January 13, 2025

5 thoughts on “History Notes this Week of July 14

  1. CCM:The full story is violent and complex, and if you ask me what I think of the Crusades I will tell you it was, at its core, a counter-offensive against years of Muslim aggression against not only Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land, but territorial aggression in Europe that spread across the Pyrenees in the west and to the gates of Vienna in the east.

    C.G. JUNG: It needed a Nietzsche to expose in all its feebleness Europe’s schoolboy attitude to the ancient world.

    But what did Dionysus mean to Nietzsche?

    What he says about it must be taken seriously; what it did to him still more so.

    There can be no doubt that he knew, in the preliminary stages of his fatal illness, that the dismal fate of Zagreus (the Titans, who were opposed to Zeus’ power, tore Zagreus to pieces and consumed him except for his heart) was reserved for him.

    Dionysus is the abyss of impassioned dissolution, where all human distinctions are merged in the animal divinity of the primordial psyche — a blissful and terrible experience.

    Humanity, huddling behind the walls of its culture, believes it has escaped this experience, until it succeeds in letting loose another orgy of bloodshed.

    All well-meaning people are amazed when this happens and blame high finance, the armaments industry, the Jews, or the Freemasons.

    ME: As a Viet Nam combat veteran, I think the veneer of “civilization” is held in place by a very inferior glue.

    I find it hard to argue against Jung, and apparently so would have Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), the author The Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil, commonly referred to as Leviathan, written by him and published in 1651 (revised Latin edition 1668) with its name deriving from the biblical Leviathan, which work concerns the structure of society and legitimate government, arguing for rule by an absolute sovereign on the grounds that civil war and the brute situation of a state of nature (“the war of all against all”) could be avoided only by a strong, undivided government.

  2. Not forgetting that the noun “havoc” was once a command for invaders to begin looting and killing all in the defenders’ town.

  3. 2024: Cape Charles merges with Cheriton and secedes from Northampton County and
    form the new county Cape Cheriton. This was the mastermind of the Scrapple
    Buffet and his confederates which pulled the wool over the eyes of the Zoning
    Office. A little cut and paste here and there on the application…..

    Cape Cheriton’s Agenda:

    * Park as you like. On the road, in a yard, upside down or whatever you like.
    * Short Term Rentals? The more the merrier.
    * Alcohol on the beach? Of course!
    * Dog’s on the beach? A few more will not spoil the party. Get it?
    * Tourist? Take them for every penny they have and then tell them to get lost.
    * We will make Cape Cheriton a tazer free town! Police will carry night sticks.
    * Golf Carts? We will limit the amount of golf carts to 3,000 in the county limits.
    * Democrat’s? Enter at your own risk.
    * Pickle Ball? Strictly forbidden.
    * Bay Creek? Deeded over to Chip Watson so he may rule as he did at the
    sadly missed Watson’s Hardware located on Mason Ave.

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