February 17, 2025

1 thought on “NOAA Provides $9 Million for Partnerships to Recover North Atlantic Right Whales

  1. How ironic! NOAA, the same government agency that is silent on the real reason for the sharp increase in whale deaths- namely, the offshore wind turbine industry. NOAA, the same taxpayer funded group that pushes the hoax that is ‘climate change’. How many folks are aware that NOAA has also given large grants to a half dozen “independent’ aquariums and their staff biologists who often are the ones who preform necropsies on the dead marine mammals. Do you think they might have reason to announce that the whales died from “ship strikes”? Or “entanglement” with commercial fishing equipment? Maybe the public needs to wake up and realize that the high decibel noise generated from turbine construction, as well as the sonar mapping of the ocean floor that occurs pre-construction is interfering with and damaging the whales’ ability to navigate- thus, avoiding dangers such as ships and fishing nets……. It’s a scam.

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