Conspiracy background: What many are missing, is that the S protein is a bioweapon and this thing they are pushing isn’t a vaccine. Covid is synthetic, it was developed in a lab in Wuhan, China, research that was funded by the US and involved the Chinese military. It did not develop in nature and did not come from bat soup or a wet market. The virus was released in China first, coinciding with the Hong Kong protests. Highly contagious, it spread as Chinese travelers fled to the West. Western governments were aware of the virus’ potential, yet accepted the risks. The ‘pandemic’ would not only destroy America’s economy but would also gut the Trump presidency. Covid-19 came just in time for the 2020 election and now it’s disappearing right on schedule ahead of the 2022 midterms. Meanwhile, grassroots populist movements that had been taking root across the world, but mainly in America (glommed onto by Trump and got him elected) were crushed by lockdowns and media-generated fear campaigns. Governments across the world used draconian measures and mandates to control and lockdown citizens.The Chinese understood what they were doing when they released it. It was never about The Plague or Death Stats. it was always about fear, control, panic, destroying democracies. The CCP launched it, sat back and watched as Covid biowar became a viral fifth column in the West.
Covid is synthetic, highly contagious, and it is understandable why people don’t want to get it. The virus is awful, but by its nature, it is so contagious getting it is almost inevitable, no matter your vaccination status. How much of society do we want to give up for a virus you are likely going to get no matter what precautions you take?
Sea Change: Really says something about the state of the American Republic when its apologists openly collude with anti-American Communists to intimidate and persecute everyday citizens who dare influence the direction of their country. Connect the dots…if the megacorps and Big Pharma can just tell the CDC what to do, that means they’ve been calling the shots the entire time. This means every government measure and mandate has been in the best interest of the 1%, not you. That the state, politicians, the media, and “experts” will all say whatever happens to serve their interests most at the moment. You should be more afraid of how a virus is weaponized against you than of the virus itself.
The shift in the coronavirus narrative in favor of a hot-button political moment should open everyone’s eyes to the entire system. From authorities to the media to the experts to the street. The tests aren’t accurate. Cloth masks don’t work. Shutting down can destroy society. Hospitalization numbers are completely misleading. This all just became ok to admit this week. Last week we were all conspiracy nuts spreading misinformation.
“World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.” – Marshall McLuhan (1970).
Watching the CDC implode as it announces sick triple-vaxxed healthcare workers can work with mild symptoms (after terminating thousands of healthy unvaxxed), and admitting the PCR test generates false positives up to 12 weeks after infection, and the 10 or 5 days of quarantine is arbitrary is the theater of the absurd.
Breaking: NY legislation to ARREST the unvaccinated PULLED…While this dubious attempt has since been pulled, on January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly were going to vote on a bill that would if passed into law, grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis.
Yet, watching the tyranny happening in Australia is most eye-opening. Granted, Australia was a penal colony, but this is cray cray.
JUST IN – Italy is BANNING the unvaccinated from: – Trains – Planes – Busses – Ships – Hotels – Ski lifts – Outdoor restaurants – Recreational outdoor activities – Swimming pools – And more. If you told someone this 1 year ago it would be called a crazy conspiracy theory.
NY Dept of Health official admits they exaggerated the number of children hospitalized for COVID to motivate parents to get their kids vaccinated. It was all lies.
If people on the left thought masks and vax passports were important for safety, none of them would visit Florida. Yet so many of them do. Leftist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, while being critical of FLA Governor DeSantis over his Covid policies, was livin’ it up mask-free at Doraku on Lincoln Rd. in South Beach with some Amish dude in Birkenstocks who thinks he’s on Rumspringabreak. Stop listening to these people.
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