The US women’s soccer team was ousted from the World Cup after a loss to Sweden Sunday on penalty kicks. The teams finished regulation and extra time tied at 0, before Sweden won 5-4 in the kicks, per ESPN.
No U.S. team had ever finished worse than third at the Women’s World Cup; this one will finish something like 12th.” The outlet added that no U.S. team had ever scored fewer than 12 goals during a women’s World Cup tournament — and the 2023 team scored only four goals.
Many commenters underneath the Yahoo Sports story on Team USA’s elimination were quite happy about it:
- “Yay! I was pulling for Sweden the whole time,” one commenter wrote. “Congratulations to a team that actually takes pride in and honors their country. As for the other team, couldn’t be more well deserved. Entitlement is not the path to take.”
- “This is fantastic!” another commenter declared. “My day has been made.”
- “A heartfelt congrats to the US Women’s National Soccer team,” another commenter said sarcastically. “In a time of great polarity in the United States, they managed to bring together almost the entire nation, in cheering against them. It’s a difficult task to get almost the entire country to agree on something, well done players!”
- “Great win for Sweden, I’m glad they beat Team USA,” another commenter said. “As a retired Army Vet with 20 years in service, I have to say that if you are not with us, you’re against us! …. That team doesn’t represent us!!!! Once again, Congrats to Sweden!!!!!”
- “Great news! A NATIONAL team spitting on us all by ignoring our anthem is a disgrace. Don’t play for a national team if you don’t like the nation. Try that in some other countries and see how well that goes,” another commenter said.
- “Feel good story of the day,” another commenter said. “If you don’t wanna stand and passionately belt out our national anthem with some pride like the other countries players then you shouldn’t be sent to represent our country.”
- “Love it,” another commenter said. “A more unlikeable team doesn’t exist.”
Add me to that list of people who are glad this pack of idiot misfits got their butts kicked so that they were eliminated from the competition (Darwinism in action!) because instead of having their minds on THE GAME, which they should have done, they were too busy being WOKE A-HOLES!
I guess that freedom of speech you talk about can only be exercised in approved places? They didn’t make a big deal about it YOU idiots made a big deal about it. LOL
I’m pretty confident most respondents to this have:
1. no understanding of the game
2. ever watched a game of soccer
3. can name more than 1 person on the team without looking their names up
Just shut up. It’s embarrassing listening to you. They lost because they weren’t that good this year.
They lost because they are STOOPID and don’t know anything about the game of soccer, because they are too busy being WOKE A-HOLES.
If they actually did know something about the game, and if they weren’t being so busy being WOKE A-HOLES, and if they were any good, which you yourself admit they weren’t, J Wheaton, and let me interject here to tell you just how thrilled people are all over not only America, but the world and beyond, including all those space aliens who come here to get better internet reception on the Cape Charles Mirror just to be able to read your witty and pithy posts like this one above here, where you do display some overt hostility, J Wheaton, with that “Just shut up” comment of yours, which has everybody, including the space aliens, wondering if you got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, or maybe fell out and banged your head on the floor with has made you a bit touchy, they would have won!
But they didn’t proving conclusively that WOKE A-HOLES can’t play soccer worth a damn!
As to FREEDOM OF SPEECH, which you are trying to deprive me of and deny me with that very hostile “Just shut up” comment of yours, it does in fact go both ways, although Joe Biden and the Democrats and the FBI made sure during COVID it could only be exercised in places approved by the Biden autocracy .
The WOKE A-HOLES on the soccer team used their freedom of speech to make it incandescently clear that they are WOKE A-HOLES who know nothing about soccer, and we in turn are using our freedom of speech to say how glad we are that they LOST, probing conclusively that WOKE A-HOLES are LOSERS, big time!
And while you are pretty confident, not to mention pretty full of yourself, that most respondents (there are only three of us, counting yourself) to this thread have no understanding of the game or ever watched a game of soccer or can name more than 1 person on the team without looking their names up, with respect to this respondent, and I will let Scrapple speak for himself, you are dead wrong on the first two because I do have an understanding of the game gained from people who are good at it (NON WOKE A-HOLES) and I have watched many games, including Manchester United playing.
As to not being able to name more than 1 person on the team without looking their names up, I can’t name any of them, and why would I bother to waste the time to do so, when they are WOKE A-HOLE LOSERS?
