More than 80% of Gaza’s population lives in poverty, according to the U.N.
But Hamas has an investment portfolio of real estate and other assets worth $500 million, experts say, and an annual military budget of as much as $350 million.
Republicans tried to warn everyone about the Democrats’ mass immigration agenda. Kind of too late now though. We’re not gonna round up and deport millions of people (although we should). America was nice while it lasted. Ruined by liberals, like everything else they touch.
If you’re pro-Israel, best thing you can do is stop mass migration to Europe. Those people marching today are the future. Don’t kill the messenger (me). Pretty soon they’ll control government and have nukes. Maybe stop crying about the far right for a while and PAY ATTENTION.
“Death to America” Is what you are supporting? As an American …We should never support anyone who says that … be mad all you want .. you guys are clowns.
CORRUPTION–Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman says he struck a deal with fellow Democrat D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb to have the fire alarm charges expunged from his record once HE PAYS A FINE.
The level of self-deception at the highest levels of the Biden White House is impressive. Jake Sullivan wrote an essay for Foreign Affairs that went to print before Oct 7. For the online version that came out this week, they let him not just add new material but scrub the sections embarrassed by events. Some deleted gems from the original: “The Israeli-Palestinian situation is tense, particularly in the West Bank, but in the face of serious frictions, we have de-escalated crises in Gaza and restored direct diplomacy between the parties after years of its absence.” When Biden became president, “US troops were under regular attack in Iraq and Syria…Such attacks, at least for now, have largely stopped.”Biden’s “disciplined approach frees up resources for other global priorities, reduces the risk of new Middle Eastern conflicts, and ensures that US interests are protected on a far more sustainable basis.”“We have acted militarily to protect US personnel, and we have enhanced deterrence, combined with diplomacy, to discourage further [Iranian] aggression.”“the region is quieter than it has been for decades. The progress is fragile, to be sure. But it is also not an accident… [Biden’s] approach returns discipline to US policy. It emphasizes deterring aggression, de-escalating conflicts, and integrating the region…”
They know Joe Biden is guilty. They have a mountain of evidence against him. -FD-1023 form -17 audio recordings -40 human sources Yet the FBI is withholding that evidence because they want leverage over him. This is a classic blackmail operation. This is exactly why they had to destroy Donald Trump. They didn’t have any leverage over him so they fabricated stories about him. -Steele Dossier -Impeachment hoax -Boxes hoax The Biden probe started as a foreign agent money laundering investigation and has been whittled down to one gun charge. How does that work? It’s called state protection.
GEN-Z NOTE-Gen Z can’t afford to live meanwhile they are putting slot machines in gas stations.
Did you find it weird that GA was the only southern state in the Bible Belt to turn blue & “elect” Joe Biden in 2020? Well your intuition was correct – there was massive fraud ans now more proof has been released after years of court battles THOUSANDS of double-counted ballots:
CCM: This is exactly why they had to destroy Donald Trump.
They didn’t have any leverage over him so they fabricated stories about him.
What I recall is a Bloomberg article titled “How an Isolated Trump Insulted Allies and Dismissed the World at UN” by Nick Wadhams, David Wainer, and Toluse Olorunnipa on September 27, 2018, where Trump was attacked for saying “It doesn’t matter what world leaders think,” as if that were something new for an American president to do or say.
But then I also remember the minutes of the July 3, 1996 FOMC meeting, as foll0ws:
Federal Reserve Governor Rivlin: I think we need to rethink that very carefully, and we need to do it in the light of a couple sets of political sensitivities.
One set is the concerns of our friends and allies around the world who are very worried, as I perceive it, that the United States may be withdrawing from the world.
They believe that we have an inward-looking, to-hell-with-the-rest-of-the-world stance at the moment and that we are drawing back on foreign aid and not paying our bills that are due to international organizations.
If we were to get rid of our swap lines, that might be seen as one more indication that we are withdrawing from the world.
end quotes
If I remember United States history correctly, the president in 1996 was a card-carrying, dyed-in-the-wool liberal progressive dope-smoking DEMOCRAT named William Jefferson Clinton, husband of the mouth running HILLARY, so apparently we have a double standard here, but what am I saying, of course we do.
What rank BULL****!
CCM: Republicans tried to warn everyone about the Democrats’ mass immigration agenda. Kind of too late now though. We’re not gonna round up and deport millions of people (although we should). America was nice while it lasted. Ruined by liberals, like everything else they touch.
Chuck Schumer @SenSchumer
The Acting Head of the Border Patrol @CBP just confirmed to me that the vast majority of migrants coming to the United States are NOT criminals.
These are human beings fleeing danger.
They deserve to be treated humanely and with respect.
end quotes
Too bad that doesn’t apply to ordinary Americans born here.