February 19, 2025

2 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: Duplicate Ballots?

  1. CCM: This is exactly why they had to destroy Donald Trump.

    They didn’t have any leverage over him so they fabricated stories about him.


    What I recall is a Bloomberg article titled “How an Isolated Trump Insulted Allies and Dismissed the World at UN” by Nick Wadhams, David Wainer, and Toluse Olorunnipa on September 27, 2018, where Trump was attacked for saying “It doesn’t matter what world leaders think,” as if that were something new for an American president to do or say.

    But then I also remember the minutes of the July 3, 1996 FOMC meeting, as foll0ws:

    Federal Reserve Governor Rivlin: I think we need to rethink that very carefully, and we need to do it in the light of a couple sets of political sensitivities.

    One set is the concerns of our friends and allies around the world who are very worried, as I perceive it, that the United States may be withdrawing from the world.

    They believe that we have an inward-looking, to-hell-with-the-rest-of-the-world stance at the moment and that we are drawing back on foreign aid and not paying our bills that are due to international organizations.

    If we were to get rid of our swap lines, that might be seen as one more indication that we are withdrawing from the world.

    end quotes

    If I remember United States history correctly, the president in 1996 was a card-carrying, dyed-in-the-wool liberal progressive dope-smoking DEMOCRAT named William Jefferson Clinton, husband of the mouth running HILLARY, so apparently we have a double standard here, but what am I saying, of course we do.

    What rank BULL****!

  2. CCM: Republicans tried to warn everyone about the Democrats’ mass immigration agenda. Kind of too late now though. We’re not gonna round up and deport millions of people (although we should). America was nice while it lasted. Ruined by liberals, like everything else they touch.


    Chuck Schumer @SenSchumer

    The Acting Head of the Border Patrol @CBP just confirmed to me that the vast majority of migrants coming to the United States are NOT criminals.

    These are human beings fleeing danger.

    They deserve to be treated humanely and with respect.

    end quotes

    Too bad that doesn’t apply to ordinary Americans born here.

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