News: John Kerry stepped off his jet at the COP28 Summit in Dubai and announced the US will be stopping all new coal plants from being built and will be working to shut down existing coal plants. This move will leave over 100,000 Americans unemployed between the plant workers and coal miners. The plan is to replace the coal plants with wind and solar power. I guess politicians aren’t looking out for Miners. How much more of America can they destroy?
Santos: gone. Bowman: pleaded guilty to false fire alarm. Schiff: lied about the Russia Hoax. Pelosi: Suspected stock trades. Swalwell: had an affair with a Chinese spy. Menendez: accused of taking bribes from a foreign govt. All still there
So, it turns out there were “at least 200” Feds and undercover operatives working the January 6 thing. That’s according to U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), “The FBI was not just participating in the January 6th acts from within. I suspect they had over 200 agents embedded in the crowd, including agents or, as they would call it, human assets inside the Capitol dressed as Trump supporters before the doors were opened.”
This figure is in the realm of possibility, given the newly released J6 videos, court documents, and witness statements. “And when you track the text threads and the communications within those groups and find the origins of suggestions of potential violence or an active occupation of the Capitol on January 6th, you’ll find that those messages were led by members of the groups that ended up to be the FBI agents that had infiltrated the group,” Higgins said.
“So the FBI’s involvement was deep, not just on J6, but on the days and weeks and months prior.”
It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas, and the J6 was possibly a set-up. The Trump “incitement” narrative had been hatched months prior, as the infamous Time “shadow cabal” article made clear. The J6 riot was war-gamed multiple times before the Electoral College.
The FBI unconstitutionally used NSA surveillance to track the groups seeking to disrupt the event. It had Federal informants embedded in multiple groups, including the Proud Boys. Yet, somehow, the FBI and Capitol Police were woefully “unprepared” despite multiple warnings, including from then Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund. D.C. Mayor Bowser, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and others, refused to press for more National Guard, despite it being documented and on the record that former President Donald Trump wanted 10,000 National Guard troops outside Congress to protect the Electoral College.
Also, there was no ‘centrally coordinated’ plot to overturn the results of the 2020 election, as FBI sources told Reuters in an August 2021 report. Indeed, that was the entire point of the election challenges during the convening of the Electoral College. If Donald Trump wanted to overturn the 2020 election results, he would not have disrupted the Electoral College. He would have continued to pursue his legal challenges and his Constitutional right to challenge electoral slates in Congress. Trump would not have sent in unarmed extremists to disrupt the Electoral College to ‘retain power.’
This is illogical, nonetheless, this narrative has constituted the basis for prosecuting a former president in what has devolved into a partisan show trial.
BREAKING REPORT: Senator Dick Durbin BLOCKS Marsha Blackburn’s request to subpoena Epstein’s flight logs..but why is he so concerned?
Note: John Fetterman has shown more moral courage in his condemnation of anti-Semitism in two months than Chuck Schumer has shown in twenty years.
CCM: So, it turns out there were “at least 200” Feds and undercover operatives working the January 6 thing.
ME: And fast-forward back to the 1960’s and the exact same **** was going back then, as well:
See, Church Commission:
CCM: John Kerry stepped off his jet at the COP28 Summit in Dubai and announced the US will be stopping all new coal plants from being built and will be working to shut down existing coal plants.
And not only that, but John “JACKIE BOY” Kerry, Joe Biden’s United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, also created quite STINK over there, as well:
The New York Post
“Loud fart sound erupts during John Kerry’s speech at climate panel”
Story by Joe Tacopino
5 December 2023
John Kerry might need to cut back on his own emissions.
The Biden Administration’s climate envoy was discussing US policy on coal power plants at the Climate Change Conference in Dubai on Sunday when Kerry may have unleashed a burst of wind energy.
The former secretary of state was speaking next to Becky Anderson, Managing Editor of CNN Abu Dhabi, and Fatih Birol, Executive director of the International Energy Agency, when a Bronx cheer suddenly erupted midsentence.
“There shouldn’t be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world,” Kerry began before launching into an anti-coal diatribe.
“I find myself getting more and more militant because I do not understand how adults who are in a position of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis…”
Before Kerry can complete his thought, the crude sound of passing gas can be heard over the microphone.
CNN’s Anderson — sitting to Kerry’s right and within striking distance of a potential bodily function — quickly jerks her head aside and inconspicuously places her hand to her mouth, possibly in the event of any stench permeating the climate panel.
end quotes
As to the CLIMATE WARMING BULL**** John “JACKIE BOY” is peddling (he would be good pitching SHAM-WOWS or THIGH MASTERS on late-night TV informercials or selling used cars for a disreputable car dealership because he is an arrogant prick and a con man), it’s been snowing up here where I am since last night, which is the surest proof of GLOBAL WARMING being real that I can think of.
