February 17, 2025

5 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: July 3rd 2022

  1. Here is Joe Biden back when he was for Afghanistan as a “forever war” before he became against it as a “forever war”:

    Senate Hearing 108-320

    S. Hrg. 108-320






    OCTOBER 16, 2003

    The Chairman. We welcome all of our witnesses and look forward to their insights.

    But before hearing those, I recognize the distinguished Ranking Member of our committee, Senator Biden.

    Senator Biden. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

    So let’s remember, with all due respect, the key issue here, for me at least, is the expansion of ISAF in a way to decrease our own burden of bringing about security in Afghanistan and give some prospect, some prospect, that there can be a government there that’s going to be able to sustain itself after we’ve gone.

    I’ll never forget walking into a high-ranking administration official and saying, but we have a security problem.

    They said, there’s no problem with Afghanistan.

    And I said, what do you mean?

    Ismail Khan is running the show.

    She said, that’s right.

    There’s no problem.

    There’s security.

    Ismail Khan is in charge.

    We never have been able to have a situation in Afghanistan where there are not warlords.

    Now I’m paraphrasing what was said in a meeting with high-level American administration officials.

    So our allies seem to be ready to begin to help us lighten the load.

    Every German, French, and Turkish soldier deployed to bring security to the Afghanistan countryside potentially frees up an American soldier to help fight the Taliban, which is — they’re in a resurgent stage, and hunt down al-Qaeda.

    And so, again, I have a longer statement, Mr. Chairman, and I’ll ask unanimous consent that it be placed in the record, if I may.

    The Chairman. It will be placed in the record.

    Opening Statement of Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

    Mr. Chairman, in May of last year I voiced my concerns about the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.

    “If current trends continue,” I said in a floor speech, “we may soon find that our hard-won success on the battlefield has melted away.”

    I wish I could now report that events of the past year had proven my concerns ill-founded.

    But while our attention has been focused on the war in Iraq, we have failed to consolidate our victory in Afghanistan.

    As we consider the President’s request for $87 billion to fund war and reconstruction operations on two separate fronts, it is high time for us to reexamine our policy in Afghanistan.

  2. According to the news, on July 4, our anniversary of our declaring independence from an insane king in England whose history was a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States, much like Joe Biden and his pack of Democrats today, actually, and who had erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance, abdicating Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection, much like Joe Biden did when he called those of us who don’t kowtow to him “DREGS OF SOCIETY,” and waging War against us while plundering our seas, ravaging our Coasts, burning our towns, and destroying the lives of our people while transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation, inciting domestic insurrections amongst us, and endeavouring to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions, goofy old Joe Biden is said to have said as follows:

    “I believe we’re more united than we are divided.”

    And you know what, people, for once, we are united – against Joe Biden!

    Consider a WTEN – ALBANY story titled “71 percent don’t want Biden to run for re-election: poll” by Caroline Vakil on 1 July 2022, for an idea of just how united Joe Biden has made us, to wit:

    (The Hill) – Seven in 10 Americans say they do not want President Biden to run for a second term, according to a new poll that comes as Biden’s approval numbers remain low and his party braces for losses this November.

    A Harvard CAPS–Harris Poll survey shared exclusively with The Hill found that 71 percent of respondents polled do not think Biden should run for a second term compared to 29 percent who say he should run.

    end quotes

    And then Newsweek had a story about how Joe has united us titled “Biden Approval Rating Plummets to New Low, Marking Year of High Disapproval” by Katherine Fung on 5 July 2022, as follows:

    A Monmouth University poll released Tuesday found that Biden’s approval rating dropped to a new low in June, with 58 percent of Americans saying they disapprove of the job he’s doing.

    Just over a third of Americans—36 percent—approve.

    end quotes

    So, the conclusion to be drawn from this is that while Joe Biden is making a mess out of just about everything he touches, when it comes to uniting us, Joe is doing a real bang-up job of it!

