February 19, 2025

8 thoughts on “Arts Enter Rejects Sheppard Offer to Save the Palace Theatre

  1. Population decline in Eastern Shore Virginia is the reason every thing is collapsing all around us. The decisions by our elected officials in the past seventy years including to isolated from the rest of the country are in my option the reason we are in total confusion of which way to go to save our County.

    Mrs Sheppard and her Mother had a vision when taken over the theatre and that was to bring the highest form of English theater that only England has set for the rest of the world to emulate. I know over the years the Sheppard family have dedicated their heart and soul to bring to us the highest form of cultural entertainment to our children and the adult population.

    The biggest factor was when the bridge was to replace the ferry, our leaders failed to deal and force to get a toll percentage to replace the lost revenue that eventually is causing our decline, loss of hospital, crumbling schools, population decline, high school students leaving, low teachers wages, and political corruption and there are many more not listed here to warrant the theaters problems.

    Please give the Sheppard their proposal to carry on their quest to save the one remaining good culture and treasure our people have, you will not regret it believe me.

  2. I guess I am confused as to who actually “owns” the Palace Theatre. Most small towns would love to have benefactors like the Sheppard family, to provide a beautiful venue for live performances. We have only had our Cape Charles weekend home for about a year now, but the Palace Theatre was one of the features that endeared the town to us. Whenever possible, we attend the live performances, to support this treasure. It truly seems “Grinch-like,” as in someone’s “heart is too small,” to want to snatch this away from these children and this town, especially when you have a family that has already invested so much into restoring the Palace Theatre, and who are willing to continue as benefactors. Seems to me that if someone is looking for prime real estate on Mason Avenue, there is no lack of vacant storefronts….why not start there, instead of stealing away something that adds so much to the character of the town?

  3. I am saddened to hear the Board is letting the Arts Enter die. Why on earth are you on the board if you are not wanting or willing to do everything to support and preserve the arts. Shame on you board, if you are on the side of preserving the arts your voice is too weak, and if you are against the future of the arts!!!! get off the board and let people with heart and soul pick up the flame!!! Don’t punish your children and grandchildren because of you being so short sighted !!! When all is said and done, future generations will judge us for what we did for our culture. God help us!!!!

  4. You nailed it. Same old cast of characters. No shame whatsoever. Why aren’t you on the board? You should be on the board.

  5. B. Taylor I live in Capeville I don’t have a say there, but my money is spent in Cape Charles since moving here 29 years ago.
    In NYC I was on the Citi Bank’s Planning Board, also in the entertainment 46 years (my second job),but in Cape Charles I was told I don’t qualify… you figure? And there Taylor is the problem–the buddy,buddy system…a lot of talented folks but the Board is too short-sighted to consider good people.
    Merry Christmas

  6. What a shame the Arts Board can’t see how much time, work and commitment has been given to bring CC to where it is today with the arts. Fine arts brings people , money and excitement to an old ghost town. I travel from Belle Haven just to get some culture, I guess the Board thinks they know what the public wants but have no clue!

    1. No matter who gets in, the mind set is still the same .
      I’m guilty too. The annex from Eastville years ago., it should never had happened

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