WASHINGTON (AP) — In a major ruling for gun rights, the Supreme Court strikes down restrictive New York gun law. Held: New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment by preventing law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in public for self-defense. Pp. 8–63.
The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a restrictive New York gun law in a 6-3 decision that is expected to ultimately allow more people to legally carry guns on the streets of the nation’s largest cities.THE 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT TO SELF-DEFENSE DOES NOT STOP AT THE LINE OF YOUR PROPERTY.
Justice Thomas, kicking ass and taking names: “the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home…Although individuals often ‘keep’ firearms in their home, at the ready for self-defense, most do not ‘bear’ (i.e. carry) them in the home beyond moments of actual confrontation…To confine the right to ‘bear’ arms to the home would nullify half of the Second Amendment’s operative protections.”
Alito takes Breyer’s dissent to the woodshed, and rightfully so. Breyer makes a ton of political comments…but almost ZERO constitutional and legal ones.
The left is outraged because SCOTUS struck down a law that said rich connected people who can donate lots of money to politicians get more rights than us stupid peasants. Now watch as they cry a river about “wild west” blood in the streets, shootouts over parking spaces… even though the rest of America carries guns, and half the states don’t even require permits anymore, and we’re fine. It’s no big deal. Their hyperbolic nonsense never comes to pass, but all they know how to do is throw tantrums.
The worst outcome for liberals and Jan 6th showed this, is that you got a bunch of folks that really just wanted to be left alone, to do their jobs, hang with friends and family, maybe surf or play golf or work in the yard so pissed off that they now want to get involved. The Left had a chance to be in control, to be cool, to just leave people alone, but they just couldn’t do it. They just had to push their stupid agenda way too far. While people are clutching pearls about what happened on January 6th, do any of them have the self-awareness to try and see why something like that would happen, why ordinary people would get mad as hell and not take it anymore?
Stoopid alert: Kamala Harris says she is “deeply concerned and troubled by the Supreme Court’s ruling today” and says “it defies common sense and the Constitution of the United States.”
Moron alert: A dark day in America. This is a dangerous decision from a court hell-bent on pushing a radical ideological agenda and infringing on the rights of states to protect our citizens from being gunned down in our streets, schools, and churches. Shameful. — Cali Gov Gavin Newsome. Ummm…Gavin, that radical agenda you speak of is actually called the Bill of Rights. This is Jr. High-level history, you moron.
Also, the jackass Gun Bill in the Senate is nothing but pork and does not spend one penny on hardening and securing the schools, which should be primary.
Remember ‘Let’s Roll’: In one generation we have gone from a handful of unarmed civilians on United 93 sacrificing themselves to stop an attack on 911 that could’ve killed thousands…to dozens of heavily armed officers standing by for an hour while children were slaughtered inside a school. Meanwhile, The Left wants to restore the right to vote for felons but wants to take away Second Amendment rights for a lifetime for a misdemeanor.
BREAKING: Biden FBI raids Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark, GOP officials, staffers in multiple states in ‘alternate electors’ investigation. Note: The most dangerous thing happening in America today is the weaponization of the Administrative State against the People. Nothing else comes close.
Buffoon alert: “To the companies running gas stations and setting those prices at the pump, this is a time of war, global peril, Ukraine. These are not normal times. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump. Do it now.” — Biden. This fool actually thinks gas stations control the price of fuel. Oy-vey.
The confused President will call on Congress to suspend federal gasoline and diesel taxes for three months — a move meant to ease financial pressures at the pump that also reveals the political toxicity of high gas prices. This is just a gimmick, we all know this. It will save you about $15 dollars over a 3-month period.
Since Joe Biden took office, he issued 39 new regulations and executive orders that restricted American energy independence and caused gas prices to rise.
It’s Joe Biden — not Putin.
When a Recession writes its own headline…..
Stop treating the media like media and start treating them as if they’re your mortal enemies out to destroy you because they are. Looks like someone gets it.
These idiots continue to bring up the musket thing. Okay Kathy, how about you have your security detail give up the Glocks and start using muskets to protect you. She has a 25-person security detail. What do you have?
