February 19, 2025

9 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: The Boeing-Biden Sandwich

    1. And it is nothing new.

      It is what Bob McNamara and his WHIZ-BANGS did at Ford (Found On Road Dead) when after WWII, in 1946 McNamara joined Ford Motor Company as manager of planning and financial analysis and from there he advanced rapidly through a series of top-level management positions to the presidency of Ford on 9 November 1960 – one day after Kennedy’s election.

      McNamara found Ford with financial problems after the war, and his solution was make a cheaper product, while touting how well built it was.

      As far as McNamara was concerned, and it is eminently true, people see the interior of a car, and they see the exterior, and they are clueless as to what lies between, so that was the place to leave out stuff, because putting stuff there cost money, and since nobody knew the stuff (bracing) was in there in the first place, they wouldn’t know he had taken it out.

      Which of course was true.

      The end result was that after so many years, Ford had come to mean FIX OR REPAIR DAILY and Ford lost business, but hey, in between they made money, and that is what it is all about.

        1. 35 years by my math takes us back to the 1990’s, long after Bob McNamara and his WHIZ BANGS with their cost-cutting measures has departed Ford, which long before you bought your F-150, had to change its ways if it wanted to sell cars or trucks in America.

          The fact that you may not have had problems doesn’t do anything to change Ford’s reputation for making crap after WWII.

          Ford’s crap turned my father into a Chevy man back in 1957, and he never went back.

          As for the Vega, you got screwed, plain and simple!

          Thank the MBA BEAN COUNTERS at GM for that.

        2. And not to try to inflict any kind of a fixed thought system on yourself here, Sgt, and thanks for your service and welcome home, but I think, and this is just me, of course, that the nature of the exercise here in this week’s episode, so to speak, of Asses and Villains is to make a demonstration out of what happens when corporate management, in this case, Boeing with its DEI, although it could well be the same in the command staff of your beloved Corps, put their minds on the promotion of social bull****, like making the United States Marine Corps totally WOKE, a place where your preferred personal pronouns are kn0wn by all and respected, rather than putting their minds on the business they are supposed to be in, which in the case of Boeing is supposed to be building safe airplanes that don’t shed parts when they are in midair.

  1. CCM: Meanwhile, by focusing on MBAs and JDs rather than engineers, top management fell victim to all the pathologies coming out of top schools.

    This is where the DEI nonsense comes from, which would have been much harder to impose if management were more focused on building good planes than stock buybacks.

    So the outsourcing, cost cutting, diminishing the original workforce – all this is now working in tandem with the sort of diversity/DEI dysfunction visible all over corporate America.

    It’s a feedback loop that could be fatal to Boeing and has already been fatal to some airline passengers.

    It’s not an elaborate conspiracy.

    It’s a tale of greed and dysfunction that you can see all over America.

    ME: Speaking as an engineer, that is an excellent analysis of reality in our times today!

    And the MBA fiasco, putting people with no knowledge of anything in charge of everything, the famous bean counters, is not new.

    They were the culprits, who to save something like $10 per car, had the engineers leave out vital anti-roll bars on the swing-axle Corvair (pre-1975), which omission then came to light when Ralph Nader wrote his book “Unsafe At Any Speed” after some prominent person’s son was killed or seriously injured in an accident in a Corvair.

    Knowing nothing about engineering, nor caring to know anything about engineering, since MBA’s believe very strongly in their own omniscience, none the less, the MBA’a are in charge of engineering, and the rest is history!

    But in the case of Boeing, never fear, people, because Joe Biden’s transportation secretary Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg, who has made it his priority, because Jo9e Biden demands it be so, to give top government jobs, especially in the FAA, to epileptic dwarves afflicted with severe intellectual disability and psychiatric disability along with hearing and vision problems coupled with and compounded by missing extremities and partial or complete paralysis, is on the scene and i9s large and in charge so everything is going to end up being just fine.

