In a town grappling with the delicate equilibrium between growth and preserving its small-town charm, experience and a thoughtful approach are essential. That is why The Cape Charles Mirror has endorsed Andy Buchholz for another term on the Cape Charles Town Council. The Mirror has never endorsed a candidate (and probably never will again), however, given the issues facing the town, Cape Charles must elect someone with legislative and historical experience, and also understands the nuances of this tiny, coastal town.
Buchholz has served on the council for eight years, is a local business owner, and has over time, demonstrated a deep understanding of Cape Charles’ unique needs. His commitment to balanced progress is evident in his ongoing efforts to support local businesses while protecting the lifestyle cherished by full-time residents. Buchholz has shown a keen awareness of its challenges and opportunities as the short-term rental market continues to reshape the community. He supports well-reasoned solutions that address residents’ concerns without stifling growth and economic benefits.
One of Buchholz’s key priorities is the preservation and enhancement of Cape Charles’ crown jewel: the beach. Recognizing the beach’s vital role in the town’s appeal, he has emphasized the importance of maintaining its character while exploring ways to improve accessibility, add amenities (such as cold water showers and rest areas), and manage peak-season parking congestion. His vision reflects a genuine love for Cape Charles and a desire to make it better for all who call it home, whether residents or visitors.
Buchholz’s dedication is further illustrated by his engagement with the community. He was the only candidate who proactively reached out to The Cape Charles Mirror for a comprehensive interview, in which he articulated thoughtful positions on issues ranging from harbor maintenance to infrastructure needs, many of which are important but don’t get blazing hot headlines (trash, maintenance, public works, etc.). His willingness to discuss and delve into the town’s challenges for over an hour speaks to his commitment and transparency.
The current crop of candidates is worrisome. There is an aching dubiousness to this election–we’re just not confident in this group–are they competent, what are the real agendas, where do they really stand on the issues when no one is watching?
Andy Buchholz is not perfect and Mirror doesn’t see eye to eye with him on everything (we vehemently disagree on many issues), but he has the experience, vision, and passion necessary to guide the town into the future and even possibly save it from itself (and others). He has our endorsement as a council member who will thoughtfully steward Cape Charles through growth, mindful of the history and values that make this place special.
Martin Beckett for Town Council
Andy Buchholz has been pretty clear that he is a big fan of unlimited STRs. Easy to say, when he lives in Bay Creek with an HOA that controls STRs. How many STRs are in his block of Bay Creek? Those of us who live in the Historic district do not have the luxury of an HOA board ( unless you live in a condo on Mason Avenue, which also have HOAs) to protect our community from being over-run with businesses disguised as STRs. I agree with a previous comment: vote for Martin Beckett, and Ed Wells, and Jo Bronson. They live in the Historic District and understand the negative impact of STRs on our neighborhoods. Plus, the Planning Commission is heavily weighted on the side of Bay Creek residents, and we can see how that is impacting the proposed STR “regulations.”