Can’t wait until we have a Covid surge in October right before the election that requires mail-in voting…another stolen election is on the way. And, name a story that disappeared faster than the Brooklyn subway mass shooting. Inflation was 1.4% when Trump left office. Today it is 8.5%.
Lots of losers are posting their L’s proclaiming Elon Musk has enough money to end homelessness and hunger, but instead, he wants to buy Twitter. Dude paid $11 billion in taxes. Question: Our government spent 5 trillion dollars last year – why didn’t they end homelessness and hunger?
Regardless of whether Elon Musk is successful in buying Twitter, he has done something far more important. He’s exposed the gaping divide between people who truly believe in free speech and those that are absolutely terrified of it. Now you know exactly who they are.
To counter Musk, Vanguard is now the largest shareholder of Twitter. Vanguard is also the largest shareholder of Pfizer…I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that Twitter will ban anyone that speaks negatively about the Pfizer vaccine.
The left-wing blue check panic over @elonmusk potentially buying @twitter is funny. All the blue checks who have lectured us for years by saying, “It’s a private company, if you don’t like it, leave” are panicking like crazy over their echo chambers being challenged.
NEW: “The reason Elon Musk’s offer is so dangerous is that it promises to pry an inept and decadent class of parasites out of their carefully crafted safe spaces and force them to once again face the public they so callously manipulate.” — @AuronMacintyre.
The irony is that Leftist control of social media platforms has deluded them into absurd ideas that are only defensible if they can continue to censor and ban their opponents online
Democratic politicians and media figures met at the University of Chicago to discuss how to better shape news, combat “disinformation,” and reeducate those with conservative views.
The political and media elite shared ideas on how to expand censorship and control what people read or viewed in the news. The same figures are now alarmed that Elon Musk could gain greater influence over Twitter and, perish the thought, restore free speech protections to the site. The latest is former labor secretary under President Clinton, Robert Reich, who wrote a perfectly Orwellian column in the Guardian titled “Elon Musk’s vision for the internet is dangerous nonsense.”
However, the column offers an insight into the anti-free speech mentality that has taken hold of the Democratic party and the mainstream media.
Reich explains that it is not about freedom but tyranny. More free speech means less freedom.
It is the type of argument commonly used in China and other authoritarian nations–and an increasing number of American academics and writers. Indeed, his column is reminiscent of the professors who have called for the adoption of the Chinese model for censoring views on the Internet.
In an article published in The Atlantic by Harvard law professor Jack Goldsmith and University of Arizona law professor Andrew Keane Woods called for Chinese-style censorship of the internet, stating that “in the great debate of the past two decades about freedom versus control of the network, China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong.”
Reich tells people not to be lured by freedom of speech: “Musk says he wants to ‘free’ the internet. But what he really aims to do is make it even less accountable than it is now.” What Reich refers to as “accountability” is being accountable to those like himself who can filter out views and writings that are deemed harmful for readers.
Reich then goes full Orwellian:
“Musk advocates free speech but in reality it’s just about power. Power compelled Musk to buy $2.64bn of Twitter stock, making him the largest individual shareholder.”
Reich insists that censorship of views like former President Donald Trump are “necessary to protect American democracy.” So…..Less freedom is more freedom.
Hunter Biden’s access to lucrative financial opportunities also came with expectations — including kicking back as much as 50% of his earnings to his dad, text messages on his old laptop show.
“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” Pop is Joe Biden.
The laptop — infamously abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019 — does not contain any direct evidence of such money transfers, but does show that Hunter was routinely on the hook for his father’s household expenses while Joe Biden was vice president.
California is one of the most unequal & segregated states in the nation, with crushing costs, dwindling mobility, and a failing education system The @latimes urging Biden to “make America California again” is ominous, given CA is the flagship of failure.
China builds 40% of the world’s merchant ships. The US builds .1%. In the emerging multipolar world where the US has peer & near-peer adversaries, we can’t maintain US security when we don’t make essential items like ships, chips, and even antibiotics.
Free speech indeed is a very clear and present danger to those authoritarians who despise free speech, as we clearly see in an editorial in the New York Times, which makes it the gospel truth, since that is all the NYT will publish, never untruths or outright lies or government propaganda, only truth, which editorial is featured in a Fox News article titled “New York Times op-ed calls for more censorship in order to ‘protect democracy’ – The author argued government censorship is not the clearest danger to American democracy” by Joe Silverstein on March 7, 2022, where we learn about how very weak our SACRED American democracy really is, and how much government protection it needs as a result, to wit:
The New York Times published an op-ed on Monday which called for more censorship in order to ‘protect democracy.’
