The VIMS Center for Coastal Resources Management offers annual workshops for Virginia’s tidal shoreline management community. The 2024 event will be a Zoom webinar on Thursday, August 1, 2024 from 10:00am – 12:00pm EST. New community engagement applications and calculators will be introduced to facilitate sustainable shoreline practices and voluntary wetland restoration. Annual updates from Virginia’s tidal shoreline programs and partners will also be included.
Planned Topics include:
- Resilient living shoreline designs
- Updates for Shoreline and Tidal Marsh Inventory / Shoreline Management Model & MapMyShore App
- Living Shoreline Monitoring & ShoreWatch App
- Community Benefits of Living Shorelines & ShoreBet online calculator
- Virginia Shoreline Programs & Partners annual updates
Registration is required, free of charge. A Zoom link will be shared with registered participants. Contact CCRM event coordinators for more information
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