January 14, 2025

5 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: Scumbag Edition

  1. O ye of little faith in the Great Northeast who are feeling the chill in the air this morning, and who feel greatly disappointed because Joe Biden, our fearless leader who is fighting for the soul of America, and fighting to save our democracy from the MAGA crowd, while at the same time trying to win the fight for the 21st Century and protect fascism and autocracy in Ukraine, hasn’t fulfilled his promise to bring us warmer weather instead of the colder weather we are getting, be assured that while it appears Joe has forsaken us, he really has us in his heart of hearts, so he hasn’t really forsaken us and forgot about us, he’s just been really busy taking vacations and giving necessary political speeches which are expected of him to prove him worthy of all our love and devotion and admiration, so please be patient and probably Joe will have the warmer weather he promised us here next week, and if not, probably by next June, and remember, NOAA says just because it is getting colder doesn’t mean it is not getting warmer, so if you do feel cold this morning, it is all in your mind!

  2. WOW!

    Here’s a real HUGE surprise, alright!

    CORRUPTION in Ukraine!

    Who’d a thought it possible!


    “Graft accusations dog top Zelenskiy aides”

    By Stephen Grey and Dan Peleschuk

    September 19, 2023

    VIENNA/KYIV, Sept 19 (Reuters) – In his years as the chief executive of one of Ukraine’s biggest construction firms, Oleh Maiboroda kept rolls of dollar bills in a safe behind his desk.

    The money, Maiboroda told Reuters, was intended to bribe public officials to approve building projects.

    The task of handing over the cash, he said, was entrusted to a lawyer named Oleh Tatarov, now a senior adviser to Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

    “Tatarov used to solve all issues with law enforcement,” Maiboroda said in an interview in Vienna, where he has settled to escape prosecution in Ukraine for his own alleged role in corruption schemes involving the construction firm, Ukrbud Development LLC.

    Maiboroda said bribes flowed through Tatarov from 2014 to 2019.

    The lawyer’s contacts with police, courts and prosecutors made him a perfect go-between.

    “Of course he was paying” to smooth projects with authorities, including by securing building permits, Maiboroda said.

    “He was giving them money so these arrangements were done,” he added.

    Maiboroda’s remarks threaten to reignite a controversy that has plagued President Volodymyr Zelenskiy even in wartime: accusations by political opponents and anti-corruption campaigners that powerful people have shielded Tatarov from prosecution.

  3. “I’m going to get those gas prices down again, I promise you.”

    – Joe Biden making a solemn presidential vow to an audience in Largo, Maryland, during a speech on the economy on 14 September 2023.

    Yeah, right Joe, and in what century is that going to happen?

  4. Minutes of the Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on July 2-3, 1996

    CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. Governor Rivlin.

    MS. RIVLIN. To draw on my recent area of so-called expertise, I do find the Fed staff a little pessimistic about the outlook for the federal deficit in 1997.

    The 1996 deficit is certainly going to be better than anybody predicted.

    The $125 to $130 billion range now looks good to everyone.

    The 1997 deficit will certainly be higher, but I think it is unlikely to be as much higher as the Fed staff projects; they have a $163 billion deficit.

    I think it is very possible that we will get a major new effort at deficit reduction, if not before the election certainly shortly after it, no matter who wins.

    That might not be soon enough to affect fiscal year 1997 very much, but it could have a strong effect in demonstrating the outlook for declining outyear deficits, which the markets certainly would view as a favorable thing.


    America Insider

    “Biden’s Fault: US Hits ‘Dangerous’ Milestone For 1st Time in History”

    Story by David Rufful

    20 September 2023

    The U.S. national debt topped $33 trillion for the first time ever.

    This massive spending spree has occurred over four decades.

    In the early 1980s, the national debt hovered around $907 billion.

    “The United States has hit a new milestone that no one will be proud of: our gross national debt just surpassed $33 trillion,” said Maya MacGuineas, the president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

    “Debt held by the public, meanwhile, recently surpassed $26 trillion.”

    “We are becoming numb to these huge numbers, but it doesn’t make them any less dangerous.”

    In the meantime, the Biden administration has faced severe backlash over its focus on sending cash to foreign nations, like Ukraine and Iran.

    “As lawmakers drift from one short-term fiscal crisis to the next, our national debt just keeps piling up, trillion after trillion,” said Michael Peterson, CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation.

    “After the debt ceiling showdown in June, we crossed the $32 trillion debt milestone.”

    “Now, as we stare down a potential government shutdown just three months later, we have raced past $33 trillion in red ink.”

    The Biden White House is blaming Republicans for the massive rise in the federal debt.

    “The increase in debt over the last 20 years was overwhelmingly driven by the trillions spent on Republican tax cuts skewed to the wealthy and big corporations,” Michael Kukukawa, White House assistant press secretary, said in a statement provided to FOX Business.

    “Congressional Republicans want to double down on trickle-down by extending President Trump’s tax cuts and repealing President Biden’s corporate tax reforms.”

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