    Let’s go, Brandon

  3. June 28, 2022 6:23 PM ET

    Cassidy Hutchinson, former aide to Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, testifies as the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Tuesday.

    LIZ CHENEY: Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

    In our first five hearings, the committee has heard from a significant number of Republicans, including former Trump administration Justice Department officials, Trump campaign officials, several members of President Trump’s White House staff, a prominent conservative judge, and several others.

    Today’s witness, Ms. Cassidy Hutchinson, is another Republican and another former member of President Trump’s White House staff.

    Certain of us in the House of Representatives recall that Ms. Hutchinson once worked for House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, but she is also a familiar face on Capitol Hill because she held a prominent role in the White House Legislative Affairs Office and later was the principal aide to President Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows.

    Ms. Hutchinson has spent considerable time up here on Capitol Hill representing the Trump administration, and we welcome her back.

    Up until now, our hearings have each been organized to address specific elements of President Trump’s plan to overturn the 2020 election.

    Today we are departing somewhat from that model because Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony touches on several important and cross-cutting topics, topics that are relevant to each of our future hearings.

    In her role working for the White House chief of staff, Ms. Hutchinson handled a vast number of sensitive issues.

    She worked in the West Wing, several steps down the hall from the Oval Office.

    Ms. Hutchinson spoke daily with members of Congress, with high ranking officials in the administration, with senior White House staff, including Mr. Meadows, with White House counsel lawyers and with Mr. Tony Ornato, who served as the White House deputy chief of staff.

    She also worked on a daily basis with members of the Secret Service who were posted in the White House.

    In short, Ms. Hutchinson was in a position to know a great deal about the happenings in the Trump White House.

    Ms. Hutchinson has already sat for four videotaped interviews with committee investigators, and we thank her very much for her cooperation and for her courage.

    We will cover certain, but not all, relevant topics within Ms. Hutchinson’s knowledge today.

    Again, our future hearings will supply greater detail, putting the testimony today in a broader and more complete context.

    Today you will hear Ms. Hutchinson relate certain firsthand observations of President Trump’s conduct on January 6th.

    You will also hear new information regarding the actions and statements of Mr. Trump’s senior advisers that day, including his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and his White House counsel, and we will begin to examine evidence bearing on what President Trump and members of the White House staff knew about the prospect for violence on January 6th, even before that violence began.

    To best communicate the information the committee has gathered, we will follow the practice of our recent hearings, playing videotaped testimony from Ms. Hutchinson and others and also posing questions to Ms. Hutchinson live.

    Mr. Chairman, I yield back.

  4. By way of review, and here let me say that I am one of the old-fashioned Americans from an entirely different century and millennium than this one is who can actually not only read words, but assimilate their meaning, and who gets his news from transcripts of actual conversations such as Liz Cheney above here, this is what the Cape Charles Mirror had to say about this Cassidy Hutchinson BULL**** SHOW starring Liz Cheney doing to the actual testifying, while Cassidy serves as a mere prop, keeping in mind that sitting there in the audience while this FARCE is going on, where Liz Cheney is conducting an actual prosecution of Trump based on HOODOO and BULL****, is Virginia’s Elaine Luria, who has put her stamp of approval on this KANGAROO COURT by her participation as an enabler and her silence with respect to denouncing it as very UN-AMERICAN, to wit:

    Please just imagine how the left would react.

    It’s pretty surreal watching the CNNs of the world still pretending that there aren’t multiple actual witnesses willing to testify that the fake bombshell hearsay testimony they’re salivating over isn’t demonstrably false and that their dream witness/coffee girl perjured herself!

    Why would Secret Service agents call a junior staffer like Cassidy Hutchinson to give her “bombshell” information about Trump that they didn’t report themselves?

    Answer: They didn’t.

    She seems to have made the whole thing up.

    What does this say about the rest of her testimony?

