February 17, 2025

1 thought on “A Chat with Mayoral Candidate Terry Carney

  1. if you are going to run for mayor it seems like you should already know that the parking problem is not with Meatland being gone. That was Fresh Pride grocery store. Also the fact that all you’re worried about is parking for your business I guess. If I were you I would be more worried about the indebtedness of the town and how to address that and fix it. Also everyone in the town pretty much buys bottled water because the town can’t seem to get it straight for how to produce good drinking water. While I don’t live in town anymore I complained alot about the drinking water and nothing was ever done. I also complained about the overspending and too many people in the offices but nothing was ever done about that either.
    The happiest day of our lives with selling our house and getting the hell out of Cape Charles. If you think mayor Proto did such a good job ask the poor Mexican family that their child drowned on Father’s Day. Mayor Proto admitted on live TV that the town could have done more to prevent that poor boy from drowning.

    Note: The error confusing Meatland with Fresh Pride is the Mirror’s, not Mr. Carney. We make this mistake all of the time, which is disturbing to the editor.

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