“It ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!” – Rocky Balboa.
We are not a nation of laws and never have been, but a nation of political will, and we will always will be.
Democrats have become very dangerous. Protesting an extremely troubled election is not an insurrection and people should loudly condemn anyone who says it is.
BREAKING: Colorado Supreme Court bans Trump from the state’s ballot under Constitution’s insurrection clause.
The opinion of the Colorado Supreme Court is shameful and runs counter to our constitutional system. Donald Trump was not removed from office by Congress for engaging in insurrection. Donald Trump has not been criminally convicted in a court of law of engaging in insurrection. Whatever you believe about whether Donald Trump engaged in insurrection has no bearing on whether he’s eligible to run for president.
No legislative, executive, or judicial body of a state should engage in extraconstitutional decision-making to disqualify a federal candidate from the ballot. This isn’t accountability; it’s an assault on due process of law. It undermines our electoral system and threatens every federal candidate for office. Weaponizing the law is a hallmark of failed states and is a catalyst for a rapidly escalating, zero-sum game for total control. The moment the Supreme Court goes 5-4 to the Left, there’s no longer any recourse against this. The floodgates will be open for all the destructive mischief of the progressive Left and there won’t be a thing we can do to stop it. Just remember that when you vote.
The Goal is get Trump Nominated because the Left knows how to beat him.
Seriously? Do you guys think this tactic started yesterday? This is just the continuation of what Jack Smith and Letitia James have been doing for the last year to get Trump that “virtual lock” on the nomination.
And they will continue until the primary is sealed, we have chosen the most beatable candidate like they want us to, and then they will modify course however necessary to ensure a D victory in the general.
They will make sure the GOP can’t mount any sort of campaign beyond Defend Trump In Court, which the great mushy middle who already despises him will just love, after getting beaten over the head with it every day for a year. Then my guess is the Ds will convict him in one of their 100% D-controlled courts of a couple felonies, because they know all the low info voters in the purple states aren’t going to vote for a convicted felon.
None of this is secret or complicated. This is the kind of shifty vileness they get off on.
Even if Colorado GOP does an emergency switch to a caucus system like they are talking about this morning, thus bypassing the Colorado court decision, the dems won’t care. They got what they wanted. The Rs will rally around the guy the Ds know how to roll. This is all just fuckery for them to ensure a D victory in the general.
If anything, COSCOTUS probably jumped the gun, because commies are enthusiastic like that, and the more conniving malicious dems would have preferred to time that move for when they felt Trump needed another primary boost. But don’t worry, they’ve still got several other states with similar challenges, so they’ll play those cards when the Ds think it is helpful.
The Dems are playing Republicans and they are walking directly into their trap.
Dems will happily play with fire. They don’t care about the fate of the country or anything else they talk about. They care about power and winning. That’s it. Everything they do is a calculated ploy.
They know Republicans see this evil court stuff as an attack on the republic. They weaponize that. And, Republicans reflexively rally around the candidate they want us to run because they know how to beat him.
Dems want Republicans to run Trump against them.
But you FEEL, whatever. Dems know that. They use that. They know Conservative morals and values, and as much as Conservative hate the word, triggers. So they trigger Republicans and they react predictably, giving them exactly what they desire most.
Are these attacks on the fabric of our system vile? Yep. Are they dangerous and pushing America toward the edge of breakdown and violence? Absolutely.
But the Dems don’t care about any of that. They only care about winning. They aren’t even secretive about it. They will gleefully risk our lives and the nation’s future to gain more control.
And the best way for them to win is for us to be set up to lose.
So the evil party does evil stuff, and the stupid party reacts stupidly. They do a big dangerous stunt, we get outraged and back the Republican least likely to win the necessary middle to “own the libs”. Yet libs laugh because they know anything and anyone seen as Trumpy is DESPISED by the middle. So they lose. And lose. And lose more.
And the Dems keep tossing out the bait, and Repubs keep on taking it.
Over and over. It’s blatantly obvious, but they just don’t learn. Too many are blinded by pride.
But Trump is beating Biden in the polls! This time we will win those swing states! You mean the polls run by the same manipulative scum who have lied to you a million times before, but now you want to believe them because they are telling you what you want to hear?