What a bunch of “Joe Biden” that all is!
NOTE to John “JACKIE BOY” Kerry: Pogue mahone, dude!
Figures you can’t even get that right. It’s póg mo thóin You don’t write chow for ciao do you??
You need to leave Veterans alone, understand?
Pogue mahone (Irish póg mo thóin, ‘kiss my ass’).
A humorous Hiberno-English catch-phrase, conveying disrespect.
And no, J Wheaton, and by the way, you have been missed by your multitude of adoring fans, plus the ethologists from other galaxies who have traveled, in some cases light years away to study you, I don’t use the term ciao, which actually sounds just like chow when verbalized, so who would even know the difference how it was spelled, or care, because I find it too effeminate a term and besides I am not Italian, so why on earth would I be saying chow to somebody, who would be a liberal progressive in this country, because they are the only types that do use the term, and I don’t hang with the liberal progressive crowd as I find them quite self-centered, shallow and juvenile.
NOTE to John “JACKIE BOY” Kerry: póg mo thóin, dude!
There, are you happy now, J Wheaton?
And thanks for your valuable input because I would not want John “JACKIE BOY” to mistake what I was saying to him.
And what do you think of John “JACKIE BOY” having self-inflicted wounds in VEET NAM so he could get out of combat?
Joe Biden, himself a skulker like Bill Clinton and Charley “CHUCK” Schumer, obviously had no problems with it and Joe would probably say it was the right thing to do.
Let somebody who was not a senator’s son or a privileged one have to stop the bullets instead of a blue-blood like John “JACKIE BOY” Kerry.
BIDEN CLIMATE DICTATOR John “JACKIE BOY” Kerry’s next ASSAULT on us, this according to a Fox News story titled “John Kerry pledges to slash emissions from AC units, refrigerators to fight climate change” by Michael Dorgan on 6 December 2023 (it’s 22 degrees here where I am right now), involves stripping us of our refrigerators and air conditioners for those who have them, which I don’t having no need for one.
The cowardly Kerry, who confessed to wounding himself in VEET NAM back when he was running his failed presidential campaign, is quoted in the article as follows:
“We want to lay out a pathway to reduce cooling-related emissions across all sectors but increase access to sustainable cooling,” Kerry told COP28.
Only someone truly insane would make such a ridiculous statement as that.
If the elitist Kerry, who in another article stated he was finding himself “getting more and more militant” in his own deranged personal war against the civilized society that rejected him as presidential material, thus unhinging him, has his way, we will be living in a primitive society in hovels with NOTHING to our names, starting with fire, which will have us even behind the cave men and Neanderthals who at least had fire to keep them warm.
as GLOBAL WARMING ramps up creating Kerry’s GLOBAL CLIMATE
And what we are seeing here, courtesy of the Cape Charles, with these dictatorial decrees which impact on every segment of our lives from this unelected ******* IDIOT and failed Democrat presidential contender and coward John “JACKIE BOY” Kerry is just how easily and quickly what senile Joe Biden calls “democracy” can literally overnight, like was the case in Germany when Adolph Hitler came to power, can turn into an absolute dictatorship where we have ceased to be citizens and instead have become SUBJECTS of this coward Kerry as he enforces Joe Biden’s INSANE GREEN DREAM on us with us having no voice or say in the matter.
See, swift boat veterans accuse kerry of self-inflicted wounds on Google.
This and all Paul Plante’s comments are balderdash. Mr. Creed, won’t you give us a break!
Madam x, thanks for a real good belly laugh with that comment of yours above here which is good for my immune system, but I have to say that keeping all that hostility bottled up inside yourself is not at all good for your digestive system and will lead to a real serious case of constipation, if not already, that will have you blowing up like a balloon, which will only make you more hostile, so it will be a vicious circle as that constipation works its way upwards into your cranial cavity, thereby displacing your grey matter, which will be forced out of your eyes and ears, and how embarrassing that is going to be, or perhaps already is, and if you think anything I say is balderdash, you would be doing everyone in here a big favor by making a demonstration of how that is, and I am betting that you can’t do it.
The New York Post
By Vince Morris
Published Aug. 10, 2004
WASHINGTON – A startling new book charges that John Kerry accidentally “wounded himself in the buttocks” in Vietnam with a grenade he exploded, then lied to get a medal by saying he had received the injury rescuing one of his crewmen.
The explosive new book, “Unfit for Command,” was released yesterday by Regnery Publishing and presents the biggest challenge yet to Kerry’s decorated war record.
Based on the accounts of numerous vets, the book claims Kerry’s rescue under fire of Jim Rassman – an action that earned Kerry his third Purple Heart and a Bronze Star – didn’t happen the way the Democratic nominee claims.