The op-ed titled “How to Keep the Rising Tide of Fake News From Drowning Our Democracy,” argued the “marketplace of ideas” model is outdated.
end quotes
Yes, people, a multiplicity of ideas overwhelms people who now can only assimilate a TWEET, so there should not be a multiplicity of ideas – only one, and since the government, being far better informed of these things than we can ever be, and having “experts” working for it who really know a lot about this stuff, knows what is best, it is the government we should be listening to.
Getting back to that story of our times today, it goes on as follows:
Author Richard Hasen, who is a professor for the University of California, Irvine School of Law, wrote about “cheap speech” in which he describes as viewpoints he alleges are ‘disinformation’ and ‘misinformation.’
end quotes
And there is a clear example of what I am talking about, people, my goodness, there is a man who is a law school professor speaking, and all of us who are not and couldn’t be law school professors should be listening carefully to every word he says, because he is a law school professor, and we are not.
So what did he say?
Let’s look:
He argues for “new legal tools” that will help combat “cheap speech.”
However, Hasen isn’t optimistic that these changes would be upheld by the Supreme Court.
“Unfortunately, the current Supreme Court would very likely view many of these proposed legal changes as violating the First Amendment’s free speech guarantees.”
“Much of the court’s jurisprudence depends upon faith in an outmoded ‘marketplace of ideas’ metaphor, which assumes that the truth will emerge through counterspeech,” Hasen wrote.
“If that was ever true in the past, it is not true in the cheap speech era.”
“Today, the clearest danger to American democracy is not government censorship but the loss of voter confidence and competence that arises from the sea of disinformation and vitriol.”
He goes on to argue that even if all his proposals were passed into law and were upheld by the Supreme Court, the First Amendment would prevent further action in which he argues is needed.
“Even if Congress adopted all the changes I have proposed and the Supreme Court upheld them — two quite unlikely propositions — it would hardly be enough to sustain American democracy in the cheap speech era.”
“For example, the First Amendment would surely bar a law that would require social media companies to remove demagogic candidates who undermine election integrity from social media platforms; we would not want a government bureaucrat (under the control of a partisan president) to make such a call.”
“But such speech is among the greatest dangers we face today,” Hasen argues.
He calls on voters to pressure social media companies and other platforms to take action against “extreme” political figures like deplatforming them.
In order to save democracy, we must limit free speech, Hasen argues.
“Today, the clearest danger to American democracy is not government censorship but the loss of voter confidence and competence that arises from the sea of disinformation and vitriol.”
end quotes
And there we have it, people – the words of a real expert right there.
So to save our SACRED democracy, everybody who is not a government expert should simply be banned from being able to say anything, period!
Problem then is solved!
And now for a full ten uninterrupted minutes of those commercials you love and cannot do without while we take a break for station identification!
And while Joe Biden is destroying our economy, at the same time, he is going to reform OUR national government by putting in place a quota system for the inclusion of L’s, G’s, B’s, Q’s and T’s in the federal workforce as we see in a Reuters article “White House launches diversity action plan for government” on April 14, 2022, as follows:
WASHINGTON, April 14 (Reuters) – The White House released an action plan on Thursday aimed at advancing racial and gender equity across the federal government to improve diversity.
The strategy is aimed at working to ensure the federal government is a model for diversity and equity and preventing discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation, the White House said.
Each agency across the government is taking steps to improve equity by implementing new rules, a senior administration official told reporters.
The U.S. Treasury Department said it would create a new Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility to develop and drive a cohesive strategy across the department and its bureaus.
The office will be led by a senior career leader within Treasury, supporting employees of color, women, people with disabilities, military members and veterans, and members of the LGBTQ+ community, Treasury said.
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In the meantime, while Joe is bent on the reform of our federal government to make it more friendly for the L’s, G’s, B’s, Q’s and T’s in the federal workforce, let’s take a look at some of the possible ramifications for the other workers who are not L’s, G’s, B’s, Q’s and T’s in the federal workforce, to wit:
National Review
“University to Pay $400,000 to Professor Punished for Refusing to Use Student’s Preferred Pronouns”
Brittany Bernstein
17 April 2022
Shawnee State University in Ohio has reached a settlement with a professor whom it punished for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronouns, according to a new report.
