Iran supports the military operation “Al-Aqsa Flood” in Israel, said Gen. Rahim Safavi, an adviser to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. This was just after the Biden White House gave Iran $6 billion. Hamas has declared war on Israel, launching surprise attacks, invading Israeli towns, firing well over 2000 rockets, murdering 22 Israelis, and otherwise attacking Israel by air, land, and sea. Of course, the President is still asleep, maybe dreaming about the six billion given to Iran and sending more money to the criminal grift operation in Ukraine.
Of course, Trump allegedly telling nuclear submarine secrets to an Australian Mar-a-Lago visitor is going to be the top story for the foreseeable future. By the way, the Russians have forgotten more about US Submarine capabilities than Trump will ever know.
Biden is trying to defeat domestic terrorism by targeting one political group (MAGA). I’m no domestic terrorism expert, but targeting the people who are concerned they might be targeted by the government is not how you get less domestic terrorism, is it? Biden will go down in history as the stumbling, bumbling architect of America’s demise. And make no mistake. We are done in a matter of years, not decades, if this keeps up.
Debt Side Road — The idea that student loan debt is inherently more deserving of forgiveness than other forms of debt is regressive. Forgiving car or mortgage debt for the working poor makes infinitely more sense on progressive terms.
Desantis Badass Alert “I don’t think anybody voted FOR Biden. They were voting AGAINST Trump! That’s why they did it. Let’s just be honest. He energized Democrats. You could have John Kennedy walk through the door right now and he wouldn’t energize Democrats as much as Donald Trump does… “What did we do in Florida with these Democrats? We DEFEATED these Democrats. We left the Democratic Party in Florida in a pile of RUINS.”
Deplorable Alert – Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton calls Trump supporters “cult members” and says they need to be “formally deprogrammed.” And she wonders why she lost in 2016. Hillary Clinton just had another “basket of deplorables” moment LIVE on CNN, only 100 times more dystopian fantasizing about the “end” of MAGA and the return of the DC Uniparty: “Sadly, so many MAGA extremists take their orders from Donald Trump… at some point, there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.” Can someone tell me what deprogramming looks like?
Senior Ukrainian MP on US Speaker situation: “We are freaking out. For us it is a disaster. We are interested in getting things sorted out so American democracy can function, and so we can restore the bipartisan consensus on supporting their own national interest by supporting Ukraine.” Translation: send us more money.
MONEY NOTES – Unless you thrive on corruption and are grifting for votes, the idea that student loan debt is inherently more deserving of forgiveness than other forms of debt is stupid and regressive. Forgiving car or mortgage debt to the working poor makes infinitely more sense on progressive terms.
BREAKING: The Biden administration says there is an “immediate need” to wave regulations and build a border wall as the migrant crisis spirals out of control. Remarkable. 4 years ago this was “racist.” Now they’re advocating for it. “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas pursuant to sections 102(a) and 102(b) of [the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996],” Mayorkas said in an announcement. Gee, maybe they shouldn’t have sold all the border wall parts.
They haven’t released the Nashville shooter’s manifesto because it says exactly what you think it says.
CCM: I’m no domestic terrorism expert, but targeting the people who are concerned they might be targeted by the government is not how you get less domestic terrorism, is it?
Hard to say, but REPRESSIVE GOVERNMENTS throughout history believe it is true, which is why in history we have had concentration camps and GULAGS to deal with “those kind” of persons.
And in this country, that thought takes us back to a Daily Caller article entitled “Hillary Tells Black Church White People Must End ‘Systemic Racism’” by Alex Pfeiffer, White House Correspondent, on April 20, 2016, where we had Hillary Clinton, one of Joe Biden’s “Electors” in the “Electoral College,” advocating for the forced governmental deprogramming of white people in America, to wit:
PHILADELPHIA — In a visit to a black church Wednesday, Hillary Clinton told the predominately African-American audience that it is the “responsibility of white people” to end systemic racism and incorrectly stated a popular hip-hop phrase in saying we will “ride and die.”
Clinton was visiting the St. Paul’s Baptist Church along with “The Mothers of the Movement” and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
The Mothers of the Movement consisted of mothers who had lost loved ones in police shootings.
The panel included the mother of Sandra Bland and the fiancee of Sean Bell.
The stated topics of the event were police brutality, mass incarceration, gun violence and racism.
“We have to be honest about systemic racism and particularly the responsibility of white people, not just people in public life but all of us,” Hillary said.
She later said at the event, “We all have implicit biases.”
“They are almost in the DNA going back probably millennia.”
“And what we need to do is be more honest about that and surface them.”
Clinton added, “I don’t have the answers, I’m not a behavioral psychologist or anything, but I think that needs to be done in every community kind of setting we can find that is open to doing it.”
end quotes
To HILLARY Clinton, the phrase “every community kind of setting we can find that is open to doing it” would include local facilities to incarcerate white people until their minds are sufficiently wiped (drugs work fine for that as does elcctro-shock and lobotomies) to render them harmless so that they can then be safely released back to the kind of society people like HILLARY wish to impose on us at bayonet point.
CCM: Senior Ukrainian MP on US Speaker situation: “We are freaking out. For us it is a disaster. We are interested in getting things sorted out so American democracy can function, and so we can restore the bipartisan consensus on supporting their own national interest by supporting Ukraine.” Translation: send us more money.
