February 19, 2025

6 thoughts on “Town Council Approves Design Changes to New Public Bathrooms

  1. How charming, 🤑
    Certainly it will be reverse parking to match the “historic beauty” of the toilets.😷

  2. Not sure if this is the best place for a visitor center, where you need parking. That might be better if it is at the museum. However, thinking about the train station design idea for the restrooms: aren’t there still some REAL train stations on the Shore, that could be moved to this site and used for restrooms? Thinking about a cute red one, just off Rt. 13, near the truck stop/gas station. Pretty sure there are others that could be relocated and repurposed. Authentic!

  3. The total estimated cost of the visitor center/bathroom is over $500k.
    This is why I enjoy going to Cape Charles but I live in Cheriton. Big lots, well water, low priced houses and low taxes.

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