February 19, 2025

4 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: The Disintegration of Amerika

  1. And for another historical note about Joe Biden, the best world leader the world has ever had either in its history or pre-history going back to neanderthals and cro-magnons, before Joe became a politician, he was a long-haul trucker driving the big rigs, the eighteen wheelers, from coast to coast 24/7/365 as a teamster union official to keep the country and its economy, which depends on long-haul truckers like Joe Biden being out there on the road every day, despite the weather, to keep it functioning, which is actually where Joe first formulated his BIDE-O-NOMICS as a way to build back the country, which Joe was seeing through his cab window every day, better than what Joe was seeing as a road warrior, so that people on the bottom of the heap financially could become middle-class like Joe, who is the epitome of the quintessential middle-classer in America, the role model for all the others out there in America who aspire to get into the middle class and be just like Joe!

    What an inspirational story that is!

    No wonder Joe Biden is so loved the world over, because who out there is so hard-heated that they can’t love a truck driving man like Joe Biden in his big rig named “LIGHTNING JOE!”

    1. Joe used to haul structural steel with his big rig to construction sites all over America, Mexico and Africa, and because he was Joe and was dearly beloved by his fellow union workers in the Ironworkers Union who put the steel up in all those skyscrapers we see in America, they would let Joe operate the crane to unload the steel from his truck and hoist it into place, and then Joe would climb up one of the columns to where the Mohawk Indian iron workers were, way up top, bringing them coffee and sandwiches Joe put together for them, and Joe would do tricks for them like walking on his hands on a steel girder hundreds of feet in the air, or he would pretend to fall off the girder, only to catch the bottom flange on his way down and somersault himself back up on the other side, which is why Joe has such strong union support today, because Joe is not o0nly one of them, he is the best of them, which is why they made Joe the president of the country instead of somebody else who wasn’t a union worker.

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