Here is what the Constitution says: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Bribery. Bribery. Bribery. Bribery. Bribery. Bribery. Bribery. Bribery. Bribery. Bribery. Bribery. Bribery….
Digging through primary sources from the early Cold War is to realize that the vast majority of today’s academics, corporate leaders, and lawmakers, who portend to speak on behalf of the American people, have far more in common with a mid-century communist than a conservative or liberal from the same period.
In the new Harvard/Harris poll, 67% of respondents aged 18-24 agree that “Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors.” Consistent with other polls that have found relatively high anti-Jewish sentiment among young American adults. The “We don’t hate Jews, just Zionists” crowd is having a tough time right now.
“58% of 18-24 year olds agreed that ‘Hamas would like to commit genocide against the Jews in Israel.’” You see, the woke generation is perfectly fine with genocide — as long as it’s perpetrated against the right people….they only want a ceasefire because their team, Hamas, is losing.
The establishment Is in full meltdown. Most of these things they claim Trump will do they have already done, they’ve killed Democracy decades ago (U.S. is an Oligarchy) and they politicized and destroyed the Justice Department to go after Trump in repeated transparently political prosecutions. Every accusation they make is a confession.
Imagine the following: You’re a man who serves as Chairman of the Board of a large University who led the search for the recently hired president. Your wife runs a non-profit in the DEI (Diversity, equity, and inclusion) space. She is the only full-time employee of the organization, serving as Founder, CEO, and CFO. You serve as Treasurer. The non-profit ostensibly sells two principal products in the DEI space: 1. “Evidence-based ‘how-to-guides’ and 2. “The most comprehensive intersectional analytics platform of its kind…” but the non-profit has no revenues. It relies entirely on contributions to fund its operations, which principally consist of your wife’s salary and some other ancillary overhead. There have been only two contributors to the non-profit, the University whose board you chair, which has contributed: 2018 $100,000, 2019 $300,000, 2020 $150,000, 2021 $600,000, 2022 $789,000, and a donor-advised fund (DAF) affiliated with you which has contributed: 2018 $0, 2019 $0, 2020 $0, 2021 $10,000, 2022 $20,000. Doesn’t this seem very strange? What if the University was MIT?
What if the Chairman was Mark Gorenberg? What if the non-profit is Why are there so many conflicts/scandals concerning DEI organizations? All of the above can be found in MIT’s and http://Parity.Org‘s IRS Form 990s which are available and summarized here:
Democrat Senator Ben Cardin has fired his staffer who was the subject of an amateur porn video filmed in the Senate hearing room. “No further comment.”

How dumb are these people?? No Confederate statues exist in Denver – so they toppled a Union soldier and Columbus and got the cowardly city officials to remove Kit Carson. Ironically, Carson led a regiment of mostly Hispanic volunteers from New Mexico on the side of the Union at the Battle of Valverde in 1862.
Also, why would the Leftists remove a monument dedicated to reconciliation? With no history, no story of improving ourselves, no story of forgiveness, there’s no America. This is the result of the hatred of our own country from our own politicians. To what end?

Mass hysteria, a serious disease of the LEFTIES in America, also called mass psychogenic illness (MPI), defined as a social phenomenon, consists of collective anxiety due to a perceived threat and can culminate in a cascade of symptoms suggestive of organic disease without an identifiable cause.
Mass delusion, an affliction of the LEFTIES in America, is a false belief shared by a large group of people. In contrast to delusions caused by psychiatric disorders, mass delusions are man-made by diverse influences to promote financial, political or psychosocial goals.
Mass hysteria is a social illness of the LEFTIES in America, defined as ‘a constellation of symptoms suggestive of organic illness, but without an identified cause in a group of people with shared beliefs about the cause of the symptoms.
About one-quarter, 25%, of Americans define themselves as liberals, according to Gallup.
In 2021, Pew found that the progressive left comprises only about 6 percent of the American public.
19.86% of adults are experiencing a mental illness.
THE CONCLUSION: These people are bat-**** crazy and totally *****-up in their heads, which does not serve as a bar for them voting in America:
In any case, investigations consistently find that people who identify with liberal ideology are significantly more likely than others to be depressed, anxious, and to rank high on neuroticism.
Liberals are also much more likely than conservatives to be diagnosed with mental illnesses or disorders.,with%20mental%20illnesses%20or%20disorders.
There are arguments that say there are genes that actually cause increased anxiety or neuroticism among liberals, and that in turn both makes them liberal and less happy—and, therefore, more likely to have mental health issues.,to%20have%20mental%20health%20issues.
Liberals Are Far More Likely to be Depressed, Anxious, or Otherwise Neurotic Compared to Conservatives. Conservatives report significantly higher levels of happiness than liberals. On the other end of the spectrum, liberals are significantly more likely to experience adverse mental and emotional conditions.,adverse%20mental%20and%20emotional%20conditions.