The town is ready to conclude negotiations Virginia American Water (VAW) to sell off the water and wastewater utilities. The town needs their consultant NewGen to prepare a comprehensive agreement for Council’s consideration. This will include the required filings with the State Corporation Commission to approve the sale and establish initial service rates.
Town Council approved a $75,000 increase to the contract. The additional work will include meetint in-person with Town staff, and with the Town Council in public and executive sessions, to present analysis and assist in the evaluation of data and options, and to participate in open townhall style meetings. NewGen is also expected to assist with the development of a PPEA Comprehensive Agreement.
DON’T SELL THE WATER…!!!!!!!!!!!
By the time the Clown Council gets done they will have spent more money to sell the water and wastewater plant than they will receive for the sale. cape Charlatans beware!
$75,000 could build some nice public restrooms.
Add the funds of the study of the feasibility of selling the top floor of the library for residential use, in the face of 6.75% and rising mortgage rates and you’ll have over $100k towards new potties.