If your idea of enjoying sporting activities involves watching them on TV from the comfort of your sofa and you’re interested in finding a canine companion who’ll love to participate with you in the time honored “activity” of being a couch potato, four-year-old Anna just may be your girl. Anna stayed with us here at the shelter once before a couple of years ago, and now she’s been returned through no fault of her own. (Anna’s mom was moving and, due to circumstances beyond her control, couldn’t take Anna with her.)
During that first stay, this adorable little Chi mix was known as Cuddles, and even though her adopter changed her name to Anna, her love of cuddling remains unchanged. She may take a few minutes to warm up to you initially, but she won’t regard you as a stranger for long, and once she gets to know you, your side is where she wants to spend most of her time. (By the way, if you’re perhaps thinking that a few tasty treats might speed up acceptance, think again. Pup-peroni, Beggin’ Strips, Nudges…no, thank you. Anna’s a couch potato, not a treat hound. She just wants to take introductions at her own pace.)She prefers a calm, quiet life.

You and other adults are the company she prefers. She’d rather that children, cats, and even other dogs find somewhere else to be. Anna’s already been spayed, and she’s up-to-date with all of her shots. Having lived in a home before, she’s already housetrained, and she walks nicely on a leash at an unhurried pace.
So the bottom line is that if Anna’s life style preferences are compatible with your own, she’s all ready to become a member of your family.
To speed up the visitation process, please fill out an application first. If you have an application on file, all the better. If not, you can request one by emailing us at shorespca@gmail.com or stop by and pick one up Tuesday-Saturday after 10am. Don’t miss out on meeting Anna (AKA love-bug)!
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