The protests, which began at Columbia University, have expanded nationwide – with copycat tent cities erected at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia, with organized branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) having organized them.
The parent organization of SJP has been funded by a constellation of nonprofits which all lead to Soros.
At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).
USCPR provides up to $7,800 for its community-based fellows and between $2,880 and $3,660 for its campus-based “fellows” in return for spending eight hours a week organizing “campaigns led by Palestinian organizations.”
They are trained to “rise up, to revolution.” The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019. -NY Post
Something odd about those campus tent encampments. Almost all the tents are identical – same design, same size, same fresh-out-of-the-box appearance. Which suggests that rather than an organic process, whereby students would bring a variety of individual tents, someone or some…
— Afshine Emrani MD FACC (@afshineemrani) April 23, 2024
The following are statements about the United States of America in 2024. These statements are not in any way hyperbolic, and they represent a stark reality that not even the most rabid Democrat can deny. Here they are:
1. The leader of the nation’s opposition party is currently defending himself in a series of contrived #lawfare criminal and civil suits reminiscent of fascist Hitlerian/Stalinesque show trials of the 20th Century, for the primary purpose of making it extremely difficult for him to be elected as President of the nation.
2. On campuses throughout the nation, Jewish students are being persecuted and attacked in a manner reminiscent of the German Nazi Party’s Kristallnacht of November 9 and 10, 1938.
3. In many states across the nation there are no voting laws enforced that effectively verify that ballots come from qualified citizen voters.
4. Individuals who peacefully protested the matter of #3 have been imprisoned by the federal government in inhumane conditions for literally years without trial.
5. The nation’s Southern Border is wide open to the point where any person who is capable of walking can cross into the nation AND receive free money and support necessary to survive. There is no mechanism to ensure that criminals and terrorists are not taking advantage of such a situation.
6. The current President constantly displays symptoms of advanced elder dementia.
7. The current President has repeatedly labeled the opposition party as a “threat to democracy,” often alongside visual imagery similar to that used by Hitler and other fascist leaders of the 20th Century.
8. The nation’s debt equals over 120% of its annual GDP.
9. As a consequence of inflation and interest rates, most middle-class citizens of the nation cannot afford to purchase a home.
10. The political party that controls the Presidency and the Senate has actively supported sending tens of billions of dollars to foreign governments who are credibly accused of money laundering funds provided to such party members, while not providing remotely similar assistance to the residents of the State of Hawaii who were burned out of their homes.
11. The nation’s military has equipment readiness rates making it incapable of fighting effectively, while instead focusing on “diversity” initiatives that promote race/gender/sexuality over war fighting skills and competency.
12. The overwhelming majority of the nation’s mass media refuses to report on any of the above matters, and in most cases, the people running such mass media have close familial and personal connections to the people directly responsible for the above matters.
These are symptoms of a nation on the verge of disintegration. Moreover, these are qualities consistent with failed regimes of the 20th Century.
Then there’s Harvy–Harvy Weinstein’s real crime was humiliating famous women when they were exposed for selling sex for fame and access. They’re good actresses though- they had to feign shock and horror that the oldest transactional contract in Hollywood – the casting couch – still exists. Who never complained? The ones that got what they wanted (fame and fortune) and kept their mouths shut.
4 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: The Disintegration of Amerika”
And for another historical note about Joe Biden, the best world leader the world has ever had either in its history or pre-history going back to neanderthals and cro-magnons, before Joe became a politician, he was a long-haul trucker driving the big rigs, the eighteen wheelers, from coast to coast 24/7/365 as a teamster union official to keep the country and its economy, which depends on long-haul truckers like Joe Biden being out there on the road every day, despite the weather, to keep it functioning, which is actually where Joe first formulated his BIDE-O-NOMICS as a way to build back the country, which Joe was seeing through his cab window every day, better than what Joe was seeing as a road warrior, so that people on the bottom of the heap financially could become middle-class like Joe, who is the epitome of the quintessential middle-classer in America, the role model for all the others out there in America who aspire to get into the middle class and be just like Joe!
What an inspirational story that is!
No wonder Joe Biden is so loved the world over, because who out there is so hard-heated that they can’t love a truck driving man like Joe Biden in his big rig named “LIGHTNING JOE!”
Joe used to haul structural steel with his big rig to construction sites all over America, Mexico and Africa, and because he was Joe and was dearly beloved by his fellow union workers in the Ironworkers Union who put the steel up in all those skyscrapers we see in America, they would let Joe operate the crane to unload the steel from his truck and hoist it into place, and then Joe would climb up one of the columns to where the Mohawk Indian iron workers were, way up top, bringing them coffee and sandwiches Joe put together for them, and Joe would do tricks for them like walking on his hands on a steel girder hundreds of feet in the air, or he would pretend to fall off the girder, only to catch the bottom flange on his way down and somersault himself back up on the other side, which is why Joe has such strong union support today, because Joe is not o0nly one of them, he is the best of them, which is why they made Joe the president of the country instead of somebody else who wasn’t a union worker.
Dang, I suppose the only good news is that the Chinese are Really happy.
And for another historical note about Joe Biden, the best world leader the world has ever had either in its history or pre-history going back to neanderthals and cro-magnons, before Joe became a politician, he was a long-haul trucker driving the big rigs, the eighteen wheelers, from coast to coast 24/7/365 as a teamster union official to keep the country and its economy, which depends on long-haul truckers like Joe Biden being out there on the road every day, despite the weather, to keep it functioning, which is actually where Joe first formulated his BIDE-O-NOMICS as a way to build back the country, which Joe was seeing through his cab window every day, better than what Joe was seeing as a road warrior, so that people on the bottom of the heap financially could become middle-class like Joe, who is the epitome of the quintessential middle-classer in America, the role model for all the others out there in America who aspire to get into the middle class and be just like Joe!
What an inspirational story that is!
No wonder Joe Biden is so loved the world over, because who out there is so hard-heated that they can’t love a truck driving man like Joe Biden in his big rig named “LIGHTNING JOE!”
Joe used to haul structural steel with his big rig to construction sites all over America, Mexico and Africa, and because he was Joe and was dearly beloved by his fellow union workers in the Ironworkers Union who put the steel up in all those skyscrapers we see in America, they would let Joe operate the crane to unload the steel from his truck and hoist it into place, and then Joe would climb up one of the columns to where the Mohawk Indian iron workers were, way up top, bringing them coffee and sandwiches Joe put together for them, and Joe would do tricks for them like walking on his hands on a steel girder hundreds of feet in the air, or he would pretend to fall off the girder, only to catch the bottom flange on his way down and somersault himself back up on the other side, which is why Joe has such strong union support today, because Joe is not o0nly one of them, he is the best of them, which is why they made Joe the president of the country instead of somebody else who wasn’t a union worker.