As Lavrentiy Beria, Joseph Stalin’s secret police chief, once said, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.” The American people know it. CNN Senior Legal Analyst Elie Honig Describes How The Trump Conviction Was A Political Hit Job:
1. “The judge donated money… in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations—to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation.”
2. Alvin Bragg boasted on the campaign trail in an overwhelmingly Democrat county, “It is a fact that I have sued Trump over 100 times.” 3
. “Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process.”
4. “The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever.”
5. The DA inflated misdemeanors past the statute of limitations and “electroshocked them back to life” by alleging the falsification of business records was committed ‘with intent to commit another crime.’
6. “Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were — and the judge declined to force them to pony up — until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial.”
7. “In these key respects, the charges against Trump aren’t just unusual. They’re bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else.”
8. “The Manhattan DA’s employees reportedly have called this the “Zombie Case” because of various legal infirmities, including its bizarre charging mechanism. But it’s better characterized as the Frankenstein Case, cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator.”
This is what is happening to conservatives and those that question the narrative:
Tucker and Bongino got booted from Fox– Alex Jones owes $1 billion and expects InfoWars to be raided by Feds– Rudy Giuliani owes $100 million for saying a rigged election was rigged–Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro are being imprisoned –Trump has 34 felonies and was banned off all social media CFO of Epoch Times was just indicted–James O’Keefe is gone from Project Veritas–OAN was banned from all major satellite networks–Parler was booted off their AWS cloud server–Elon’s being sued and investigated by the Feds for allowing free speech on Twitter/X–Almost every “alternate elector” has been indicted in blue states. Is this America? Here in the 757, the VABeach GOP chair has been indicted for illegally recording a phone…not making this up.
The internet is in an uproar as a video has gone viral on social media where it appears that our commander in chief may have had an accident on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy.
The video shows Biden at the event shaking hands with French President Emmanuel Macron, where he then turns away and bends slightly, as if trying to sit.
Biden then pauses uncomfortably, showing that he’s unclear whether he should be standing or sitting.
While the leftist media has jumped to President Biden’s defense, claiming there’s no evidence of a “poop” bombing France, others are not so sure. The look on France’s First Lady Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron says a lot. Is Biden pooping his pants or trying to sit in an invisible chair? Either way, embarrassing.
We’ll leave you with this. We had to watch so now you do too…
And what more needs to be said!
I wonder if they have old Joe wearing Depends.
And that last very creepy video of the BIDEN YOUTH regaling senile old Joe Biden reminds me of Hitler youth rallies to regale Hitler or Red Guard rallies in China where they would sing the praises of Chairman Mao .
As to Joe speaking of the heroism and determination of the Army rangers climbing the cliff at Normandy on D-Day, Joe himself could have been an Army ranger doing heroic stuff during the VEET NAM war, but Joe decided to take the safe course like Bill Clinton and Charley “CHUCK” Schumer by becoming a SKULKER, instead.
I have to say as a combat veteran, an enlistee, I found it obscene listening to Joe Biden talking about those Army Rangers climbing the cliffs at Normandy that day.
It would have been better, what with his “war record” as a SKULKER, if Joe had said nothing at that ceremony, at all.
I have no problem whatsoever with people who did not serve, but listening to Joe Biden talking about something he does not and would not, and will never understand, that being the sheer grit and determination of those men that enabled them to even hit that beach, let alone face that fire and climbed into it following the infantryman’s dictum of “suppress enemy fire and clear your front,” I thought just how PHONEY the whole thing was!
I used the cherish having coffee in the morning with an older man who jumped into Normandy on D-Day as an 82d Airborne paratrooper and made his way across France and into Germany until the end of the war, and we spent many hours in c0nversation about just how ******* stupid wars started by ****** idiots like Joe Biden really are, which is what makes this mouthing of empty words by Joe Biden, with his dramatic presentation, words stolen from Reagan, who was in the Army, about those rangers such a hollow mockery.
What Joe Biden doesn’t understand with respect to those Rangers, and my friend who jumped out of a perfectly good airplane into Normandy on D-Day, is the concept of DUTY TO COUNTRY!
Joe doesn’t know anything about DUTY TO COUNTRY because Joe has spent his whole lifetime avoiding it.
Like myself in VEET NAM, those Rangers and those paratroopers were given a job to do, and they did the job, or got wounded, or died trying.
And the very last person we need a history lesson about D-Day from is Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, as if he somehow is the expert on the subject while the rest of us know nothing at all, unless we are lucky enough and blessed enough to get the real poop- on the subject from Joe, who seemed surprised by the fact that when one Ranger fell, another was there to take his place.
The only way forward for those Rangers was up those cliffs.
And in any event, that was the job they were assigned to do, so they did it, end of story.
And that is what Joe doesn’t understand, that concept of doing your job to the best of your ability for the good of the nation you are a citizen of, because Joe Biden, being nothing but a career hack politician, feeding off the United States taxpayers, never had a job that he was personally responsible for.
Nobody has ever held Joe Biden to account in all the time he has been feeding off the taxpayers as a US senator.
Joe has never had to climb a cliff into enemy fire for his country, or jump out of an airplane into a combat zone, because Joe purposely avoided having to do those kinds of things for America.
Joe was for Joe and BIDEN INCORPORATED, period!
One has to wonder if Hunter Biden had had better parenting, if he still would have turned out to be a loser and sleazebag, or whether being a Biden, that wasn’t baked into his DNA.
Old Joe seems to be having another of his lost in outer space “senior moments” here, where he is unsure of not only what planet he is on, but what galaxy he is in, as the Italian PM has to go after him like a mother going after her toddler about to wander into traffic:
The Daily Mail
Moment Italy’s PM has to grab Biden after he wandered away
Joe Biden is such a world-class embarrassment, as he made clear in the video above here where Joe is quite obviously lost in space, blank stare on his face, as he wanders with his halting, shuffling gait, and wonders what planet he is on, and as the Brits, who don’t have to fear political retaliation from Joe and his rabid pack of Democrats, also make clear here:
The Daily Mail
“Half of voters expect Biden to forget where he is during first debate”
Story by Rob Crilly, Senior U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com
14 June 2024
Almost half of likely voters expect President Joe Biden to make a series of embarrassing flubs when he goes to head-to-head with Donald Trump in their first debate this month.
Some 49 percent think he will forget where he is and 41 percent said they expect him to walk off the wrong side of the stage, according to a new poll by J.L. Partners.
Another 40 percent think he will trouble standing up during the CNN debate in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 27.