January 14, 2025

31 thoughts on “Can Kanye Defeat the Bigotry of American Democrats to Benefit all of Black America?

  1. How can anyone disagree with Kanye and Ivanka’s assertion that govt, private sector and education need to work together to help out-of-work people develop needed skills; however, why does it have to be targeted on recreating US manufacturing jobs? This country has proven that it is a leader in technology and medicine. We have a desperate need to rebuild infrastructure. And carbon intensive energy sources are moving toward be replaced with new clean technologies. Why can’t the focus on training and education be on these newer, stronger and more sustainable businesses rather than old school manufacturing?

    1. Don’t take this the wrong way but you are way off base with the idea that we should replace our manufacturing base with whatever the heck sustainable businesses are. ( Sorry, the word “sustainable” raises the hair on the back of my neck. In my experience the sustainable industry is only sustainable with OUR tax dollars, but that’s a discussion for another day.)

      I’m a retired director of manufacturing so I have a soft spot in my heart for the industry but putting aside the emotional side of things, let’s try on some facts and see how I might change your mind.

      Let me start by saying that we cannot be nostalgic for the assembly lines of the 20th century, no one is advocating for the return of 19th century sweat shops.

      However, for mature industrialized nations, manufacturing is what drives innovation and stimulates other sectors of the economy.

      21st Century manufacturing is no longer dirty or reserved for blue collar workers. Rather, modern manufacturing contributes to economic growth and raises the technological skills of a country. It is the backbone of an industrialized society and furnishes a distinct strategic advantage to a county. (Those ain’t Afghani footprints on the moon.)

      So, on to the facts:

      – Manufacturing contributed $2 trillion to the U.S. economy last year.
      – Manufacturing accounts for 35 % of productivity growth
      – Manufacturing accounts for 60 % of exports
      – Manufacturing accounts for 70 % of private sector R&D.
      – Each manufacturing employee supports on average 16 other jobs in marketing, forecasting, product development, distribution, transportation and ancillary services.
      – Advanced manufacturing industries account for 70% of all hi-tech industries.

      So, manufacturing is not dying. It’s evolving.

      What is referred to as “creative destruction”, where old technologies and business models are replaced with new ones creates disruption but also opportunities for growth.

      With global competitors all around us, we need an economic strategy that prioritizes basic research, innovation and career education in manufacturing, not pie in the sky “sustainable” industries.

      Thank you for reading this to the end. I hope I’ve made some inroads into your thinking.

  2. Ray, I did read your comment to the end. Very intelligent and well written piece. And a nice juxtaposition to the comment before it. But, I am going to be braver still and call out this piece for what it is.

    Mr. Creed would have us believe that the “Summit” at the White House between K. West and Herr Drumpt was some sort of coming together of black and white America. To my line of thinking, it was a public travesty. Just another episode, if you will, of the reality show that has become Donald J. Trump’s platform for his foolish garrulousness and hubris. Just another spotlight on a couple of self-seeking show promoters in the Oval Office on the new reality show known as the present day White House. Frankly, it sickened me. It saddened me and most of all, I agree with Don Lemon, it did set race relations back; not forward. Many of my African American friends have responded by shaking their heads and just quietly saying, “He’s crazy.” So, if you want the black communities take on it, well, there it is. And in the interim, they are mostly still distrustful of Trump, as well.

    So, Dennis Rodman and Kayne West are now the spokespersons for both the North Korea ambassadorship and on American race relations. Wow! That’s quite the catch for the angry white guy coalition to use as their examples of Black/White relations after the denigration of Colin Kaepernick, Barack Obama and the late Dr. Martin Luther King. The transparency of this meeting and its intent is laughable, if it weren’t so very, very pathetic. So, yes, Mr. Creed…that is my take. Does this indicate that America is getting better? We are we are healing our differences and closing the gulf on the cultural distances? Hardly. My take from the whole sad affair was, it was tough to watch, for one. Two, the brashness and over the top fawning of this individual was almost too much for even the Donald to take. Almost.

    Something to think about…if Donald truly wanted to something to forward the dialogue and heal race relations, why didn’t he invite Mr. Kaepernick to the White House last year? You know, to discuss…um, I don’t know…maybe race relations? True issues that divide this country? Issues that cause fear within our law enforcement that feeds the jack-booted mentality. The fear of gang violence that perpetuates crime in certain areas of many of America’s cities? Is one man’s opinion less important than another’s? But looking at his choices of who he agrees to meet, you have your answer.

