CAPE CHARLES, Va. — The Cape Charles Public Works team is navigating changes to its water meter service contract while continuing its regular maintenance duties across the town.
According to the Public Works Manager, the release of water meters from American Water is now scheduled for two separate dates, affecting the team’s operations. With only one month remaining under the current contract to assist with meter readings, the department is adjusting to the change.
Meanwhile, the team has been busy with ongoing maintenance projects. A dangerous tree on Washington Avenue was removed, and efforts are underway to grind down high concrete edges on the sidewalk in the same area. Additionally, the department’s Bobcat mini skid required repairs, which were covered under warranty.
The team also played a key role in supporting the Crabby Blues Festival, providing trash cans, bathroom services, and crowd control fences in accordance with Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) regulations. Regular maintenance of Central Park, including weekly fountain service, was also completed.
In other tasks, routine brush and yard debris collection yielded seven full truckloads, amounting to approximately 1,190 cubic yards of material for recycling. The department continues to service all 48 municipal trash cans daily, while residential trash cans were delivered, swapped, or removed as needed.
Seasonal grass cutting, weed eating, and edging were conducted across several areas, including Mason Avenue, the Municipal Building, and East Harbor Park. The Public Works team also addressed work orders for the town’s library, with additional repairs still in progress.
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