The university will pay philosophy professor Nick Meriwether $400,000 in damages and attorney fees and will rescind a written warning it issued to Meriwether in June 2018 in response to a biological male student’s complaint that the professor refused to use female pronouns for the student, Fox News reported.
The controversy began in January 18 when Meriwether responded to the student’s question during a political philosophy class by saying, “Yes, sir.”
After class, the student told the professor that the student is transgender and asked to be referred to as a woman going forward, including with “feminine titles and pronouns,” according to the Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented Meriwether in court.
The professor argued that obliging the student’s requests would violate his own convictions as a Christian.
When the professor declined to use female pronouns, the student became belligerent and told Meriwether he would be fired, according to court documents cited by Fox News.
The student then filed a complaint with Shawnee State, which opened an investigation into the incident.
The university found that the professor “effectively created a hostile environment” for the student by not using the preferred pronouns.
The settlement comes after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit reversed a district court’s dismissal of the lawsuit in March 2021, allowing the professor’s lawsuit to move forward.
ADF announced last week that it reached a settlement with the university.
“Public universities should welcome intellectual and ideological diversity, where all students and professors can engage in meaningful discussions without compromising their core beliefs,” said ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer, director of the ADF Center for Academic Freedom.
“Dr. Meriwether rightly defended his freedom to speak and stay silent, and not conform to the university’s demand for uniformity of thought.”
“We commend the university for ultimately agreeing to do the right thing, in keeping with its reason for existence as a marketplace of ideas.”
end quotes
Except the ‘marketplace of ideas’ metaphor is “outmoded” according to Richard Hasen, who is a professor for the University of California, Irvine School of Law, and the New York Times, so what mis the federal workforce going to be like, when it is not about the work you do, but about knowing all the proper pronouns which with to address other members of the workforce who are entitled to their own personal pronouns?
Spot on in my opinion. Thank you.
And while Joe Biden sends our natural gas over to Europe to supply their needs as we in this country on fixed incomes get to do our patriotic duty by starving and freezing for Zelensky as our sacrifice for the maintenance of corruption in Ukraine, we have from Rigzone as follows:
“USA Natural Gas Surges to 13 Year High”
by Bloomberg | Stephen Stapczynski, Gerson Freitas Jr.
U.S. natural gas prices surged to a 13-year high as robust demand tests drillers’ ability to expand supplies.
Futures rose as much as 4.8% to $7.652 per million British thermal units on Monday in New York, topping January’s short squeeze rally and roughly double levels from the start of the year.
Backup inventories held in underground caverns and aquifers are below normal for this time of year and production is holding flat.
Meanwhile, the U.S. is exporting every molecule of liquefied natural gas possible to help Europe reduce its reliance on Russian energy supplies.
Inventories grew by 15 billion cubic feet in the week ended April 8, less than half the average gain for the period over the past five years, the Energy Information Administration said last week.
Stockpiles remain almost 18% below usual levels.
And this just in from Kiev in Ukraine:
“They destroyed cities and castles and killed men and Kyiv, which is the greatest Russian city they besieged; and when they had besieged it a long while they took it and killed the people of the city.”
“So when we went through that country we found countless human skulls and bones from the dead scattered over the field.”
“Indeed it had been a very great and populous city and now is reduced almost to nothing.”
“In fact there are hardly two hundred houses there now and the people are held in the strictest servitude.”
Actually, that is papal envoy Giovanni da Pian del Carpine writing those words in 1245 A.D., after the Mongols, not Putin and the Russians, sacked Kyiv in 1240 A.D.
So can we now expect Joe Biden to make war on the Mongols to teach them that you don’t mess with the possessions of Joseph Robinette Biden, the RULER OF THE WORLD?
Stay tuned for breaking news as it happens, when it happens, if it happens.
And “transitory inflation” now appear to mean inflation that is going to last for five more years, which is what makes it transitory, where transitory now means “not going away any time soon,” to wit:
“TREASURIES-Yields fall as buyers step in, strong 20-yr auction”
By Karen Brettell
April 20, 2022
San Francisco Fed President Mary Daly on Wednesday said it is unlikely inflation will fall to 2% this year, but she does expect it to start dropping and to be at the Fed’s 2% goal in five years.