January 14, 2025

2 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: Dec 26 2021

  1. I find myself keeping coming back to the statement in the original post above that “It’s not that the US Left can’t read or don’t understand the Constitution; they just hate it,” and I find myself quibbling with it on logical grounds, because for the US Left to actually hate the Constitution, they would first have to be aware of its existence, and there I think is where the premise fails, because it attributes to the US Left an awareness and an ability to think, to fathom, to reason, to use logic, which simply does not exist.

    The US Left functions solely on our older “lizard brain” parts which keep our bodies working and provide basic survival motivations, while never reaching the newer “mammal brain” regions that improve our emotions and memory.

    The scientific model for how the US Left “thinks” can be seen be seen in this real-to-life video of a Komodo Dragon, the archetypical symbol of the US Left, out hunting:


  2. That Komodo Dragon is an excellent archetype for DEMOCRAT BIG BOSS Nancy Pelosi, who is ruled by passions, emotions, feelings and perhaps just plain old stomach gas in her gut.

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