“Former Rep Tulsi Gabbard reveals some Democrats’ ‘dangerous mindset,’ compares it to dictators'”
Fox News Staff
24 JUNE 2022
Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard showed the “dangerous” ways in which some Democrats think Friday on “Jesse Watters Primetime.”
TULSI GABBARD: We need to stay within the bounds of the Constitution and the rule of law.
I think the thing that I frankly have heard from some Democrats is an even more dangerous thing than that fear that you’re talking about, which is they feel like that they need to do whatever they need to do in order to save America.
And that is a dangerous mindset to have.
You look throughout history, just about every single dictator who does whatever they feel they need to do, they feel like their cause is just, and so when we have people in positions of power — yes, in government, but in other sectors of our society as well, who feel like they need to do all they can to save the country, to save the people, and yet they are defying our Constitution and undermining our democracy and ruining our country in the process.
This is what we need to protect ourselves and our country and our future from.
With her stupid, idiotic and historically inaccurate statement “I would like to point out to the Supreme Court justices, that the only weapons at that time were muskets,” Kathy Hochul is living proof that you can be born without a brain, then become a lawyer, and after that, a state governor, although by default in that case, since she only became governor when the disgraced Democrat Andy Cuomo had to resign because of sexual stuff that seems to plague Democrat “men” who exercise their “manhood” by abusing women, because if one actually bothered to learn history in the seventh grade, they would realize that Daniel Morgan’s corps of riflemen in the American Revolution were called “riflemen,” not “musketeers,” precisely because they were armed with rifles, not muskets.
What a moron is our Kathy!
Excellent and spot on. Thank you for your continued efforts to spread the truth.
And while Joe Biden is escalating the arms race in Ukraine in a battle he can’t win, here is what we are getting out of the deal, keeping in mind that Joe Biden put this loser Jay Powell back in charge of the federal reserve instead of sacking him as he should have done:
“‘Stagflation’ is here, even if recession isn’t yet, top economist Mohamed El-Erian says”
Erin Prater
26 June 2022
The U.S. may or may not see a recession in the next year or two, top economists contend.
But one thing is certain: “Stagflation” is real, and it’s here in the U.S.
That’s what Mohamed El-Erian, economist and president of Queens’ College at Cambridge University, told Yahoo Finance in a recent interview.
“The baseline is stagflation, what we are experiencing now — inflation high, growth slowing down,” he said.
“The balance of risk has shifted significantly in favor of … recession.”
The probability of a “soft landing” for the U.S. economy has “declined significantly” due to multiple Federal Reserve mistakes, El-Erain said, adding that the Fed didn’t respond fast enough to inflation.
“Unfortunately, it’s uncomfortably possible that the Fed is going to slam on the breaks and push us into recession,” he said, adding that the Fed has “low credibility” and is “consistently late.”
And as to the special tax or Ukraine penalty that Joe Biden is forcing us to have to pay to fund HIS WAR OF CHOICE in Ukraine as well as to force us all to have to pay exorbitant prices for an electric car so that Jennifer Granholm’s ROI on her electric vehicle stocks can go up, the cost of a gallon of 89-octane gas this morning was $5.25, up $.25 cents from the last time I got gas.
Market Realist
“Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s Net Worth”
By Kathryn Underwood
June 17, 2022
The 16th U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, is facing criticism as soaring gas prices burden Americans and their budgets.
Although nowhere near the wealth of billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, Granholm has millions to her name.
According to CelebrityNetWorth, the energy secretary is worth $1 million, but Forbes published a piece in June 2021 giving her a much higher net worth of $8 million (combined with her husband’s).
Granholm’s investments and holdings in energy companies have been called into question.
She divested from some investments prior to becoming energy secretary and exercised $1.6 million in stock options from EV company Proterra.
Market Realist
“Electric-Bus Maker Proterra’s SPAC IPO Date, Valuation, and IPO Plans”
By Ambrish Shah
Jan. 14, 2021
Electric-Bus maker Proterra is gearing up to go public through a reverse merger with ArcLight Clean Transition Corp.
The SPAC (special purpose acquisition company) raised about $250 million in a 2020 IPO in 2020 and had been looking out for a company to merge with since.
