It seems almost incomprehensible, but the NY Times is working overtime to try and cover up a sexual assault as a way to cover for Terry McAuliffe’s rage against concerned parents.
If you’ve ever wondered how things such as church sex abuse go unchecked by even the people who know about it, consider this Michelle Goldberg op-ed. It goes to show that if you play for a team long enough, you get used to a certain reflexive loyalty, even when it means you’re the evil one.
The Times seems to have missed that the boy raped one girl in a bathroom and sexually assaulted another girl, and the school board covered it up and lied about it during a hearing on transgender policies; as with the first case, the one with forcible sodomy, was, they say, just a relationship gone bad. BIG LIE.
So, the story of the first girl’s rape, and all the lying and covering up that went with it, isn’t as bad as they say it is, says the NY Times. You see, she wanted it previously…that’s just one hell of an argument. It’s like saying, “Just because a student was raped doesn’t mean a student was raped. And yes, the student was raped, but from our perspective, that’s a good thing”. What?
Can you imagine finishing writing this and thinking, “That’ll show ’em!”.
On July 8, the boy suspected of the assault was arrested and charged with two counts of forcible sodomy. He was held in juvenile detention and released after three weeks, with electronic monitoring, according to WTOP.
The issue did not come up again until mid-October, when Smith appeared on Fox News claiming that the same boy who assaulted his daughter had been arrested for another sexual assault at a second high school where he had been transferred: Broad Run High School. Smith also said the boy who assaulted his daughter had been wearing a skirt on the day of the first attack.
The sheriff’s department confirmed that it was the same boy, but put out an Oct. 13 statement condemning “misinformation” about the May 28 assault. Community members had begun to ask why the boy had not been immediately arrested after the first incident, why he had been transferred to a different school and why the sheriff’s office had not put out a public notice of the first assault, as it did after the second.
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Virginia Gentleman says
Isn’t this the same behavioral pattern the Catholic Church has been accessed of, found guilt and paid huge sums? The fish-wrap TNYT was all about that. Perhaps the law firm Morgan & Morgan will seek to discover how big the School Board’s bank account is and its board Members insurance policy covers?
VA Patriot says
The true nature of Democrats revealed. This is what your Democrat neighbors voted for. Pray that they recover from their sickness.