The Washington Post reported that the $7.5 billion in funding ought to support “20,000 charging spots or around 5,000 stations,” rather than the 38 charging spots and 7 stations that have been created in reality. The newspaper mourned that “the sluggish build-out could slow the transition to electric cars.” Data is according to the Federal Highway Administration.
So $7.5 billion — two-and-a-half years — they’ve got seven charging stations and 38 plugins at $197 million each.
At the same time that the Biden Administration is failing at building electric chargers, the Biden Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) still plans to implement Biden’s destructive and tyrannical electric vehicle mandate. In a post on X, Forbes Media chairman and editor-in-chief Steve Forbes called out the Biden administration for its push to ban Americans’ preferred vehicles through emission regulations: “Make no mistake, @EPA’s rule will ultimately ban gas-powered cars by mandating 50% EV sales by 2032.”
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