    In the meantime, given a choice between flying Boeing and walking, I’ll take the latter as the safe course, and won’t it be just my luck while walking along to be struck down by a part that fell off a Boeing plane thanks to the MBA’s who don’t know how to build anything, but are concerned about making it a priority for Boeing to give top management jobs to epileptic dwarves afflicted with severe intellectual disability and psychiatric disability along with hearing and vision problems coupled with and compounded by missing extremities and partial or complete paralysis, because Joe Biden wants it that way, because to Joe, it is the ri8ght thing to do.

  2. Mhmm, WordStat – “We conduct both defensive and offensive information operations.

    WorldStrat (worldstrat.com) Information Domination (ID) will:

    Map the networks of friendly and opposition forces to gain situational awareness
    Analyze and identify connections between people, organizations, and issues
    Generate products based on this to counter our opposition and advance chosen causes
    Create and implement information warfare operations to capitalize on this knowledge”

    So, who paid Jim for that quote? Propaganda hiding as news. Ah, if we look just a little further – Registrar CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH d/b/a joker.com
    Domain’s registrant
    Country: DENMARK
    Country code: DK

    Go follow, sheep

    1. CCM: “I don’t think it should shock anyone that the Biden administration promotes people who help them cover up Joe’s abuse of classified information,” said Jim Hanson, president of Worldstrat, a strategic consulting company.

      Top aides to President Biden involved in his mishandling of classified documents were given plum promotions within 24 hours of the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s damning report.

      Annie Tomasini, a Biden staffer since his Senate days, was named a deputy White House chief of staff on Feb. 8 — and the next day Richard Ruffner moved into Tomasini’s old gig as director of Oval Office operations.

      J Wheaton: So, who paid Jim for that quote?

      Propaganda hiding as news.

      ME: So, who paid Jim for that quote?

      Probably nobody!

      Why would they?

      It’s nothing earth-shaking, afterall, nor is it any kind of a secret.

      And it’s hardly propaganda hiding as news.

      It’s a simple statement of fact, as the CCM made clear right above here.

      Or are you disputing those facts by calling them propaganda?

      Associated Press

      “Biden chooses longtime aide who runs his Oval Office to be a deputy White House chief of staff”


      February 8, 2024

      WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has chosen Annie Tomasini, a longtime aide and close adviser who runs his Oval Office, to be a deputy White House chief of staff.

      Tomasini has served the Democratic president as an adviser and director of Oval Office operations since he took office in January 2021.

      Her “unparalleled knowledge” of Biden made her the obvious choice to succeed Jen O’Malley Dillon, who soon will join the president’s reelection campaign, said chief of staff Jeff Zients.

      “She knows how to get stuff done and works harder than anyone I know,” Zients said in an interview.

      As one of three deputy chiefs of staff, Tomasini will add a new portfolio of responsibilities, including oversight of the president’s schedule, White House personnel and operations on the 18-acre campus, senior White House aides said.

      Steve Ricchetti, counselor to the president, said Tomasini has insight into what Biden needs and how it can be delivered inside the White House.

      “She’s a huge talent,” he said in an interview.

      “Amongst us all, I really do think she’s indispensable here to how we function inside the White House.”

      Tomasini worked for Biden when he was a senator and later vice president.

      She left the vice president’s office in 2011 to join Harvard’s public affairs team but returned in 2019.

      When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, she was among a tight-knit group of aides who helped run the campaign from Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware.

      end quotes

      Steve Ricchetti, counselor to the president, said Tomasini has insight into what Biden needs and how it can be delivered inside the White House.

      And what Biden needs is people willing to lie through their teeth for him, cover for him, make excuses for him. and spread his propaganda, and for having proved her political reliability with regard to Joe’s mishandling of classified documents, Annie Tomasini was given a plum promotion within 24 hours of the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s damning report, and J Wheaton, I personally don’t think it should shock anyone that the Biden administration promotes people who help them cover up Joe’s abuse of classified information.

      So why then are you so shocked?

      Or is it mere fake outrage on your part?

    2. How come it is, J Wheaton, that reality eludes you so?

      Is it that you just don’t like reality?

      Or is it more a case that you are unaware of its existence?

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