Larry Thurlow, the skipper of a boat trailing Kerry’s, says in the book that he saw Kerry suffer a buttocks wound earlier that day in 1969 when he was hit by fragments from his own grenade while trying to destroy a Viet Cong rice cache.
“He dishonestly transferred the time and cause of the injury to coincide with the [boat rescue] action later in the day and claimed that the cause of the injury was the mine exploding during the action,” the book claims.
In Kerry’s version of the incident, he says a mine struck his swift boat – wounding him in the buttocks and arm.
Kerry maintains he braved enemy fire from both shores to race to the bow of the boat and pluck Rassman, who had fallen overboard, out of the water.
But, the book says, “Many participants in the incident state that neither weapons fire nor a mine explosion occurred near Kerry during the incident.”
“Unless one believes in the amazing coincidence that Kerry got two wounds in the same place on the same day, he lied to get the Purple Heart,” the authors say.
The Kerry campaign responded that the Bush campaign has “crossed the line” in attacking Kerry’s war record.
Turning to another of the three Purple Hearts that Kerry was awarded, “Unfit for Command” authors John O’Neill and Jerome Corsi say William Schachte, who was on the boat with Kerry, watched as Kerry’s M-16 rifle jammed and he picked up a M-79 grenade launcher to fire in the direction of a “a group of sampans” pulled by fisherman up on shore.
But Schachte says Kerry was too close to the target to use such a powerful weapon and that blowback from the grenade caused his arm wound – not enemy fire.
“There was no report of any hostile fire that day,” says the book.
“No other records reflect any hostile fire.”
The book also quotes Dr. Louis Letson, whom Kerry sought out after the Dec. 2, 1968, midnight mission.
Letson exclaimed, “Why are you here?”
Kerry replied that he’d been “wounded by hostile fire,” even though Coastal Division Commandeer Grant Hibbard has said the cut was smaller than a rose-thorn prick.
The book also sheds new light on a controversial attack by Kerry’s swift boat against an unarmed sampan in January 1969 in which a Vietnamese boy was killed.
The authors charge that Kerry raked the sampan with heavy .50-caliber machinegun fire before approaching it and later attempted to cover up the death of the boy by filing a report claiming five “VC” dead and no mention of the child.
Kerry has said he it was a “terrible” incident that could not been prevented and that he will never forget the sight of the dead child.
“Kerry’s service in Vietnam has been devoted largely to his own self-interest at the cost of comradeship, honor and tradition,” write the authors.
As to my comment, Madam x, about how easily and quickly what senile Joe Biden calls “democracy” can literally overnight, like was the case in Germany when Adolph Hitler came to power, can turn into an absolute dictatorship, you should take a moment of your time to cure your igno0rance of political reality by studying the end of the Weimar Republic, a supposed democracy, and how quickly Hitler turned it into a dictatorship, relying, as is Joe Biden, on a CRISIS (Joe has several going at once) with his Official Speech on the Enabling Act to the Reichstag in Berlin on March 23, 1933:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the German Reichstag!
By agreement with the Reich Government, today the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the German National People’s Party have presented to you for resolution a notice of motion concerning a “Law for Removing the Distress of Volk and Reich.”
The reasons for this extraordinary measure are as follows: In November 1918, the Marxist organizations seized the executive power by means of a Revolution.
The monarchs were dethroned, the authorities of Reich and Länder removed from office, and thus a breach of the Constitution was committed.
The success of the revolution in a material sense protected these criminals from the grips of justice.
They sought moral justification by asserting that Germany or its government bore the guilt for the outbreak of the War.
This assertion was deliberately and objectively untrue.
In consequence, however, these false accusations in the interest of our former enemies led to the severest oppression of the entire German Volk, and the violation of the assurances given to us in Wilson’s Fourteen Points then led to a time of boundless misfortune for Germany, that is to say the working German Volk.
All the promises made by the men of November 1918 proved to be, if not acts of intentional deception, then no less damnable illusions.
The “achievements of the Revolution” were, taken in their entirety, agreeable for only the smallest of fractions of our Volk, but for the overwhelming majority, at least insofar as these people were forced to earn their daily bread by honest work, they were infinitely sad.
It is understandable that the survival instinct of those parties and men guilty of this development invents a thousand euphemisms and excuses.
An objective comparison of the average outcome of the last fourteen years with the promises once proclaimed is a crushing indictment of the responsible architects of this crime unparalleled in German history.
In the course of the past fourteen years, our Volk has suffered deterioration in all sectors of life, which could inconceivably have been greater.
The question as to what, if anything, could have been worse than in these times is a question which cannot be answered in light of the basic values of our German Volk as well as the political and economic inheritance which once existed.
