Trump is responsible for ALL Joe Biden’s problems, except those caused by Putin, of course, on the question of the economy, Hussein Obama, who came before Trump, and who had Joe Biden in there with him as his executive deputy president, had an approval rating of 37% on economic handling, versus 41% economic handling for Trump, which says in plain language that when it came to the economy, a subject of great concern to most Americans, Trump was a BETTER president than Hussein Obama, and with Joe Biden pulling up last with only 30% on the economy, clearly Trump was a far better president than is Joe Biden, so I wonder how Joe will have Karinne Jean-Pierre spin that for him, and she will probably tell us those numbers are clearly wrong even though they are there in black-and-white for her and the candid world to see.

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