    Meanwhile, while this s___show is happening, we still have Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the murder of an American citizen, a reporter no less. A billion and a half dollars of arms sales to Saudi Arabia on the line and global warming causing havoc here and abroad. Any major announcements about that, like what we heard about the Donald and Kayne show? No, of course not…And here is my final parting shot, goodnight America, this round of clowns, are making things great while you sleep. And to quote Kanye…”I wasn’t bipolar, I had sleep deprivation.” So enjoy, America…”You are tasting a fine wine that has multiple notes to it.” Kanye West – White House – Oct. 11, 2018

    Note: This is one of the most bitter, bigoted and racist comments we have had in a long time, and that says a lot. Trump has had some wins, but letting Kanye come into the Oval Office and say that shit, is one of the best things I’ve ever seen. Probably doesn’t compare to what happened to Monica Lewinksy, but that’s just the Mirror’s take. Still, the lack of nuanced reading skills from the American left is truly astounding. Even Focault, who predicted the institutionalization of the western mind, would be astounded. C’mon, man.

    1. Dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller, dude, let me say that one of my greatest pleasures in life these days, as the cold weather begins to settle in, is coming here to the pages of the venerable Cape Charles Mirror to watch you go off on something like you just did above like a Roman Candle powered by a Nike-Zeus rocket.

      Positively scintillating, as in brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful. or “the audience loved his scintillating wit,” and indeed, we did, Chas Cornweller!

      Nobody can say those same things quite like you can say them, and as a fellow American citizen who believes very much in the true democracy that is represented in here in the Cape Charles Mirror, I think those things you do say do need to be said, so the American people who flood here like myself to watch you go off have them to consider, even if they rip them to shreds afterward, in the spirit of democracy!

      You make the 4th of July fireworks extravaganza on the Washington mall seem pedestrian and mundane by comparison.

      Thanks for being there for me, Chas, it is appreciated!

    2. And Chas Cornweller, what on earth is up with this statement of yours – “That’s quite the catch for the angry white guy coalition to use as their examples of Black/White relations after the denigration of Colin Kaepernick, Barack Obama and the late Dr. Martin Luther King.”

      Are you saying that we, as American citizens, are not allowed to denigrate Colin Kaepernick and/or Hussein Obama because they are half white and half black?

      Or what?

      Why are we not allowed to denigrate Obama and Kaepernick, while you are allowed to denigrate Kanye West and Trump?

    3. Chas Cornweller, I refuse to expend even one small drop of emotional energy on things over which I have absolutely no control, which is most everything you have included in this post of yours.

      As to a “cultural divide,” what is it and where is it, and most importantly, what is YOUR solution other than a bunch of hot rhetoric blaming all of these problems on us?

      And why would Trump wish to meet with Colin Kaepernick, and why would any of us wish to hear anything Colin Kaepernick has to say?

      Who the **** is Colin Kaepernick anyway, besides some spoiled rotten, privileged football player?

      What, enlightenment on anything does he have to offer?

      And give me even one reason why I should “respect” Colin Kaepernick, if you can think of one.

      Because he was born?

      Because he is half black?

      You, Chas Cornweller, are as entitled to your opinions as is anyone else in America, including the BIG ******* WHINING CRYBABY Colin Kaepernick, but that does not mean that anyone else has to respect your opinions, or agree with them.

      If Colin Kaepernick really has something meaningful and intelligent to say, something I seriously doubt, then invite him to become a contributor in here.

      I am sure the Cape Charles Mirror would give him the same opportunity to say his piece as it gives to the rest of us.

      But personally, I think Colin Kaepernick is a craven coward, so I doubt we will hear his voice in here, and Chas Cornweller, while I respect you for standing up for your beliefs, I do not respect Colin Kaepernick for kneeling for his, because to me, Colin Kaepernick projects weakness, and I do not respect weakness.

      I played football when young, and if I saw the quarterback on the opposing team kneeling down like Colin Kaepernick during the national anthem, I would think to myself, what a weakling, and if I was a defensive linebacker, I would be trying all that much harder to sack his *** and hard.

      Make the baby cry.

      Yes, Chas Cornweller, I would.

      So no wonder nobody wants that loser on their football team.

      I sure wouldn’t.

      And if you can’t stand watching Kanye West in the White House, why did you bother to watch it?

      That is what I can’t figure out.

      So you could find something to disgust you?

      Television sets do have an off button, afterall, so why didn’t you use it?

      Because you did not want to miss a word he had to say?

      I didn’t hear a word he had to say because I don’t have a television and do not want one.

      I settle in with a book of my choice, instead.

      You should give it a try.

  3. First of all thanks for the compliment.

    Secondly, you’ve got some serious TDS going on there, Chas.

    Understandable if you use Google for searches to feed the need. I suggest you try Duck, Duck Go or Startpage. What takes three or four pages to show up in Google, shows up on page one of those two UNBIASED search engines. ( You won’t try them of course, but I didn’t suggest it for you, rather other contributors here might like to give one of them a try.)

    Anyhow, what you would find is unemployment for Hispanics, African-Americans and Asians are now at all-time lows. Over the past year, the unemployment rate has dropped 17% for Hispanics, 14% for African Americans and 11% for Asians.

