A 1966 poll found that among Yale students only 10% favored withdrawal from Vietnam. When the Johnson Administration restricted draft deferments the following year, however, support for withdrawal surged, and the anti-war movement at Yale blossomed. In spite of their support for the Vietnam War in 1966, students at Yale, Harvard, and other elite universities were still critical of the draft. When students criticized the draft before 1967, they attacked it for being discriminatory against the uneducated and working class, with some students calling for an end to deferments altogether. But after student draft deferments were restricted in 1967, these arguments quickly went away. Baby boomers never built up a next generation of leaders under themselves, in part because they could not bear the thought of any of their successors outshining or even equaling them. The true leaders of that generation cut went to Vietnam while the cynical, listless, and pampered inherited the earth—as managers. This new manager class invested in their lives (livelihoods) while others went to the jungle. Jim Webb in his 1980 piece for the Atlantic, “The Draft,” talks of “old jealousies” and urges Americans to “ask the men of Harvard” to take on the same obligations as “the men of Harlem.” Or, Lewis B. Puller Jr. in his autobiography, Fortunate Son: I was one of the privileged minority that would be leading troops in combat, and I felt a sense of irony when the lance corporal/clerk who processed my orders turned out to be one of the officer candidates who had flunked the OCS class. His reward for failure would be a safe, stateside tour of duty behind a typewriter, and although I would not have wanted to trade places with him, he was living proof of the Marine Corps axiom that the shitbirds get the easy assignments.
I don’t care where you stand politically or on J6. It should send a chill down the spine of every American that sitting members of Congress tried to hide 41000 hours of potentially exculpatory video evidence. It’s even worse that DOJ did the same. Pray for those January 6 prisoners, many of whom have been proven innocent by video. Pray for the country. Pray for every prominent conservative. Tucker’s January 6th footage proves DC judges and prosecutors will collude to frame innocent people. Stalin’s ghost has returned.
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