    Would it be fair to say Liz Cheney, that the Secret Service has “debunked” your star witness Cassidy Hutchinson?

    end quotes

    Red meat, indeed, people, and let me say again, that before I began making these comments, I took the time to read her so-called “testimony,” which was FAKE DIALOGUE put together for her probably by some of the Hollywood screen writer pals of the smarmy little pencilneck congressman from Hollywood and Disneylnad, Adam “Mr. SHIFTY HIMSELLF” Schiff, it is that transparently contrived, as if for a court drama on TYV for people with no vocabularies and IQs of 43 who need it to be kept very short and simple for them, one step up from “see Dick run.”

    And before we go further with her “testimony,” which was not testimony at all, just gossip, to address the very relevant question raised by the Mirror as to why would Secret Service agents call a junior staffer like Cassidy Hutchinson to give her “bombshell” information about Trump that they didn’t report themselves, keeping in mind that this is now 2022, a benchmark date, we need to look at who Cassidy’s bio says she is, not who Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney make her out to be, which is somebody really brave who was really very, very important in the West Wing, so that it would be, in their model of reality, her that all these people trying to stop Trump on January 6, 2021 would come to as the most important person there to come to, even above Trump himself.

    As to her educational background, and hence, her credentials and qualifications to be a REALLY, REALLY IMPORTANT PERSON in Washington, D.C., a city full of important people with impressive credentials, and Bennie and Liz chose to bypass this part of her resume in maki8ng her out as very important, Cassidy graduated three years ago in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science.

    Now, I am for self improvement, so God bless the young lady for her educational achievement, but let’s face it, people, a degree in Poly Sci with no experience other than as a gofer getting coffee for politicians does not serve to make you as important in Washington as Cassidy is made out to be by herself, Bennie Thompson and her prompter, Liz Cheney, Washington being a city where you find people with Master’s Degrees in Poly Sci cleaning commodes or scraping bubblegum off the floor of the bus station with a single-edge razer blade, so common is the breed in Washington.

    So why indeed would it be she that all these people and the Secret Service came running to?

    Let’s look further in her bio before going to the BOMBSHELL TESTIMONY about the “presidential lunge,” where we have one description of her duties, as follows:

    In March 2020 (one year after she graduated), when Mark Meadows became Trump’s fourth chief of staff, he selected her to serve as one of his aides.

    She soon became Meadows’ principal assistant, continuing through to the end of the Trump presidency, where her title was Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs.

    She worked in an office next to Meadows’ office, just down the hall from the Oval Office.

    She took notes at meetings and traveled with Meadows, monitoring his phone and relaying his orders.

    end quotes

    That’s what her bio says, but that is not how Bennie and Liz made her out to be, but seriously, people, we’re talking SHOW BIZ here, so truth and facts are not relevant!

    It’s about making the ignorant believe the unreal is really real!

    And if it was only on television, believe me, they could have pulled it off, but there is a transcript, and that is what buries them, because their words are frozen in time, not disappearing into the aether as they do on television.

    And before we go to her “testimony,” which is nothing more than contrived dialogue and gossip intended to humiliate Trump, let’s go back to her bio once more, as follows:

    Identified as a “White House legislative aide,” Hutchinson was the subject of a nationally-syndicated AP photograph in which she was shown dancing to the Village People song “Y.M.C.A.” alongside White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany at the end of Trump’s September 21, 2020, campaign rally in Swanton, Ohio.

    When Trump’s term ended, she was initially supposed to work for his post-presidency operation in Florida, but the plan was “abruptly dropped” before she was supposed to begin.

    end quotes

    And thus she became THE WOMAN SCORNED!

    To which @realDonaldTrump on June 28, 2022 tweeted “I hardly know who this person, Cassidy Hutchinson, is, other than I heard very negative things about her (a total phony and “leaker”), and when she requested to go with certain others of the team to Florida after my having served a full term in office, I personally turned her request down.”

    “Why did she want to go with us if she felt we were so terrible?”

    “I understand that she was very upset and angry that I didn’t want her to go, or be a member of the team.”

    “She is bad news!”

    And as the Cape Charles Mirror says, and so it goes!

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