February 17, 2025

8 thoughts on “Bay Creek’s Jack Fisher Convicted of Conspiracy to Defraud

  1. This couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of people. Who will be indicted next???

    In my opinion Bay Creek and Preserve are not the most trustworthy group.

    First they took 9 holes of golf from the club members. Claimed all nine holes would be made into conservation land and not developed. 4 of the 5 hole are now planned for development. Shouldn’t the club members get some of the proceeds from those home site sales? It was the members’ club and the club’s land.

    Bay Creek / Preserve have also applied for permits to turn 300 plus acres of that land into a wetland mitigation bank which will then be sold off for a profit to other scumbag developers so they can destroy natural wetlands legally. Will that land be available for recreation?

    Permit application in link.


    Lets not don’t forget the “Beach Club” that Bay Creek / Preserve promoted to sell properties. The funny thing with that whole promotion was that they didn’t own the land where the beach club was proposed. I can only guess Bay Creek / Preserve planned to secretly take that land from the HOA. Now that the HOA is controled by Pro Preserve/ BayCreek board members (one who works for Bay Creek / Preserve), I imagine Preserve will get that land but I doubt the club members will ever get a beach club. (How many home building sites are in 5 acres of beautiful Chesapeake Bay front property)?

    Will the Feds come after Bay Creek / Preserve for financial retribution?

    Jack Fisher got what he deserved and the BS spin that Bay Creek will put out over the next few weeks will both entertaing and appalling.


  2. The Club Members should file suit over the loss of the Nicklaus back nine holes. The Members were damaged by the using of the holes in connection with criminal conduct. Very clear damages to the Club Members.

    1. The majority of the club members drink the kool-aid that Preserve / Bay Creek serves them at the Coach House…they believe Preserve actually gives a crap about them.🤣

    2. I could not agree with you anymore. I really wonder what the government decides to do with the existing course:

      * Seize it?
      * Place it under a receivership until a new buyer is procured? All the while keeping the
      same management company in place?
      * Auction it off?

      And what does the bank do? Call the note? And when the IRS most likely places a lien on the property does the tax lien have superior rights to the note? In other words, the lender
      dissolves the property and takes what funds are available from the sale and the bank is left out to dry?

      What about all of of the illegal deductions taken by the poor people that paid hard earned money for an illegal tax deduction? Do they have to amend their tax returns and pay back their ill gotten gain?

      Do the conservation easements stay in place?

      I had mentioned prior that this thing was far from over. I think we are just at the beginning of the story.

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