Accomac, Va. (July 10, 2023) — Local farmers have access to a new round of funding — plus technical assistance — for agricultural best management practices that conserve soil and water.
The Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District manages the VACS program in this area, providing technical recommendations and distributing funding.
“Farmers in the Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District are leading the way in conserving our natural resources. Partnering with the District to implement Best Management Practices allows farmers and landowners to take the next step and mitigate some of the financial risk. Just this year alone, we have partnered to implement over 45,000 acres of cover crops here in Accomack and Northampton counties. It’s an amazing feat by all involved.” Nick Thomas, Eastern Shore SWCD Board Chair
Through the Virginia Agricultural Best Management Practices Cost-Share Program, or VACS, a farmer can apply for cost share funds to help support the cost of practices that keep nutrients, sediments, and waste out of streams and rivers.
These practices can also help boost farm productivity and profitability. More than 70 best management practices are eligible for VACS funding, including:
- Cover Crops which help to reduce erosion caused by wind and water, increase moisture retention and drought tolerance, and improve soil structure.
- Nutrient Management Plans which are needed to participate in any state program. They also help producers to reduce unnecessary nutrient applications by matching nutrient sources to crop requirements.
- Continuous No-Till reduces non-point source pollution by preventing soil erosion, reducing fertilizer use, and limiting nutrient runoff.
The Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District also participates in the popular Whole Farm Approach, which lets a farmer submit just one cost-share application to cover a suite of best management practices on as much acreage as desired without funding caps or BMP ranking.
Farmers interested in learning more or applying can contact any of the following:
Carmie Savage, District Manager, 757-302-4431,
Bill Savage, Conservation Specialist, 757-302-4437
Palmer Smith, Conservation Technician, 757-302-4421
Sign ups for fiscal year 2024 will begin on Monday, July 17, 2023, and go through Friday, August 18, 2023. Appointments are required.
Soil and water conservation districts were established in the 1930s after approximately 35 million acres of formerly cultivated land were destroyed for crop production because of poor land management practices. SWCDs develop programs that conserve soil resources, control and prevent soil erosion, prevent floods, and conserve, develop, utilize and dispose of water.
Learn about all the Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District’s programs and resources at
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