February 19, 2025

9 thoughts on “Kamala’s VP Choice Governer Walz Dubious Service

  1. Not to put too fine a point on it, and this is speaking as a combat veteran, but the Stolen Valor Act of 2006, sponsored by Democrat Kent Conrad. Senator for North Dakota, made it a federal misdemeanor to falsely represent oneself as having received any U.S. military decoration or medal, not for saying someone served in some theater of war, and that law was deemed unconstitutional in United States v. Alvarez (2012), where the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Stolen Valor Act was an unconstitutional abridgment of the freedom of speech under the First Amendment, striking down the law in a 6 to 3 decision.

    That act made it illegal for unauthorized persons to wear, buy, sell, barter, trade, or manufacture “any decoration or medal authorized by Congress for the armed forces of the United States, or any of the service medals or badges awarded to the members of such forces.”

    That act was passed to address the issue of persons claiming to have been awarded military awards to which they were not entitled and exploiting their deception for personal gain.

    Legal challenges: United States v. Strandlof. Rick Strandlof, founder of Colorado Veterans Alliance, was accused of seeking to raise funds for that organization by posing as Marine Capt. “Rick Duncan” and claiming to have received a Silver Star and Purple Heart in the Iraq War.

    In January 2010, he challenged the constitutionality of the Stolen Valor Act in U.S. District Court in Denver, Colorado.

    Strandlof’s attorney believed the law was too vague and that “protecting the reputation of military decorations is insufficient to survive (strict scrutiny)”, a level of judicial review that requires the government to justify any limitation it places on free speech.

    The Rutherford Institute, a Virginia-based civil liberties group, joined in the case on Jan. 20, 2010.

    “Such expression remains within the presumptive protection afforded pure speech by the First Amendment,” the Institute’s attorney wrote.

    “As such, the Stolen Valor Act is an unconstitutional restraint on the freedom of speech.”

    On July 16, 2010, a federal judge in Denver ruled the Stolen Valor Act is “facially unconstitutional” because it violates free speech and dismissed the criminal case against Strandlof who lied about being an Iraq war veteran.

    Strandlof, 32, was charged with five misdemeanors related to violating the act – specifically, making false claims about receiving military decorations.

    U.S. District Judge Robert E. Blackburn issued his decision rejecting the prosecution’s argument that lying about having military medals dilutes their meaning and significance.

    “This wholly unsubstantiated assertion is, frankly, shocking and, indeed, unintentionally insulting to the profound sacrifices of military personnel the Stolen Valor Act purports to honor,” Blackburn wrote.

    “To suggest that the battlefield heroism of our servicemen and women is motivated in any way, let alone in a compelling way, by considerations of whether a medal may be awarded simply defies my comprehension.”

    Attorney Chris Beall, who filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of the ACLU of Colorado, said the decision is remarkable.

    “The First Amendment protects speech we don’t like,” he said.

    “We don’t need the First Amendment for speech people like.”

    “The government cannot criminalize a statement simply because it is false, no matter how important the statement is.”

    Beall points out Strandlof wasn’t charged with stealing money meant for the veterans group, adding that laws are already in place for those crimes.

    On Jan. 27, 2012, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit overruled the district court and reinstated the charges against Strandlof.

    Two judges on the three-judge panel held that false statements are not worthy of constitutional protection.

    In dissent, Judge Jerome Holmes wrote that the majority was reading language into the act to justify upholding it.

    On July 2, 2012, the Tenth Circuit vacated its previous opinion, writing, “In light of United States v. Alvarez, we vacate both the opinion and the judgment issued on January 27, 2012.”

    The present Stolen Valor Act, Public Law No: 113-12 (06/03/2013), states as follows:

    Stolen Valor Act of 2013 – Amends the federal criminal code to rewrite provisions relating to fraudulent claims about military service to subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both an individual who, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:

    * a Congressional Medal of Honor,

    * a distinguished-service cross,

    * a Navy cross,

    * an Air Force cross,

    * a silver star,

    * a Purple Heart,

    * a Combat Infantryman’s Badge,

    * a Combat Action Badge,

    * a Combat Medical Badge,

    * a Combat Action Ribbon,

    * a Combat Action Medal, or

    * any replacement or duplicate medal for such medal as authorized by law.

    Bottom line: Walz is free to lie about his military service so long as he doesn’t claim to have any of the above.

  2. Does anyone really think this will have any impact on this election. Its a spin doctor game on both sides and the victorious party will have played it better . People are going to be overwhelmed by this and again last minute barouche ( non stop ) along with ballot manipulation will be the victor not the people . Maybe look at the third party .

    1. Does anyone really think this will have any impact on this election?

      Not at all.

      The Democrats are not at all troubled by him lying, especially about military stuff which the Democrats give a rat’s ass about, and they expect their candidates to be liars, because in Democrat politics, telling the truth is a political liability.

  3. Dem Senators John Kerry and Richard Blumenthal have claimed fake military records over the years. Blumenthol claimed he “misspoke” and Kerry that his fellow Swiftboaters didn’t like him. He was wounded, got a purple heart, silver star, ect. Said the most painful part of being wounded was pulling off the bandaid.
    Nothing new here.

