JOHN KERRY: “There shouldn’t be ANY more coal fired power plants permitted ANYWHERE in the world!” Or maybe, it’s really woke, rich guys preaching a false gospel of contrived scarcity who shouldn’t be allowed to influence public policy—“ANYWHERE in the world!”
Fun facts for Ivy League Presidents: (A) calling for genocide against Jews, if not delivered to incite a mob to violence, is 100% Constitutionally protected speech- only in the sense it can’t be punished by the government. (B) You are not the government, you are a cowardly college administrator and in no way does the 1st Amendment force you to accept brain-dead neo-Nazis in your student body.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that the emergency trustees meeting at Penn “ended with Magill still in the job.” It did wipe that smile off of her face.
Ross Stevens, CEO of Stone Ridge Asset Management, is withdrawing a gift worth $100 million from @Penn: “Mr. Stevens and Stone Ridge are appalled by the University’s stance on antisemitism on campus. Its permissive approach to hate speech calling for violence against Jews and laissez faire attitude toward harassment and discrimination against Jewish students would violate any policies or rules that prohibit harassment and discrimination based on religion, including those of Stone Ridge. President Magill’s December 6, 2023 post on X admitted as much, when she belatedly acknowledged—only after her Congressional testimony went viral and demands for her termination amplified—that calls for genocide of the Jewish people constitute harassment and discrimination.”
Anti-Semites on the right are fringe and not part of any actual conservative coalition. Anti-Semites on the left get tenure and work at the Washington Post and BBC and join the Progressive Caucus and “The Squad” and get invited to all the best cocktail parties. Y’all believe me yet that anti-Semitism on the left is more pervasive than on the right?
As crooked as the Democrats are, at least they get things done. Mostly horrible things – open borders, child mutilation, exorbitant taxes, ballot fraud – but they know how to fight. Republicans are just useless. Honestly they wouldn’t know what to do with power, if they had it.
JUST IN: White House press secretary says “History will remember” Republicans who want to secure the US border before funding a war in Ukraine “harshly.” Or, History sure will remember the Biden administration playing games with a wide-open border. Not securing our border and warmongering in other countries.
CCM: As crooked as the Democrats are, at least they get things done.
Mostly horrible things – open borders, child mutilation, exorbitant taxes, ballot fraud – but they know how to fight.
Republicans are just useless.
Honestly they wouldn’t know what to do with power, if they had it.
ME: This is why I so like reading the CCM on a Sunday morning with a steaming cup of good dark roast coffee, no cream, no sugar, no whipped cream, no sprinkles, in hand because it is so good at boiling down reality into so few words that convey to the reader all that needs to be conveyed!
EVERYBODY in America who voted for this senile fool Biden who now find they can’t pay their bills as they go further into debt because of ever-increasing high prices due to BIDENFLATION compounded by high interest rates thanks to BIDE-O-NOMICS, and who find their communities being inundated at the same time with illegal immigrants who are entitled to FREE HOUSING, FREE FOOD, and FREE MEDICAL CARE at government expense, while crime runs rampant because Joe Biden loves criminals, deserve EVERYTHING they are getting and more!
CCM: As crooked as the Democrats are, at least they get things done.
ME: Yeah, like getting us into wars that they then don’t know what to do with, or how to win once they start them, because DEMOCRATS like Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and Charley “CHUCK” Schumer are SKULKERS,” like Truman, a DEMOCRAT, with Korea, Lyndon Baines “Horse’s Ass Johnson, a DEMOCRAT, with VEET NAM, and Joe Biden, a DEMOCRAT with Small Bush’s war in Iraqinam, and then DEMOCRAT Hussein Obama’s FIASCOS in Libya, and Iraqinam and Syria, and then Joe Biden’s FIASCO in Afghanistnam, and now Ukraine, which is Joe Biden’s VEET NAM.
DEMOCRATS are real good at shedding the blood of others in their ******-up wars while they stay home hiding behind the skirts of the women or cowering in their basements like Joe Biden during COVID.