465 Acres to be Returned to the Rappahannock Tribe at Fones Cliffs on the Rappahannock River.
Indian Neck, VA – The Rappahannock Tribe will announce that it has re-acquired 465 acres at Fones Cliffs, a sacred site to the Tribe located on the eastern side of the Rappahannock River.
Through the generosity of the family of William Dodge Angle, M.D., and with support from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation through a grant from Walmart’s Acres for America Program, Chesapeake Conservancy purchased the land, and the fee title was donated to the Rappahannock Tribe, which intends to place the land in trust with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The land will be publicly accessible and held with a permanent conservation easement conveyed to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
The Tribe plans trails and a replica 16th-century village, where tribal members can educate the public about their history and Indigenous approaches to conservation and connect future generations of Rappahannock youth to their tribal traditions and the river which bears their name.
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