A busload of nationally recognized Generation Z activists will stop in Virginia Beach next week as part of the Tour To Save Democracy. The nationwide tour is an unprecedented action completely led and organized by Generation Z activists focused on swing districts. The goal is to drive change forward on issues such as gun control, reproductive rights, healthcare, and climate change. They also hope to inspire young people to vote and actively participate in the democratic process leading up to the 2024 election.
The tour will stop in Virginia Beach on August 6th. The rally will feature several young activist speakers highlighting important local and national issues, information booths, and voter registration.
Event Details:
When: Tuesday, August 6th
Where: 5817 Wesleyan Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Time: 3-5 p.m.
Speakers/ Attending:
– Maya Luna, Activist, Tour to Save Democracy
– Drew Spiegel, Activist, Tour To Save Democracy
– Sam Schwartz- Executive Director, Tour to Save Democracy
– Chris Mowrey, Activist
– Congressional Candidate Missy Cotter Smasal
– Virginia House Delegate Alex Askew
“Our reason for embarking on this journey is simple: Our generation has to deal with the detrimental impact of the climate crisis, daily mass shootings, and a national abortion ban, all while our democracy is on life support,” said Sam Schwartz, Founder & Executive Director of Tour To Save Democracy. “More than anything, we want progress on solving these issues.”
“Our generation has hidden under our desks and ran for our lives. We’ve lost friends, family, and rights, but we have not lost hope,” said Sarah Fishkind, Director of Operations for Tour To Save Democracy. “This summer, we’re bringing together a community of young voters and inspiring them to create a Congress that puts people first, by passing significant gun safety, abortion rights, and climate bills.”
“As young people, our activism is born out of the inaction of the past, yet rooted in the present. The only thing we stand to gain is a better future, and our only agenda is to pass laws and save lives,” said Emma Levine, Creative Director of Tour To Save Democracy.
In all, the group plans to visit at least 15 locations in 10 states to connect with young voters in local communities.
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Paul Plante says
“Our democracy is on life support?”
That’s hogwash and balderdash mixed together with moonbeams and pure poppycock!
It’s a stupid statement that shows just how ******* ignorant these young folks are about pretty much everything.
What I would like to see from these people is an essay detailing HOW their democracy is on “life support,” including a dissertation on what that life support in fact might be.
And I would point out that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea) has a thriving democracy, as does Russia, whose 1993 constitution declares Russia a democratic, federative, law-based state.
And they should check out a Time magazine article titled “How Hitler Used Democracy to Take Power” by Timothy Ryback on April 26, 2024 https://time.com/6971088/adolf-hitler-take-power-democracy/ as well as reading Federalist No. 10 where Madison concludes that a democracy cannot avoid the dangers of majority faction because undesirable passions can very easily spread to a majority of the people, which can then enact its will through the democratic government without difficulty.
Democracies ALWAYS end in TYRANNY.
That, people, isa why we have a REPUBLIC in this country, NOT a democracy, and if anything mis on life support today, it is OUR REPUBLIC!
And a final thought, IF democracy is so great, what on earth happened to Athens, the Cradle of Democracy, where women had few legal rights.
They generally couldn’t own property, couldn’t vote, and weren’t allowed to participate in the government and women were expected to stay at home and manage the household – this included managing the slaves, food and education of the children.
These young, ignorant, overly emotional and non-rati0nal Democracy advocates should beware what they are asking for, because there is DEMOCRACY staring them right in their faces.
Ray Otton says
Will they explain their THRILL at having their voting rights abrogated by the Dem party elites?
Paul Plante says
A damn good question!
Like Hitler being appointed by Hindenburg to be Chancellor of Germany after the parliamentary elections of July and November 1932 had not resulted in the formation of a majority government – despite the fact that Hitler had been Hindenburg’s opponent in the presidential election only 9 months earlier.
Lester Shultz says
Am not sure what “Generation Z” is but it rather sounds like they are what used to be called “Hippies”
History doesn’t always repeat itself, but it often rhymes.
Paul Plante says
“Our generation has hidden under our desks,” said Sarah Fishkind, Director of Operations for Tour To Save Democracy.
Well, BOO HOO HOO HOO HOO, Sarah, because back in the fifties, my generation also had to “hide” under our desks, not because one of our peers, as is the case today, was a real ******* WHACK JOB with a gun intent on shooting up his or her school mates, but because of ATOM BOMBS, and I also lost a bunch of friends in Viet Nam thanks to DEMOCRAT Lyndon Baines Johnson, buy because you are so self-centered and this is all about you and your precious SACRED DEMOCRACY, which in fact is the Jonestown CULT on steroids today, you wouldn’t know these things, which brings to mind something H.L. Mencken said back when, that as democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people so that on some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron, which is where we now are.
Paul Plante, VN 1969 says
And it is interesting, but not at all surprising to see DEMOCRAT Congressional Candidate Missy Cotter Smasal involved in this “SACRED DEMOCRACY” FANATICAL RELIGIOUS CULT business here, pandering for votes as she works to warp and twist the minds of young gullible Americans, which is what CULTS do to their members, warp and twist their minds, if anyone remembers such cults as the Jonestown KOOL-AID” Drinkers, or the Branch Davidians, or NXIVM, the cultlike organization in which a harem of sexual “slaves” were branded with its founder’s initials on their pelvises and coerced into sex acts with the founder, which cult featured as its members such notables as Keith Raniere (co-founder, leader), Nancy Salzman (co-founder, president), Allison Mack (recruiter, leader), Clare Bronfman (funder, leader), and Emiliano Salinas (Mexican venture capitalist, son of Carlos Salinas de Gortari, former President of Mexico).
