Town Manager Hozey posted the following statement in his Town Manager’s Report:
This week saw a lot of time devoted to the events Lemon Tree has been having on Strawberry Street. I heard from many about it (in addition to the contacts listed below). There seems to be some confusion and/or misinformation regarding this event and the process for putting on such an event. So let me try to clarify a few things. When anyone wants to put on an event in town, it is up to the applicant to figure out how to do it. When Main Street wanted to close Mason Ave for Festive Friday’s, they put together a committee who worked many hours figuring out how to make it work and how to meet everyone’s needs before coming to the town for approval.
The same can be said for Citizens for Central Park and their concerts in the park series. So Lemon Tree was held to that same standard. Meaning that if they want to do this event (which the town supports), it is incumbent upon them to reach out to their neighbors to work out a compromise. The surrounding residents and businesses have some legitimate concerns. I do believe a compromise is possible, if only everyone would just sit down together and talk.
That’s all the town has been asking for.
Editor’s Note: The Lemon Tree may be re-submitting the application which will allow for all parties to sit down and try to work out a compromise.
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BRAND says
“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.”