January 18, 2025

3 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: Invasion by Design and Fake Evidence

  1. As always, an excellent analysis and summary of the STATE OF SURREAL AND ABSURD UNREALITY that we are now stuck with in what long ago was called the “United” states of America, which itself was never really a true statement, as the DEMOCRATS proved when they seceded from the Union back when and caused a horrible, bloody CIVIL WAR, the likes of which they are trying to revive so they can try and win this time and make us all their chattel and slaves.

  2. 1) A Leftist says, “If it saves just one innocent life we should repeal the 2nd amendment and ban guns.”
    2) I say, “If it stops just one murder, robbery, rape, etc., we should repeal immigration and ban all illegal aliens.”

    A quick history lesson:
    North America was settled by Anglo/Celts and has enjoyed prosperity, peace and freedom unparalleled in human history.
    Central and South America were settled by Hispanics, and have has revolutions, generalissimos, poverty,disease and strife forever.
    Now our betters want to bring that Eden of “diversity” here.

    Asian countries for Asians.

    Black countries for Blacks.

    but White countries for everybody?

    That’s genocide.

    Anti-racist is a code-word for Anti-White

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