CAPE CHARLES, Va. — The Cape Charles Public Works Department has been actively enhancing its operational efficiency with new equipment and ongoing maintenance projects. This week, the department received new Bobcat trenching equipment, and staff has been undergoing training on the new machinery despite intermittent rain. Additionally, James completed repairs on the Tazwell deck, and the team has been diligently handling work orders and equipment maintenance.
Key activities and accomplishments include:
- Monitoring the town fountain.
- Completing several work orders.
- Replacing the blades on all zero-turn mowers and repairing issues on the oldest zero-turn mower.
- Servicing and inspecting the harbor’s Chevrolet Colorado.
- Servicing and repairing the office’s Dodge Charger, with one part pending to complete the inspection.
- Conducting regular brush and yard debris pick-ups, including eight truckloads of brush (approximately 1,350 cubic yards) taken for recycling and one bulk pick-up of a mattress and box spring taken to the landfill.
- Cutting and removing several large limbs from sidewalks around town.
- Performing normal trash pick-ups for all 48 municipal trash cans serviced daily.
- Dumping, swapping, and repairing residential trash cans, delivering three new cans to residences, and removing one secondary can.
- Grass cutting at the beach bathhouse and the public works storage yard.
The Public Works Manager also reported a trip to Virginia Beach on Thursday to pick up a tire order and several parts necessary for equipment repairs.
So in other words, Standard operating procedures for a normal maintenance crew.
Anywhere in the world!