Ukraine is a fascist dictatorship where democracy is as scarce as hen’s teeth, so it is interesting to hear them talking about American “democracy,” itself a joke in the case of the fascist dictatorship of Ukraine, a corrupt ****-hole Joe Biden is pouring our tax dollars into, as we see by going to pp. 311, 312 of “Dereliction of Duty – Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, The Joint Chiefs of Staff, AND THE LIES THAT LED TO VIET NAM” by H.R. McMaster, to wit:
Although the Constitution designated the President as Commander in Chief of the military, each member of the JCS was sworn to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
The Constitution charged Congress, as representatives of the People, with the responsibility to decide whether to declare war.
The American People, through their representatives in Congress, were to determine whether South Vietnam’s “freedom and independence” was worth the costs and risks.
end quotes
We have NEVER been given any choice by Joe Biden as to whether the freedom and independence of the corrupt, fascist ****-hole called Ukraine is worth the costs and risks.
So much for “democracy” in America.
As to the American people wanting to send the corrupt fascists in Ukraine any more US tax dollars, let’s go to an America Insider article titled “New Poll Delivers Bad News to Biden” by Joshua Riddle on 4 October 2023, where we have operative reality staring the Ukrainians and Joe Biden in the face, as follows:
A Washington Post-ABC News poll indicates that Democrat Biden is struggling to engage with the public.
Dissatisfaction is growing regarding his handling of the economy and immigration, with an increasing number of people believing that the U.S. is overly involved in supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.
20 percent strongly approve of Biden’s overall performance, while 45 percent strongly disapprove.
The survey also reveals a shift in public opinion regarding U.S. support for Ukraine.
Americans believe that the United States is doing too much to assist Ukraine (41 percent), while 31 percent believe the level of support is appropriate, and 18 percent think it is insufficient.
“The American people are smart as hell and know what their interests are.”
“I think they know they’re better off financially than they were before.”
“It’s a fact.”
– Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, 7 October 2023
And you are full of ****, Joe!
Thanks to YOU and your CRACKPOT fiscal policies which are turning even
toilet paper into a luxury item, I had to pay the exorbitant price of $190 for a battery for a 2012 Toyota pick-up truck, which is ridiculous!
And you are the only fool out there who would believe that getting gouged like that somehow makes me better off financially.
CCM: Senior Ukrainian MP on US Speaker situation: “We are freaking out. For us it is a disaster. We are interested in getting things sorted out so American democracy can function, and so we can restore the bipartisan consensus on supporting their own national interest by supporting Ukraine.” Translation: send us more money.
“Ukraine needs $42 billion budget support this year and next, prime minister says”
By David Lawder and Andrea Shalal
October 11, 2023
MARRAKECH, Morocco, Oct 11 (Reuters) – Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said on Wednesday the country would need budget support of about $42 billion this year and next year to plug a massive deficit and aid reconstruction from the devastation caused by Russia’s invasion.
Shmyhal told a high-level roundtable to support Ukraine held during the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings in Marrakech, Morocco, that Ukraine’s state budget deficit would be about 20% of the country’s GDP this year and 21% in 2024.
“We expect support from all our partners, both in equal amounts,” Shmyhal said.
“This will allow the government to meet its basic social obligations to pay pensions, salaries to doctors and teachers, and to help those whose homes have been destroyed by Russia.”
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen at the roundtable also urged President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to stay focused on fighting corruption and pledged U.S. support for Ukraine for “as long as it takes.”
“The American people are smart as hell and know what their interests are.”
“I think they know they’re better off financially than they were before.”
“It’s a fact.”
– Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, 7 October 2023
Joe, you are delusi0nal!
You are a moron who is so out of touch with the reality confronted by real American people outside of Washington, D.C., it isn’t funny!
Think I’m kidding, Joe?
Not a joke, dude!
What the American people, who are far smarter than you have ever been, or ever will be, do know is that under BIDE-O-NISM, an Americanized form of Marxism, and BIDE-O-NOMICS, your MASSIVE BORROW AND SPEND CORPORATE WELFARE PROGRAM, the American people are far worse off than they were before your miserable and pitiful WOKE administration began, to wit:
“US consumer sentiment weakens in October”
October 13, 2023
WASHINGTON, Oct 13 (Reuters) – U.S. consumer sentiment fell sharply in October as households anticipated higher inflation over the next year, a survey showed on Friday.
The University of Michigan’s preliminary reading on the overall index of consumer sentiment came in at 63.0 this month compared to 68.1 in September.
“Nearly all demographic groups posted setbacks in sentiment, reflecting the continued weight of high prices,” Joanne Hsu, the director of the University of Michigan’s Surveys of Consumers, said in a statement.
The survey’s reading of one-year inflation expectations increased to 3.8% this month from 3.2% in September.
The five-year inflation outlook rose to 3.0% from 2.8% in the prior month, staying within the narrow 2.9-3.1% range for 25 of the last 27 months.
Here is goofy, untruthful, Joe Biden stumbling up the steps t0 the podium as he gives a speech on his FAILED BIDE-O-NOMICS program, which was somehow a very fitting entrance for a speech on that fiscal mess, and the one thing that can be said for Joe is that when he stumbles, or face plants or falls off his bicycle, he does it with comedic style and grace:
BREAKING NEWS: Biden Trips Going Up Stairs Ahead Of Delivering Speech On Bidenomics
Forbes Breaking News