CAPE CHARLES, Va. — Cape Charles’ Zoning Compliance Officer has issued Demolition by Neglect Notices of Violation to several property owners, setting a deadline of July 15, 2024, for plans of correction. The notices, mailed on June 17, 2024, aim to address deteriorating conditions in the town.
At the 7/18/2024 Town Council Regular Meeting, Zoning Administrator Katie Nunez provided a brief regarding the below properties. Her presentation went into great detail and clarified various aspects of the town’s Demolition by Neglect process. The presentation can be viewed on the town’s Facebook page here:
Properties Under Violation:
- 115 Fig Street: Property owners were required to submit a correction plan by the deadline. Zoning Compliance Officer Katie Nunez and Assistant Jeb Brady met with the owner on July 9 to discuss the letter and necessary actions.
- 122 Pine Street: The property owner, having reviewed the notice with town staff, is working on providing the required information by the deadline.
- 649 Monroe Avenue: The owner has submitted a plan of action for review following a phone conversation with town officials.
- 636 Madison Avenue: The owner has submitted a structural engineering report and plans to replace the roof with new shingles.
- 400 Jefferson Avenue: The owner has been granted a 30-day extension to discuss the preservation of the historic site with family and agencies for potential funding and assistance.
In addition to addressing these properties, the town is working on creating a database to track all permits approved and issued through the Planning & Zoning Department. This initiative aims to enhance transparency and efficiency in managing town properties.
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