Welcome to Rant and Rave! If you have a comment about anything at all, just send it to capecharlesmirror@gmail.com. Be sure to put Rant and Rave in the subject line so we can catch it early. We prefer that you submit using your real name, but will reluctantly publish anonymously. Let’s go!
1-18-2024 – Just curious as to who in Northhampton Co. approved and now allow all those obnoxious billboards coming southbound on US 13? What a travesty! Ugly to behold, but the brutalization of the way the cleared the land but the taking down of all the trees and shrubs is almost obscene to see.It in itself is enough to slow down motorists as they enter Exmore…
Really think that there is not enough parking in cc and golf carts can park in grass etc…. Stop parking in car spots. I can’t even go to a shop in cc can’t find parking. Golf carts in car spots. The Town Council needs to have a golf cart spot. Oyster farm is horrible. Golf carts in parking spots, even parking under the sign that says golf carts please park in the grass. We all know that they have all that grass to park on and can barely drive thru that parking lot. Whoever designed that parking lot should have his contractor license revoked. God forbid if you have a truck….
From the Grumpy Old Man –There have been rumors circulating that certain people would like permanent residents to not use their cars in Cape Charles for three months in the summer. It is felt that they are interfering with the summer people’s golf cart fun. Stickers will be placed in a conspicuous place on their cars and will be ticketed if seen driving on Cape Charles streets from May through August. The first offense will be $100.00, the second offense will be $200.00 and the third offense the car will be confiscated for one year. – Grumpy Old Man
There have been rumors circulating that certain people would like the permanent residents of Cape Charles to move out of town and rent their homes for 3 months each summer. Some people consider these home owners as a nuisance and selfish for not adding summer people revenue to the economy. If they don’t volunteer for this program, ordinances might have to be enacted to motive the selfish among us. To counter this, a citizens committee SFE (stop forced evacuation) has been formed.
I’m in an acute state of outrage. This is 2021 and everyone, and I do mean everyone, is batshit about anyone on the planet that might be offended by anyone or anything on the planet. Will someone who is certified PC explain to me how we have so many cities in The USA named after Catholic saints. San Antonio, Los Angeles, St. Paul, St. Louis etc. We desperately need a flash mob to form in every saint city to eradicate this offensive situation. All these flash mob members can be bussed from Portland, Oregon. Until all these cities are renamed Obama I will stay in my crying closet and continue my rage – Dirty Old Man
New York gov. Cuomo is of Italian heritage, but also has Russian hands and Roman fingers. — Grumpy Old Man
- We have numerous eateryies , hundreds of sleeperies, but we do not have ONE drinkery for a town full of summer people. I had a car pull over and ask me were the closest drinkery is. You should of seen the look of horror, “ what, no drinkery” ! I going to St. Michaels were their streets are lined with drinkerys. – Dr. Thom Giese
The world press is beginning to shine its spotlight on an obscure group calling themselves beaners. There are an infinite number of diets and a number of food lifestyles. Vegetarians don’t eat meat…Vegans who don’t eat meat and don’t consume dairy products. Beaners don’t eat meat or consume dairy products but don’t eat fruit or vegetable, with the exception of onions. They only eat grains and drink rainwater. The movement is based on the teaching of a Swiss mountain hermit named Wolfgang Rhinegold. He started spreading his philosophy of living in the valley and mountain villages in the early 1950s. He is reported to be 106 years old. According to his thinking, all fruits and vegetables resemble a part of the human body except the onion. And eating human body parts would not only be eating meat but cannibalism. And all water except rainwater has come in contact with humans, fruits, and vegetables.
Over the past 50 years, groups of beaners have been reported in Ukraine, Norway, Wales, Portland, an island off the coast of Japan and even in Hope Arkansas. If you want to know more about these groups or would like to join, log in on beanersareusorg. — Dr. Thom Giese
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