The two companies may soon announce an IPO date if the deal closes.
Proterra is an electric vehicle technology company that manufactures electric buses and batteries.
The company has manufactured nearly 300 megawatt-hours of battery systems and 550 heavy-duty electric transit buses.
Proterra has also installed nearly 54 megawatts of charging systems.
Founded in 2004, Proterra is an automotive and energy storage company located in Burlingame, Calif.
The company produces battery-electric buses as well as electric charging systems.
Users of the electric transit buses include over 100 different public transportation agencies, including the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority.
Proterra’s proposed reverse merger with ArcLight Clean Transition Corporation should be promising news for investors who funded the SPAC IPO.
Proterra is valued at $1.6 billion in the acquisition deal.
The board of directors of both companies have approved the deal, and Proterra’s current shareholders have agreed to convert 100 percent of their ownership stakes into the new company.
They are likely to own over 60 percent of the combined company at the close.
Is Proterra IPO stock a buy?
I believe Proterra stock is a buy based on a strong growth outlook.
The firm’s top line could surge significantly as EV adoption grows.
With Tesla stock costing more than $800, Proterra stock provides a low-cost entry to the EV market.
In 2020, Proterra was estimated to generate revenues of $193 million.
The company also has $750 million in existing orders and backlog.
And yes, people, if you think this above from the NANCY PELOSI JANUARY SIXTH WITCH HUNTERS, including and sometimes actually starring the East Coast of Virginia’s own congresswoman of the year for not only last year, but the last several years, in fact, with her popularity today soaring because of the key role she is playing here to rid the world of Donald Trump permanently in order to preserve our SACRED DEMOCRACY which like Ukraine is now an autocracy with a one -party system as the Democrats including Elaine Luria work to outlaw the Republican party along with Trump, is some real weird ****, something from straight out of Tales of the Absolutely Extreme Bizarre, there is absolutely nothing at all wrong with your cognitive abilities, as this story we are being fed by the January 6th Committee and Elaine Luria about Donald Trump “lunging and assaulting officers” is totally bizarre, and it sounds very much like something the smarmy little pencil-neck Democrat congressman from Disneyland and Hollywood Adam “Full of it” Schiff had his group of screenwriters of bizarre and absurd television shows out there put together for him so he would have a real spectacular BLOCKBUSTER STORY for the legacy media who believes anything they are told about Trump “lunging and assaulting officers,” which does make for some good fodder for gossip on the Democrat talk shows.
But as we see from a Reuters article titled “U.S. Capitol riot panel faces questions over Trump fracas in SUV” by Richard Cowan on June 29, 2022, it now appears very much as if the PELOSI WITCHHUNTERS including Elaine Luria are intentionally feeding us contrived inflammatory BULL**** based on an apparently fabricated “hear-say” story of the “THE WOMAN SCORNED,” an element of political theater which is always so necessary to the sake of drama as the Democrats see it, especially Adam Schiff with his insights he gets from Hollywood on these drama matters like a story about Trump “lunging and assaulting officers,” has a hand in the production as he does here, to wit:
WASHINGTON, June 29 (Reuters) – A congressional probe into the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol by Donald Trump supporters faced questions on Wednesday about what steps it had taken to corroborate a White House aide’s account of the then-president having struggled with Secret Service agents in his armored SUV that day.
U.S. media outlets, citing Secret Service sources, said the head of Trump’s security detail, Robert Engel, and the driver of the car were prepared to challenge the aide’s testimony that Trump grabbed the steering wheel of the modified Chevrolet Suburban when he learned that the Secret Service would not drive him to the Capitol, where thousands of his supporters rioted.
end quotes
The “White House Aide,” Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to Trump’s White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, is “THE WOMAN SCORNED,” as we see from that Reuters article, to wit:
Hutchinson testified that Tony Ornato, a senior Secret Service official, told her that Trump had struggled with agents after giving a fiery speech to his supporters outside the White House that morning in which he repeatedly falsely blamed widespread fraud for his election loss to Joe Biden.
Aides who worked at the White House were surprised at the outsized influence for a then-24-year-old and surprised at her tale of drama on the SUV the day of the riot.
