February 19, 2025

6 thoughts on “Beach Master Plan Introduces New Parking Scenario to Address Beach Traffic Congestion

  1. I’m glad to see the town starting to form ideas about the beach.
    Overall, I think it looks real good.
    One of my first questions, where is the money going to come from?
    And is there enough room on Bay Ave for parking on both side of the avenue like the illustration shows?
    And is the parking going to end up going to reverse parking?
    Overall, I like it. I’m sure there will be changes.
    Not to sure about adding more jetties or the food truck court. But I think it a step in the right direction.
    It’s a big boost for a man-made beach.

  2. More fine print:
    Large parking area on the paved over front-yards for golf carts that can park any way they want, and a
    small area for Bay Ave residents and locals who must reverse park.

  3. I feel this plan will destroy the smalll town charm of Cape Charles. It is overkill for the tiny little beach we have. Our beach is already overcrowded in the summer.

    Food trucks should be in the commercial area, at the end of Mason Ave.

    I fear that taxes will rise to pay for the plan.

    One aspect of the plan I do like, is the much needed ADA entrance to the beach.

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