February 19, 2025

4 thoughts on “Cape Charles 4th of July 2022 Schedule


      “Plante: On the Fourth of July, Now Past and Gone!”

      JULY 9, 2017

      Paul Plante says @ JULY 3, 2020 AT 6:43 PM

      When I was young, I honestly did not know that the Fourth of July was a racist holiday to celebrate white supremacy in this country.

      And truly, how would you know?

      When I was young, the Fourth of July was called INDEPENDENCE DAY!

      There were no racial overtones to the holiday back then, and how could there have been, given there really is nothing racist about the holiday!

      The racial overtones concerning the Fourth of July have come into the picture only recently, a fact that I was “woke” to by Albany, New York Democrat Mayor Kathy Sheehan issuing an executive order demanding that a statue of Revolutionary War general Philip John Schuyler be removed from a park across from her city hall in Albany, because she finds it offensive to her sensitive sensibilities because Philip Schuyler owned black people as slaves.

      That is when I finally made the connection and said, “My God, what on earth could I have been thinking, thinking people like Philip Schuyler are American heroes, when Kathy Sheehan is making it real clear that because he owned slaves he really was a bad person we should have nothing to do with, with his role in American history being totally erased, along with his name and story, which is intimately and inextricably tied up with the Fourth of July!

      So if we cannot remember Philip Schuyler because he is a racist white supremacist, then it only logically follows that anything he was associated with, starting with the Fourth of July has to be racist and white supremacist by association.


  1. Happy “INDEPENDENCE FROM THE TYRANNY OF AN INSANE ENGLISH KING” day, everyone, as we fret under the yoke of an insane American dictator who replaced him!

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