Sources familiar with the matter said she had planned to join the small contingent of staffers who moved to Florida with Trump after he handed over power to Joe Biden in January 2021, but Trump ultimately opted not to hire her.
end quotes
So here was a chance for revenge, and she jumped at it.
As to the totally BULL**** nature of her testimony, starting with the fact that it was nothing more than hear-say, and the BULL**** nature of the spectacular headlines the PELOSI WITCH HUNTERS garnered for themselves and the Democrat Cause as a result, all we need do to see that is to go back to Reuters, to wit:
Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said on Wednesday the committee had not sought to confirm details of Hutchinson’s testimony in the 10 days before the hearing, which was scheduled unusually quickly.
“If it is true the Secret Service denies the allegations against President Trump of lunging and assaulting officers, then the story is really passing along gossip that did not bear fruit,” Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham said on Wednesday.
“The committee, with a little bit of effort, could have told the other side of the story but they chose NOT to because they wanted sensational headlines.”
end quotes
And of course, sensational headlines is exactly what they got, as was the intended engineered outcome fueled by pure BULL**** from somebody who heard something from somebody, who in turn heard it in the men’s room from a couple of people who heard the janitorial staff talking about it, which takes us back to Reuters one more time, to wit:
“Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony before the Jan. 6 Committee has been praised as ‘courageous’ and dismissed as ‘unbelievable,'” said Democratic Senator Dick Durbin on Twitter on Wednesday.
“It’s time for those present for some of the darkest moments for our democracy to come forward under oath and, like her, tell their stories.”
end quotes
MEMO TO DICK: Uh, Dick, her testimony before the Jan. 6 Committee has been dismissed as “unbelievable” because it is stupid to believe a word she says when she wasn’t there, especially when the people who were there say its BULL****!
That’s what makes it unbelievable.
Full transcript from the June 28 hearing of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack:
BENNIE THOMPSON: The Select Committee to investigate the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol will be in order.
Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare the committee in recess at any point.
Pursuant to House Deposition Authority Regulation 10, the chair announces the committee’s approval to release the deposition material presented during this hearing.
Good afternoon.
In our hearings over the previous weeks, the Select Committee has laid out the details of a multi-part pressure campaign driven by the former president aimed at overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election and blocking the transfer of power.
We’ve shown that this effort was based on a lie, a lie that the election was stolen, tainted by widespread fraud, Donald Trump’s big lie.
In the weeks ahead, the committee will hold additional hearings about how Donald Trump summoned a mob of his supporters to Washington, spurred them to march on the Capitol, and failed to take meaningful action to quell the violence as it was unfolding on January 6th.
However, in recent days the Select Committee has obtained new information dealing with what was going on in the White House on January 6th and in the days prior, specific detailed information about what the former president and his top aides were doing and saying in those critical hours, firsthand details of what transpired in the office of the White House chief of staff just steps from the Oval Office as the threats of violence became clear, and indeed violence ultimately descended on the Capitol in the attack on American democracy.
It’s an important — it’s important that the American people hear that information immediately.
That’s why, in consultation with the vice chair, I’ve recalled the committee for today’s hearing.
As you’ve seen and heard in our earlier hearings, the Select Committee has developed a massive body of evidence thanks to the many hundreds of witnesses who have voluntarily provided information relevant to our investigation.
It hasn’t always been easy to get that information because the same people who drove the former president’s pressure campaign to overturn the election are now trying to cover up the truth about January 6th.
But thanks to the courage of certain individuals, the truth won’t be buried.
The American people won’t be left in the dark.
Our witness today, Ms. Cassidy Hutchinson, has embodied that courage.
I won’t get into a lot of detail about Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony we’ll show.
I’ll allow her words to speak for themselves, and I hope everyone at home will listen very closely.
First, I recognize our distinguished vice chair, Ms. Cheney of Wyoming, for any opening statement she’d care to offer.