    The other scary fact for Liberals is that Trump has doubled his support in the black community and is up 10% in the Hispanic citizen sector. Hispanic illegals don’t count, except apparently in Georgia where the Dem gubernatorial candidate said that Democrats welcome all votes; gays, whites, blacks, Hispanics, police, documented aliens and UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS. Heh, the ensuing RNC ad writes itself.

    In any case, these numbers make Trump the WORST racist in history.

    I’m not going to bother posting all the rest of the wonderful economic news that has occurred in the past two years ‘cuz if your head explodes another TDS sufferer might decide to accuse me of manslaughter and in today’s Democrat party, an accusation is as good as a conviction. Can I get an amen?

      1. STARTPAGE.com is your friend, providing a world of data at your fingertips.

        Type in “Federal Deficit” and be prepared to be amazed.

        Not in a good way.

      2. According to the CNN article “US deficit rises 17% to the highest level since 2012” by Lydia DePillis, CNN Business, on October 15, 2018, the deficit rose to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, up 17% from last year, according to final figures released Monday by the Treasury Department, and not surprisingly, and as intended, corporate tax collections fell $76 billion, or 22%, due to the Republican-backed tax cut.

        And no, tokenny, I think if you were to ask just about anybody, the universal answer you would get back is a resounding NO, deficits do not matter at all.

        Dick Cheney, as notorious a Republican as any of them, said deficits don’t matter, because Ronald Reagan, another notorious Republican said they don’t matter, and on the Democrat side of the house, Hussein Obama, who incidentally, like Colin Kaepernick, the whining kneeler, was half white, although neither admit it, also said that deficits don’t matter, so that pretty much puts that argument to rest – when both the Democrats and Republicans, both of them, incidentally minority parties in this country that are like blood-sucking leaches or rats in the corn-crib, say deficits don’t matter, then that is it – they don’t matter.

        And there seems to be some mis-apprehension here being fed to us by the Trump-ites that it is the fault of the federal reserve that the amount of vigorish we are paying to service our massive debt is increasing.

        But the federal reserve does not loan money to the federal government, although the bearded buffoon Ben Bernanke was monetizing the federal debt for Hussein Obama with his printing of funny money in the guise of quantitative easing, or QE.

        The interest rate the federal reserve sets is for banks borrowing overnight.

        The interest the federal government has to pay to nations like China as vigorish is the interest on the notes and bills the Treasury department auctions off each month.

        According to the Marketwatch article “Treasury yields hold ground as stocks attempt comeback” by Sunny Oh published Oct. 16, 2018 4:06 p.m. ET, treasury yields, which is the interest the federal government has to pay to bond holders who loan the federal government money, yesterday turned slightly lower as stocks looked to bounce back from last week’s multisession rout, that despite the fact that the federal reserve just hiked its own overnight interest rate last month, which demonstrates that the federal reserve is not causing us to have to pay more interest on all the money the Trump-ites are having to borrow on our backs to treat these corporations that don’t pay taxes so well.

        According to that same Marketwatch article, bond market participants said one reason for the recent yield backup was a lack of foreign buyers supporting the bond market.

        That is one of the main ways China, for example, has to retaliate against Trump – stop funding the national debt in this country by buying bonds!

        Which takes us back to FEDERALIST No. 30, “Concerning the General Power of Taxation,” from the New York Packet to the People of the State of New York by Alexander Hamilton, this nation’s first treasury secretary, on Friday, December 28, 1787, as follows:

        In the modern system of war, nations the most wealthy are obliged to have recourse to large loans.

        A country so little opulent as ours must feel this necessity in a much stronger degree.

        But who would lend to a government that prefaced its overtures for borrowing by an act which demonstrated that no reliance could be placed on the steadiness of its measures for paying?

        The loans it might be able to procure would be as limited in their extent as burdensome in their conditions.

        They would be made upon the same principles that usurers commonly lend to bankrupt and fraudulent debtors, with a sparing hand and at enormous premiums.

        end quotes

        But, hey, why worry – afterall, deficits don’t matter!

        How do I know?

        Because the Democrats and Republicans said they don’t!

        And that is the end of the argument!

        And as that saying goes, in life, it is important to know when to stop arguing with people and simply let them be wrong.

  4. Kendrick Lamar “To pimp a butterfly”
    Jay Z “Dead Presidents”

    Ad infinitum.

    But twas diversity most wondermous to have these vermin in the WH under Obama?

    And to channel a PSA from the 1970’s, Gee Chas you are quite the racist………..if you weren’t you’d just refer to them as your ‘friends’ but nooooooooooo like a good little racist liberal(of the KKK, Bull Connor, Jim Crow and the absolute defense of slavery) you must engage in identity politics.