In spite of its lack of mobility in political feelings and positions, the German Volk itself has increasingly turned away from concepts, parties, and associations which, in its eyes, are responsible for these conditions.
The number of Germans who inwardly supported the Weimar Constitution in spite of the suggestive significance and ruthless exploitation of the executive power dwindled, in the end, to a mere fraction of the entire nation.
Another typical characteristic of these fourteen years was the fact that – apart from natural fluctuations – the curve of developments has shown a constant decline.
This depressing realization was one of the causes of the general state of despair.
It served to promote the insight into the necessity of thoroughly rejecting the ideas, organizations, and men in which one gradually and rightly began to recognize the underlying causes of our decay.
The National Socialist Movement was thus able, in spite of the most horrible oppression, to convert increasing numbers of Germans in terms of spirit and will to defensive action.
Now, in association with the other national leagues, it has eliminated the powers which have been ruling since November 1918 within a few short weeks and, by means of a revolution, transferred public authority to the hands of the National Government.
On March 5, the German Volk gave its approval to this action.
The program for the reconstruction of the Volk and the Reich is determined by the magnitude of the distress crippling our political, moral and economic life.
Filled with the conviction that the causes of this collapse lie in internal damage to the body of our Volk, the Government of the National Revolution aims to eliminate the afflictions from our völkisch life which would, in future, continue to foil any real recovery.
The disintegration of the nation into irreconcilably opposite Weltanschauungen which was systematically brought about by the false doctrines of Marxism means the destruction of the basis for any possible community life.
The dissolution permeates all of the basic principles of social order.
The completely opposite approaches of the individuals to the concepts of state, society, religion, morality, family, and economy rips open differences which will lead to a war of all against all.
Starting with the liberalism of the past century, this development will end, as the laws of nature dictate, in Communist chaos.
The mobilization of the most primitive instincts leads to a link between the concepts of a political theory and the actions of real criminals.
Beginning with pillaging, arson, raids on the railway, assassination attempts, and so on – all these things are morally sanctioned by Communist theory.
Alone the method of individuals terrorizing the masses has cost the National Socialist Movement more than 350 dead and tens of thousands of injured within the course of a few years.
The burning of the Reichstag, one unsuccessful attempt within a large-scale operation, is only a taste of what Europe would have to expect from a triumph of this demonical doctrine.
When a certain press, particularly outside Germany, today attempts, true to the political lie advanced to a principle by Communism, to link Germany’s national uprising to this disgraceful act, this can only serve to strengthen my resolve to leave no stone unturned in order to avenge this crime as quickly as possible by having the guilty arsonist and his accomplices publicly executed!
Neither the German Volk nor the rest of the world has become sufficiently conscious of the entire scope of the operation planned by this organization.
Only by means of its immediate action was the Government able to ward off a development which would have shaken all of Europe had it proceeded to its disastrous end.
Several of those who fraternize with the interests of Communism both within and outside of Germany, motivated by hatred for the national uprising, would themselves have become victims of such a development.
It will be the utmost goal of the National Government to stamp out and eliminate every trace of this phenomenon, not only in the interest of Germany, but in the interest of the rest of Europe.
It will not lose sight of the realization that, in doing so, it is not the negative problem of this organization with which it is dealing, but rather the implementation of the positive task of winning the German worker for the National State.
Only the creation of a real Volksgemeinschaft, rising above the interests and conflicts of Stände und Klassen, is capable of permanently removing the source of nourishment of these aberrations of the human mind.
The establishment of such a solidarity in Weltanschauung in the body of the German politic is all the more important, for only this will make it possible to maintain friendly relations with the non-German powers without regard to the tendencies or Weltanschauungen to which they are subject, for the elimination of Communism in Germany is a purely domestic German affair.
And it is both interesting and frankly amusing that Madam x would try to have Wayne Creed, of all people, engage in MARK ZUCKERBERG/TWITTER type censorship while at the same time promoting gross ignorance by doing so.
As to promoting and protecting FASCIST DICTATORSHIPS, apparently Madam x, who is big on censorship and suppression of free speech, is unaware that Joe Biden, himself a dictator in all but name, is using OUR tax dollars to support a FASCIST DICTATORSHIP in Ukraine where Vladimer Zelensky is a FASCIST DICTATOR, who like Hitler with his Official Speech on the Enabling Act to the Reichstag in Berlin on March 23, 1933, has suspended constitutional protections for certain segments of the Ukrainian population.
Joe’s support for Zelensky reminds me very much of the relationship between Hitler and Mussolini, the DUCE, in Italy during WWII.
Perhaps that is why Madam x wants my voice suppressed in here, so I can’t remind people of that fact.