And for a true blend of the absurd, the idiotic, the insane, the bizarre, and just plain strange ***** coming out of this JANUARY SIXTH COMMISSION starring Virginia’s own Elaine Luria as a WITCH HUNTER EXTRAORDINAIRE, let us go to a Fox News story titled “January 6 committee’s Kinzinger: Secret Service agent who may dispute Hutchinson claim ‘likes to lie'” by Timothy Nerozzi on 1 July 2022, where we have a real good glimpse of how this batch of Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS are protecting the lies they are putting forth by smearing any witnesses before they come forth to debunk the lies the WITCH HUNTERS are feeding us as they attempt to destroy trump and the Republican party before midterms, to wit:
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., claimed Thursday that a Secret Service agent who may testify before the Jan. 6 committee about the timeline of events that unfolded around former President Donald Trump during the riot “likes to lie.”
end quotes
And ask yourself people, what kind of horse***** is that for somebody supposedly searching for the truth about January 6, 2021 to be spreading?
It is hearsay and just plain gossip, as well as smearing the Secret Service itself, as we see by going back to the story, to wit:
Two Secret Service agents, Tony Ornato and Robert Engel, are prepared to testify before Congress that then-President Donald Trump did not lunge at a steering wheel or assault them in an attempt to go to the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot, a source close to the Secret Service told Fox News’ David Spunt this week.
The explosive new allegations were made on Tuesday by Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.
A series of social media posts accumulated this week in which colleagues and opponents of Ornato have accused him of failing to tell the truth in the past and being a habitual liar.
“Tony Ornato sure seems to deny conversations he’s apparently had,” claimed Olivia Troye, former White House Homeland Security advisor under Mike Pence.
“First this one with Keith Kellogg in ‘I Alone Can Fix It’ [and] now he’s denying the story he told Cassidy Hutchinson.”
“Those of us who worked w/ Tony know where his loyalties lie.”
“He should testify under oath.”
“Tony Ornato lied about me too,” said CNN’s Alyssa Farah Griffin.
“During the protests at Lafayette Sq. in 2020, I told Mark Meadows [and] Ornato they needed to warn press staged there before clearing the square.”
“Meadows replied: ‘We aren’t doing that.’”
She added, “Tony later lied [and] said the exchange never happened.”
“He knows it did.”
The whirlwind of attacks on Ornato’s trustworthiness caught the attention of Kinzinger, who publicly commented that Ornato lies often.
“There seems to be a major thread here… Tony Ornato likes to lie,” Kinzinger wrote.
Rep. Liz Cheney declined to comment on the possibility of Secret Service members testifying in front of the Jan. 6 committee after two agents disputed claims about Trump’s behavior during the riots.
When pressed on whether the Secret Service members would speak on growing narrative discrepancies in witness testimonies, Cheney demurred.
“The committee has spoken to both Mr. Ornato and Mr. Engel, and we welcome additional testimony, under oath, from both of them, and from anybody else in the Secret Service who has information about any of these issues,” Cheney told ABC News.
end quotes
Horse**** on a stale hardroll is what we have here, people!
On another note, Joe is setting some serios records here with his “economy that works for everyone”:
“S&P 500 closes the book on its steepest first-half slide since 1970”
By Stephen Culp
June 30, 2022
NEW YORK, June 30 (Reuters) – Wall Street ended lower on Thursday, crossing the finish line of a grim month and quarter, a dismal coda to the S&P 500’s worst first half in more than half a century.
All three major U.S. stock indexes finished the month and the second quarter in negative territory, with the S&P 500 notching its steepest first-half percentage drop since 1970.
The Nasdaq had its largest-ever January-June percentage drop, while the Dow suffered its biggest first-half percentage plunge since 1962.
All three indexes posted their second straight quarterly declines.
The last time that happened was in 2015 for the S&P and the Dow, and 2016 for the Nasdaq.
“All year it’s been a tug-of-war between inflation and slowing growth, balancing tightening financial conditions to address inflation concerns but trying to avoid outright panic,” said Paul Kim, chief executive officer at Simplify ETFs in New York.
“I think we are more than likely already in a recession and right now the only question is how harsh will the recession be?”
“I think it’s very unlikely that we’ll see a soft landing,” Kim added.
Economic data released on Thursday did little to allay those fears.
Disposable income inched lower, consumer spending decelerated, inflation remained hot and jobless claims inched higher.