And to close, J Wheaton, IF you find it to be embarrassing listening to me, then don’t listen!
And thanks, J Wheaton, for showing up as you did to provide me, the citizens of our world, and the space aliens who inhabit other planets in the universe with some real good entertainment!
What an ignorant comment but then again I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. Didn’t bother reading the rest.
Didn’t bother reading the rest?
J Wheaton, that is just so you in a way that nobody else on the face of the planet could possibly be.
It is so arrogant on your part, as if the fact that you can’t handle the truth and so avoid it by not reading ANYTHING that does not conform to your preset ideas of what right and wrong should be in an ideal world where it is you that sets the rules of comportment somehow makes you superior to those of us who happen (recall INTELLECTUAL INDEPENDENCE, J Wheaton, which is as American as apple pie?) to see life differently, as is the case in here.
What I am curious about is why people like you and these WOKE A-HOLES on the women’s soccer team and other so-called “athletes” (does being an athlete make them special and precious like Hillary Clinton is?) get all upset by the words of a song.
What is it about the Star-Spangled Banner that sets you off so, that you are unable to stand, but must kneel in submission like a CRAVEN COWARD about to crawl through the hurdles in submission to a foreign conqueror?
I was in the west of Ireland for several months, and at the end of every pub music session night, the last song was always the Irish national anthem and EVERYBODY, including myself, stood, while everybody who knew the song sang it quite lustily.
Of course, those are people who enjoy their freedom, while we have turned into a nation of CRAWLING CRAVEN COWARDS who prefer to wear shackles and pray for a kind master, which brings to mind these words from Sallust, to wit: ‘Only a few prefer liberty- the majority seek nothing more than fair masters.’
So J Wheaton, dude, if both Scrapple and I have a good to excellent understanding of the game of soccer, and if both Scrapple and I have watched games of soccer, including that thriller game (Neymar is Unstoppable! Brazil vs USA (10-2) Full Review ) where Brazil trounced Team USA in 2022, and if there are only three of us in here as respondents, that would seem to leave you as the odd man out, the one with no understanding of the game because you have never seen it played.
Paul, stop I’m laughing at you so hard, I can’t breathe. No more, please. The only thing you know about soccer is what you read on Wikipedia.
Why would you bring up the USMNT when you are attempting to bash the women’s team? Yeah, Paul, you know soccer.
And if you think it has something to do with the words to a song. Reach into the bag and grab a clue. That’s just an indication of how out of touch you are. If you don’t understand something you should just shut the puck up.
You are no different than those “Wokes” you talk about
Probably the simplest reason I bring up the men’s soccer team, other than showing you what real soccer looks like when the Brazilians play it, is to demonstrate to you that yes, contrary to what you have said above, I have indeed seen soccer games before this, and so do know LOSERS when I see them, in reference to this women’s team.
And hopefully, that is not too complicated for your limited level of cognitive abilities to comprehend!
Well, once a couple of trans men join up, their play will improve.
“It” had her freedom to speak, now we exercise ours.
Funk Soccer, Clam-Bumpers and You too!
They lost because they were a divided team. The teams focus was diverted into social justice issues and equal pay nonsense. The clear Anti American tone is what has turned off so many Americans. I feel sorry for the younger players who look up to the unworthy role models. Disgraceful behavior!
The message to them as I understand it is that IF you are going to be a member of a team, thereby displacing someone else, your mind really should be on the particular game or sport that the team is supposed to be participating in, in this case, women’s soccer, especially if the team is representing the interests of a people, in this case, the American people.
Since nobody can walk two paths at once, in this case playing world-class soccer versus proselytizing about some cause, if one wishes to proselytize, then they sh0uld relinquish their position on the team to someone else who is there to actually there to play the game to win.
And I am still waiting for someone, anyone, to rationally explain to us what this taking the knee crap is really all about.
What is it that they find offensive about any of these words:
O say can you see by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave
end quotes
The fact that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Is that what sets them off so – that we are a free people, not an enslaved people?
Is that what has them on their knees, making a demonstration that we all should be slaves who only know how to grovel and crawl?
No wonder they can’t play soccer worth a damn with a loser’s mentality like that.
They are an embarrassment to these United States. Their day in the spot light has come and gone. So much so I saw Megan Rapinoe drinking a beer on the town Pickle Ball courts last night telling some woke as…ole that “I used to be a champion”.
