February 17, 2025

6 thoughts on “Grass Overgrowth on Rt. 13 in Northampton County Poses Serious Safety Hazard

  1. We understand the issue with the delay in mowing the road sides. But to hear about all of her health issues isn’t necessary.

  2. It may be essential to highlight the ripple effect on an individual’s life due to the state’s failure to maintain the roadways and protect the general public. For someone already facing significant challenges, these issues have only worsened for entirely preventable reasons, which are the responsibility of VDOT. Sharing more information can humanize an otherwise lackluster announcement. Complaining of tall grass sounds trivial, but in the context of protecting human life, its not and especially when so many people at any given moment are fighting battles the casual observer may not realize.

  3. VDOT is usually quite far behind the curve on road maintenance this time of year. A lot going on I suppose.
    The good news is that they will be out Weirdly cutting the grass in December and January as they often do, leaving me no option other than leaving a snarky post in the Mirror.

  4. I agree with the tall grass at cut thru’s on RT 13 in Northampton and Accomack counties. VDOT contracts out this service and the contractor is always behind schedule when performing the task. Hence the previous remark that they will still be cutting in Dec. & Jan. There are many issues; folks that drive cars can’t see over the grass at on coming traffic and when the fellows with the bush hogs do show up they throw grass on the roads. There is a law against this because it puts motorcyclists in danger, it is like driving your motorcycle on ice. It seams VDOT, the VA State Police and the Counties Sheriff’s department don’t care. Virginia could learn lessons from other states and foreign countries and plant wildflowers at the cut thru’s that only grow 18″ tall. Unless you drive a 4×4 truck or big SUV you gamble with your life crossing RT 13.

  5. Well, at least now the traffic is subsiding a bit on 13.
    Nice. (I take 600)
    Never complain about the price of gas because fewer knuckleheads are on the road.
    As far as the tall grass goes, always take more time and be Alert.
    Just another tricky drive with weather, other drivers texting/drunk/dimwitted/distracted/ plus deer, knuckelheads and deep grass.
    It’s always something

  6. VDOT can’t cut that grass but they sure cut a path to the shortstop just north of their facility in Accomac.

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