February 17, 2025

2 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: Mindless Anti-Semitism Edition

  1. CCM:

    * America is not America.

    * It is not a Constitutional Republic.

    * Its government does not reside in Washington D.C., and the powers that control it do not acknowledge or adhere to any human laws.



    And in truth, but for a handful of us, NOBODY CARES because they don’t know enough to care, and are totally ignorant of the fact that it once was different!

  2. And while all that other stuff is going on, goofy old Joe managed to get himself lost in outer space somewhere at the Veteran’s Day wreath laying at Arlington, where in a strange display typical of Joe, an Army sergeant comes toward him with a big wreath which Joe puts his hands on, and then the Army sergeant backs up trailing both the wreath and doddering Joe, who shuffles along following the wreath, at which time, Joe then zones out and becomes lost in space, being forced to have to ask the sergeant what planet he was on, and how to get back to earth and creepy Jill:

    Biden appears to get lost during the Veterans Day ceremony


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