Good riddance, Team Ungrateful!
Ungrateful for what? The work they did to make the team? Being paid less? Just what are they ungrateful for?
It’s been proven they were not paid less. The deal they made was for guarantees that the mens team did not get or negotiate for. The women team was paid during covid per there contract. The mens team was not paid during that period.
J Wheaton, God bless him, her, or they, because J Wheaton, despite his, her or their many faults stemming from a complete lack of cognitive machinery in his brainpan, as there is no room in there in his Mother Board for either logic circuitry or rationality circuitry, is indeed universally loved, not only across this planet, but the solar system and beyond, as well, out into the far reaches of the Universe, but because he, she or they has been so programmed and conditioned and indoctrinated from the time of conception in the art of NO-THINK, which J Wheaton has a Black Belt in, it has become impossible to now de-program him, and so, we must be compassionate towards J Wheaton and make allowances for him, her, or they, that he, she, they are totally unable to comprehend why it is the LOYAL AMERICANS who stand up when the Star-Spangled Banner is played (cue “Try that in a small town” by Jason Aldean ) have absolutely no respect whatsoever for these women soccer players who kneel and cringe in a servile manner when the Star-Spangled Banner is played.
J Wheaton. your inability to comprehend reality is positively astounding!
As it so happens, these WOKE LOSERS were members of the UNITED STATES WOMEN’S SOCCER TEAM, so they were representing WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, but they thought it wasn’t about the UNITED STATES, they thought it was about them and their WOKE SILLINESS, instead, so instead of doing their best to learn and play the game of soccer, they tried to IMPOSE their views of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS on us.
And what “work” did they do to make the team, other that convincing the coach that of all the better alternatives who could actually play soccer, these were the most WOKE of all, and thus, should be on TEAM BIDEN, as we Americans now think of this bunch of losers, because they did not represent us, because we are not WOKE LOSERS, they represented Joe Biden’s ideological views, instead.
Hey Paul, showing me what real soccer looks like by bringing up the Brazilian team – ah, I understand now. I shouldn’t argue with a well-informed soccer fanatic but the last World Cup the Brazilians won was in 2002. Some drought there, don’t you think?
On the other hand, the women’s World Cup has only been around since 1991, only 8 games have been played so far in its history. Can you believe that shitty US women’s team has only managed to win the World Cup 4 times in that period?
Some individuals on that team stood for a cause. You on the other hand read the latest headline and jump on the bandwagon. Hell, even worse, you call yourself an “Independent voter” All an independent voter is, is someone who doesn’t want the responsibility of electing someone to run. You just bitch about the candidates. Why vote at all??
This conversation is over. Enjoy!
J Wheaton, you are so you as only you can be withy that post above here, and as always, you revert to your one-trick-pony persona with your pouty “This conversation is over,” which is how you always try to duck out of and slink away from discussions where you cannot muster any logic to support your ideological and dogmatic positions, because having been conditioned and indoctrinated, as opposed to having been actually educated, which requires the ability to engage in intellectual independence, you never learned to be logical, as the application of logic is a clear threat to indoctrination, and so, you are unable to either grasp logic when applied or use logic yourself.
SO WHAT if the Brazilians last won a world cup in 2002?
What possible relevance does that have to anything?
YOU told me I had never seen soccer played.
To counter that false assertion, I posted the link to that specific soccer game as PROOF that yes, I have seen soccer played at a high level before posting in here, and now you try to weasel your way around that PROOF, by huffing and puffing and saying in a haughty manner, “well, they didn’t win the world cup that year, did they,” which means nothing at all in the context of this discussion where YOU made an accusation which I rebutted.
Had you actually been able to employ logic, which talent you sadly lack, being an ideologue as opposed to a ratio0nal thinker, it would have been patently and incandescently clear to you that since I was able to pick out that particular video as an example of high-level soccer, out of the multitude of soccer videos available, that I would have to have some a priori knowledge of the game, which game I have been familiar with since 1960’s.
And so what if the women’s team won something before this, as that is irrelevant, as well, since we are talking in here about what just happened this year, as opposed to some other year.
And J Wheaton, as you slink away, let it be me who wished you a grand and glorious day out ahead, and may the road always rise to meet your feet!
You are a Fool.