February 19, 2025

7 thoughts on “The VET PFAS Act: a long-awaited legislative and moral response to the suffering of veterans

    1. Actually, Mary, I am quite fine, but truthfully, I am very concerned about the state of your mental health, which seem to be in a serious state of decline, if you think there is something wrong with this particular bill.

      You should give some serious thought and consideration while you still have some shreds of your intellect intact to seeking out a competent mental health specialist.

      Here’s a link for you in that regard:


      And so you know, Mary, and this should be a comfort to you, we are all preying for you in your hour of need here.

  1. And Mary, to help you out here, because I am a compassionate humanist (humanists stand for the building of a more humane, just, and compassionate society using a pragmatic ethics based on human reason, experience, and reliable knowledge – an ethics that judges the consequences of human actions by the well-being of all life on Earth), a “diatribe” is an angry speech.

    Given I am actually quite calm when I write to post in here, it logically follows that what I write cannot be considered to be a “diatribe.”

    What I am writing is considered contemporary history, in the same sense as Livy, Juvenal, and Suetonius wrote contemporary history back when.

    The Cape Charles Mirror is the only publication in Ameri9ca I am aware o0f that has an understanding and appreciation of history, both past and contemporary, which is why I post here about contemporary history and how the Democrats are ruining civilization with their mindless FANATICAL SACRED DEMOCRACY CULT that is reminiscent of the Jonestown Cult and the Branch Davidians, except on a national scale.

    As you must surely know, Mary, given it is taught in kindergarten, the purpose of a civilization is to civilize the members of a society, and civility is the goal of a civilization so that the members of a society can live in relative peace and fulfillment.

    So you can see, then, how this FANATICAL SACRED DEMOCRACY CULT flies in the face of members of a society being able to live in relative peace and fulfillment here in America, and my writings on contemporary history in here are meant to chronical that.

    As to civilization, it is defined as the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.

    Sadly, we are past that now and are regressing.

      1. Given I am a Viet Nam veteran poisoned by Agent Orange thanks to DEMOCRAT LBJ, why do you think I would be in opposition to that bill simply because it was introduced by a DEMOCRAT?

        And how many DEMOCRATS turned their backs and looked the other way while that PFAS poisoning was happening, given that a DEMOCRAT named Hussein Obama was COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the military while that was happening and so bears FULL RESPONSIBILITY, and Mary, this PFAS contamination on military bases is OLD NEWS, so why did DEMOCRAT Debbie Stabenow wait til an election year to do something about it?

        The Hill

        “Formidable legal bar shields military from PFAS lawsuits”

        by Sharon Udasin and Rachel Frazin


        Military installations are a major source of community contamination from a class of toxic chemicals called PFAS, but trying to hold the Defense Department accountable can be formidable due to a labyrinth of legal limitations.

        end quote

        And why didn’t COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF Joe Biden and his assistant COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF Karmela Harris do anything about it while they had the chance?

      2. And what you have done, for which I thank you on behalf of a grateful nation, is revealed to us that DEMOCRAT Stabenow is nothing more than a cheap political opportunist trying to score some points for the ANTI-CIVILIZATION, PRO-ABORTION DEMOCTAS ahead of the November election.

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