  4. Tim Walz would rather we didn’t know the truth and instead, he would have us lead a life of lies, because that is what he does, and which is why the Democrats and Karmela Harris chose him to be her running mate:

    The Associated Press

    “What to know about Tim Walz’s 1995 drunken driving arrest and how he responded”

    Story by Steve Karnowski, Associated Press

    16 August 2024

    MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Now that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is Vice President Kamala Harris ‘ running mate, his drunken driving arrest from 1995 in Nebraska — long before he entered politics — is getting renewed scrutiny.

    Walz was a 31-year-old teacher when he was stopped the night of Sept. 23, 1995, near Chadron, Nebraska.

    He pleaded guilty in March 1996 to a reduced charge of reckless driving.

    According to court records, a Nebraska state trooper clocked Walz going 96 mph in a 55-mph zone.

    The trooper wrote that he detected a strong smell of alcohol on his breath.

    Walz failed field sobriety and preliminary breath tests.

    He was taken to a hospital for a blood test and was booked into the Dawes County Jail.

    A transcript of his plea hearing on March 13, 1996, quotes the prosecutor as saying his blood test showed an alcohol level of 0.128%, compared with a legal limit of 0.10%.

    The arrest resurfaced again after Harris picked Walz last week, and Republicans and media outside Minnesota started taking a closer look at his past.

    The main revelation was that Walz campaign staffers in 2006 gave misleading information to the few news outlets that wrote about it at the time.

    His campaign manager told the Post-Bulletin of Rochester that he was not drunk.

    She said Walz couldn’t understand what the trooper was saying to him because he had a hearing loss from his service in an artillery unit in the National Guard, and suggested that he might have had balance issues as a result.

    She also falsely claimed that the judge who dismissed the drunken driving charge chastised the officer for not realizing that Walz was deaf.

    His campaign spokeswoman made similar statements to KEYC-TV and The Journal of New Ulm, saying, “The DUI charge was dropped for a reason: It wasn’t true.”

    She claimed he failed the field sobriety test because of his deafness, and that the trooper let Walz drive to a police station and leave on his own.

    The court records don’t mention any ear issues and make clear that the trooper took him to jail.

    The transcript showing that he acknowledged in court that he was drunk apparently didn’t surface until 2022, when the conservative Minnesota site Alpha News reported on it.

    The Harris-Walz campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on why his former campaign staffers provided incorrect information.

  5. No real need to – like Karmela Harris, his past is catching up with him and he can’t outrun it any more than a dog can outrun a clump of **** on the end of its tail.

    The question is, as asked above – will anyone care?

    The answer is, NOT THOSE in the DEMOCRAT SACRED DEMOCRACY CULT, keeping well in mind that cults like the DEMOCRAT SACRFED DEMOCRACY CULT are characterized by absolute authoritarianism, with no accountability and zero tolerance for questions or criticism with cult members being encouraged to depend on the group so that they feel unable to live outside of its norms.

    Those people will vote for Tim Walz no matter what, because that is what they are supposed to do, and that it that.

    As to his record now being front and center before those in America who are not brain-washed, indoctrinated SACRED DEMOCRACY CULT MEMBERS, and thus, can still think for themselves, we have a Daily Caller article titled “KJP Responds To JD Vance’s ‘Stolen Valor’ Accusation Against Tim Walz” by Nicole Silverio on 9 August 2024, where we had this spew from out of the ignorant running mouth of BIDEN/HARRIS PROPAGANDA MINISTER Karine Jean Pierre, to wit:

    “Look, any statements, attacks or comments, I would have to refer you to the campaign,” Jean-Pierre replied.

    “I think when I was answering your colleague‘s question earlier about Gov. Walz, I laid out and you’ve all seen his bio, right?”

    “This is someone who [was] a high school teacher, a high school coach as well, who grew up in a small town in the Midwest.”

    “And so I think his bio speaks for itself, who he is speaks for itself, his record speaks for itself, and I’m just not going to say anything beyond that.”

    end quote

    As to him being a coach and his record speaking for himself, which it always does, regardless of who we are, we have an Associated Press article titled “What to know about Tim Walz’s 1995 drunken driving arrest and how he responded” by Steve Karnowski on 16 August 2024 where we learn as follows what happened to the coach job, to wit:

    The defense attorney acknowledged that Walz had been drinking but argued for a fine, saying his blood alcohol level was “relatively low.”

    He also noted that Walz was a teacher at a local high school and “felt terrible about this, was real disappointed, I guess, in himself.”

    He said Walz reported the incident to his principal, resigned from his coaching position and offered to quit his teaching job “because he felt so bad.”

    end quotes

    So he was a coach until he no longer was a coach.

    The BIDEN/HARRIS PROPAGANDA MINISTER chose to leave that part of the story out, to protect the innocence of the American people. of course, who, for their own good, are supposed to only know that which they are told to know, like Tim Walz being a coach, without needing to know the rest of that story, as the rest of that story goes against the image we are supposed to have of Tim Walz, which is somebody who gave up political ambition and opportunity for himself and instead deployed to Afghanistan as a Command Sargeant Major where he was actually in a real hot shooting war, and so is the perfect coach and counterpoint to Karmela Harris, whose knowledge of war and foreign policy would not even wet the bottom of a child’s thimble.

  6. Again, you all nailed it. A lot of baggage. However; The Media is on a blitz to showcase Trump being Trump, and not focus on Vice President Harris and her agenda.
    If Trump could just focus on policy and stop being personal there is a chance he could win.
    Just an opinion

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