Why it is interesting to see DEMOCRAT Congressional Candidate Missy Cotter Smasal involved is because she touts herself as a Navy surface warfare officer, so she of all people should know that this is all a bunch of pure BULL****, especially that statement about “democracy being on life support.”
As a Navy officer, our Missy took the following oath on being commissioned an officer in the United States Navy, to wit:
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
end quotes
So, at one time in her life, if we are to believe her when she tells us she was a Navy officer, DEMOCRAT Congressional Candidate Missy Cotter Smasal solemnly swore that she would support and defend the Constitution of the United States that she would bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and is that what she is doing now, bearing true faith and allegiance to the Constitution she swore an oath to support and defend with this “SACRED DEMOCRACY” BULL**** being peddled above here by this Tour To Save Democracy crowd https://tourtosavedemocracy.com/ who tell us that as young people, their activism is born out of the inaction of the past, yet rooted in the present, and the only thing they stand to gain, other than the funds they are raising with their website, like BLACK LIVES MATTER which reaped the founders some huge coin so they could buy mansions out in California, is a better future, and their only agenda is to pass laws and save lives?
As a twice-wounded combat veteran of DEMOCRAT Lyndon Baines Johnson’s ******-up VEET NAM debacle, who enlisted and swore and oath that said I, Paul Plante, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God, I would say she was being false to that oath, to which she would likely reply, “hey, I no longer wear the uniform, I’m a politician now, so that oath no longer applies to me,” which of course raises the existential question of does it?
Is that oath to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution one swears to support and defend upon entering military service just a transitory thing, that like a coat one can take off and toss on a chair somewhere as Missy very much appears to be doing here, getting herself involved with these FUNDAISERS of this Tour To Save Democracy crowd whose reason for embarking on the tour being simple: “This summer, we’re bringing together a community of young voters and inspiring them to create a Congress that puts people first, by passing significant gun safety, abortion rights, and climate bills.”
Create a Congress that puts people first?
Who are the people that are going to be put first by DEMOCRAT Congressional Candidate Missy Cotter Smasal and this Tour To Save Democracy crowd?
ALL of us?
Or just some of us?
As a twice-wounded combat veteran, I truly do believe Navy veteran and DEMOCRAT Congressional Candidate Missy Cotter Smasal owes WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, some serious answers to those questions, given that the PREAMBLE to OUR CONSTUTION states in clear and unambiguous language that We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES happens to be ALL of us, not just some of us like this Tour To Save Democracy crowd who want to save their “SACRED DEMOCRACY” by imposing a tyranny on the rest of us, and that PREAMBLE applies to them, just as it does to the rest of us, including DEMOCRAT Congressional Candidate Missy Cotter Smasal, so hopefully Missy will inform us in detail how any of this crap she is backing here comports with the language of the PREAMBLE of the Constitution she swore an oath to support and defend against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic, like this FANATICAL “SACRED DEMOCRACY” RELIGIOUS CULT, and bear true faith and allegiance to, an obligation she took freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
Stuart Bell says
‘Our generation has to deal with the detrimental impact of the climate crisis, daily mass shootings, and a national abortion ban, all while our democracy is on life support,’ said Sam Schwartz, a liberal loon.
They act as though they are the only ones on the planet that have to ‘deal’ with situations.
Fools…one and all.
Paul Plante says
So, according to the propaganda, the goal of nationwide tour completely led and organized by Generation Z activists is to drive change forward on issues such as reproductive rights, but what does that actually mean – “to drive change forward on issues such as reproductive rights?”
What exactly are “reproductive rights?”
It would be the right to have children, would it not, given that that is what the term “reproduction” means – the production of offspring by a sexual or asexual process.
So what then could they possibly talking about when they say they want to “drive change forward” on reproductive rights?
Given they are presently free to reproduce all they want, what change are they trying to “drive forward,” and if pressed, I would bet they have no answer because I don’t think they have a clue as to what they are talking about, which would include DEMOCRAT Congressional Candidate Missy Cotter Smasal, who according to her bio, she and her husband Bryan, who is also a veteran, have two children together, so it would seem from that that her reproductive rights, or right to have children, are still intact.
And then we go to this inane statement by FUNDRAISER Sam Schwartz, Founder & Executive Director of Tour To Save Democracy where he says “Our generation has to deal with the detrimental impact of a national abortion ban.”
There is no national abortion ban in the United States of America, so what is he talking about, other than spewing forth ignorant BULL****?
He then says, “More than anything, we want progress on solving these issues.”
Solving what issues?
If there is no national abortion ban, which there isn’t, then what issue is there for anyone to solve?
Perhaps in her spare time, DEMOCRAT Congressional Candidate Missy Cotter Smasal could provide us with a comprehensive, well thought out answer to that question.