Town staff finalized the department requests, personnel requirements, all of which need to be examined and discussed by Town Council. A special meeting was held Thursday to begin this process.
Due to covid, last year’s budget was somewhat marginal. The town found itself more focused on the pandemic than on the material functions of the town. The hope is to make the FY22 budget more robust and to try and bring back a needed focus on items that were left out last year.
Personnel costs and capital projects were areas that took a hit. Personnel costs are usually the biggest piece of the pie. According to the town manager, the goal is to focus more money in order to be able to bring in and hold onto quality employees.
The town is looking at things such as cost of living adjustments, training opportunities, competitive wages, and a strong benefits package in order to keep all of these quality people on staff.
Capital projects were in most cases put on hold last year. From town managers staff report, “But if needed maintenance is not conducted timely, a minor repair can turn into a major one, costing much more in the long run.
Investment in other projects that can improve efficiency or enhance economic opportunity can also have an important return on investment that is lost when reasonable capital spending is not part of a healthy budget. So while last year’s budget did not contain much capital spending, the FY22 budget needs to again look at this.”