The same polls Trump has ranted about as fake news dozens of times? The polls the man himself has said are designed to manipulate the audience’s feelings?
Yeah. Sure. So the purple states Trump lost last time, which his candidates lost in the midterms, Trump is now suddenly ten points up among suburban women? And you believe that?
It will flip back the minute after Trump secures the nomination, so the media has a whole year of psychological warfare to depress turnout. It isn’t like they don’t do this every time.
But but but, Trump was robbed! Democrats cheat! Of course democrats cheat. What’s the first thing I said? Dems have no morals and only care about power. And the bigger the margin, the harder they have to work, the harder it is to get away with cheating… so let’s just give them the candidate the middle of the country is programmed to reflexively despise so much they might not even need to cheat in those swing states.
And just like Dems manipulate Rs, they also manipulate the vapid middle. So after they steer us into choosing the weakest nominee, they will then convict Trump of some crime, because they know the great mushy middle won’t vote for a felon.
And America gets fucked once more.
Democrats are inclined to do evil but republicans don’t have to be stupid.
“The Colorado lawsuit was filed by a Soros-funded outlet, decided by an all Democrat-appointed Supreme Court and the Democrat Colorado Secretary of State, within a split second, was celebrating on MSNBC”
Biden admits collusion:
Banning Trump from the ballot is designed to spark riots and civil war so the establishment can take away more rights and change the way we are governed. We already live in a surveillance state due to 9-11, and now they want us scared, on edge and begging for the government to completely control us in the name of safety.
You can’t overstate how serious this is and how everything the establishment says Trump is doing is a projection and a confession of what they are doing.
Most people are going to fall for this cuz you have the billionaire-controlled media endorsing it as “normal” & pushing it.
So a federal judge finally orders 150+ Jeffrey Epstein client names unsealed, but three will remain sealed? Vegas is -500 and at least 2 of those 3 names are BIDEN.
BIDEN: “Wages for workers are up! Black wealth is up a record 60 percent!”
Under Biden, real wages are down almost 3% and middle-class households have lost, on average, more than $33,000 in real wealth over the past year.
NBC News – A 13-year-old boy who was arrested and accused of planning a mass shooting at an Ohio synagogue will have to read a book and then write a report about a Swiss diplomat who saved more than 62,000 Hungarian Jews during the war, a judge rules….Planning a mass shooting of Jews is treated like a Bart Simpson hijinks.
History Note- We all remember the “Summer of Love” in 2020 when major cities in the U.S. were burnt and destroyed by Antifa and BLM protesters with riots breaking out too. The damages caused to taxpayers for this destructive behavior were estimated to be between $1-$2 billion which is significantly more than the fedsurrection… I mean, the so-called “insurrection” of January 6. Let’s also never forget when CNN and other legacy news channels said these were “mostly peaceful” protests.
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Paul Plante, VN 1969 says
CCM: And America gets fucked once more.
And not only loves it, but asks for more, and please, harder the next time, because it feels so good!
Paul Plante says
CCM: Democrats have become very dangerous.
ME: Damn right they have, but then, in reality, they always have been so:
The Washington Examiner
“Another political cover-up at Biden’s DOJ”
Opinion by Washington Examiner
4 JANUARY 2024
A Biden Department of Justice so recently caught trying to sweep crimes committed by the president’s son under the rug should not sidestep politically embarrassing prosecutions.
But that is what happened on the Friday before New Year’s when DOJ lawyers informed a federal judge they would not continue prosecuting convicted fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried of conspiring to fund millions of dollars in political donations to the Democratic Party and its candidates.
A public airing of Bankman-Fried’s campaign violations could shame more politicians and their fundraising arms into returning donations from Bankman-Fried and his co-conspirators.
Bankman-Fried gave $22 million to Democrats in 2022 alone.
All that money should be returned to the people he defrauded.
It is alleged that Bankman-Fried laundered another $100 million in client funds mostly to Democratic candidates and entities.
The public should be allowed to see who benefited from Bankman-Fried’s conspiracy.
The Biden DOJ decision to drop campaign finance conspiracy charges looks like an effort to minimize prosecutions that would shame Democrats.
It is indefensible.