It is December 25th, 2021 and there are still Americans trapped in Afghanistan because Joe Biden abandoned them.
Elon Musk: “the woke mind virus is arguably one of the biggest threats to modern civilization.” Eventually, all of this illogical, divisive, tyrannical left-wing BS is going to collapse on itself. It’s not that the US Left can’t read or don’t understand the Constitution. They just hate it.
Just to be clear, Americans are taking medical advice from people who believed Jussie Smollett.
What is the purpose of vaccine mandates to enter an NYC restaurant when the vaccinated can and do get infected and spread the COVID virus? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Surprise, Joe Rogan’s doctor said he prescribed ivermectin to hundreds of members of Congress and the media completely ignored it.
Biden’s handlers said getting the coronavirus under control would be simple. They said the only reason the pandemic was so bad in 2020 was Trump’s poor leadership. Biden was going to shut down the virus, not the country.
States and cities are awash with more than $1 trillion in covid funding passed by Congress early this year. Why didn’t they use the funds to stockpile Covid tests? Why didn’t they build surge capacity at hospitals and clinics? Where did the money go??
How is it we keep getting caught off-guard: Omnicron, which started in November, and was scary enough to block travel from South Africa, but not ramp up testing here? “No one anticipated this, it came out of nowhere….” Echoes of Afghanistan.
Covid Note: In the scenario that seems most likely to Dr. Alina Chan, scientists in the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab would have been developing or modifying several coronaviruses with the intention of studying how viruses can jump from animals to humans. “It is like uncovering a 2018 proposal for putting horns on horses. And then, at the end of 2019, a unicorn shows up in Wuhan,” she told The NY Post.
Homicides surge in major cities, as the state arrests individuals for lacking a vaccine card. None of this is normal.
So, the “researchers” at National Institutes for Health were sent by god to splice and manipulate viruses to make them more transmissible to humans. If their science, and funding kills 16 million people, they are not to be held responsible, because it was also just god’s will and in pursuit of a better science.
I believe CCCP uniforms mean “Europe debased itself before the altar of woke energy policy, Russia controls the only excess feedstock presently available, we can do whatever the hell we want.”
I find myself keeping coming back to the statement in the original post above that “It’s not that the US Left can’t read or don’t understand the Constitution; they just hate it,” and I find myself quibbling with it on logical grounds, because for the US Left to actually hate the Constitution, they would first have to be aware of its existence, and there I think is where the premise fails, because it attributes to the US Left an awareness and an ability to think, to fathom, to reason, to use logic, which simply does not exist.
The US Left functions solely on our older “lizard brain” parts which keep our bodies working and provide basic survival motivations, while never reaching the newer “mammal brain” regions that improve our emotions and memory.
The scientific model for how the US Left “thinks” can be seen be seen in this real-to-life video of a Komodo Dragon, the archetypical symbol of the US Left, out hunting:
That Komodo Dragon is an excellent archetype for DEMOCRAT BIG BOSS Nancy Pelosi, who is ruled by passions, emotions, feelings and perhaps just plain old stomach gas in her gut.