    I remember growing up in a country where I was surrounded by American Men, and American Women.
    Regardless of their country of origin or pigmentation. Really hate what you lefties did to our Country.

    1. I too remember growing up in a country where I was surrounded by American Men, and American Women, regardless of their country of origin or pigmentation.

      I would like that country back, to be quite truthful, although I think that is now nothing more than a pipe dream.

    2. Mike, I hope you aren’t (ARE NOT – formal tone) calling me a hypocrite and a racist. Because,
      if you are, I seriously take offense at your words. You don’t know me. You would be assuming
      things about me you know nothing about. You know, I was going to write a long dissertation to
      explain who I am and what I do…but, F*#k it. Idiots like you are a dime-a-dozen in this land. I
      don’t owe you squat. You are wrong, dude. Wrong as wrong can be. If you had said that to my
      face, I don’t know whether I would have laughed or punched you straight out in the face. Stay in
      Jersey. I ain’t wasting my time!

      1. Do you, or do you not believe in Affirmative action? If so, then the shoe fits.
        And I am in Cape Chuck frequently. Just so ya know.

        1. Our dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller threatening to put a big-time ***-whupping on you, Mike, puts me in mind of the caning of Senator Charles Sumner, back when, for some reason.

          Boy, those were the days, weren’t they?

          Can you imagine Nancy Pelosi today getting herself whipped up into a lather and come boiling through the doors of the Senate Chamber like a human hurricane, shrieking incoherently, come to beat the living **** out of Mitch McConnell with her purse!

          Now, that is something people today would spend good money to see, alright!

          That would go viral in a hurry!

          As to the caning of Senator Sumner, that happened on May 22, 1856, when according to the Senate’s own historical account, the “world’s greatest deliberative body” became a combat zone.

          As an aside, the world’s so-called “greatest deliberative body” ain’t worth doodly-squat, having become a virtual farce and clown show, as we the people just witnessed with this Blasey Ford Hearing.

          Getting back to the Senate history, they tell us that in one of the most dramatic and deeply ominous moments in the Senate’s entire history, a member of the House of Representatives entered the Senate Chamber and savagely beat a senator into unconsciousness.

          Whether or not he was cheered on remains a matter of debate today.

          Getting back to the history once again:

          The inspiration for this clash came three days earlier when Senator Charles Sumner, a Massachusetts antislavery Republican, addressed the Senate on the explosive issue of whether Kansas should be admitted to the Union as a slave state or a free state.

          In his “Crime Against Kansas” speech, Sumner identified two Democratic senators as the principal culprits in this crime—Stephen Douglas of Illinois and Andrew Butler of South Carolina.

          end quotes

          The Democrats were the pro-slavery crowd back then, afterall, so Senator Sumner was doing no more than telling the truth, but as we today know, nothing seems to drive a Democrat berserko and to violence than does the truth.

          And with that said, back to the narrative of the caning we go, as follows:

          He characterized Douglas to his face as a “noise-some, squat, and nameless animal . . . not a proper model for an American senator.”

          Andrew Butler, who was not present, received more elaborate treatment.

          Mocking the South Carolina senator’s stance as a man of chivalry, the Massachusetts senator charged him with taking “a mistress . . . who, though ugly to others, is always lovely to him; though polluted in the sight of the world, is chaste in his sight—I mean,” added Sumner, “the harlot, Slavery.”

          end quotes

          Too bad we do not have that quality of rhetoric and discourse on the floor of the Senate today, where all we do seem to have is a pack of morons and idiots, which takes us back to the caning of Senator Sumner as follows:.

          Representative Preston Brooks was Butler’s South Carolina kinsman.

          If he had believed Sumner to be a gentleman, he might have challenged him to a duel.

          Instead, he chose a light cane of the type used to discipline unruly dogs.

          end quotes

          Now, there is a dude with a flair for both nuance and drama, especially about using a cane that normally would be used to discipline an unruly dog, but he is a southerner, so you would expect that of him, which again takes us back to the story, as follows:

          Shortly after the Senate had adjourned for the day, Brooks entered the old chamber, where he found Sumner busily attaching his postal frank to copies of his “Crime Against Kansas” speech.

          Moving quickly, Brooks slammed his metal-topped cane onto the unsuspecting Sumner’s head.

          As Brooks struck again and again, Sumner rose and lurched blindly about the chamber, futilely attempting to protect himself.

          After a very long minute, it ended.

          Bleeding profusely, Sumner was carried away.

          Brooks walked calmly out of the chamber without being detained by the stunned onlookers.

          Overnight, both men became heroes in their respective regions.

          Surviving a House censure resolution, Brooks resigned, was immediately reelected, and soon thereafter died at age 37.

          Sumner recovered slowly and returned to the Senate, where he remained for another 18 years.

          The nation, suffering from the breakdown of reasoned discourse that this event symbolized, tumbled onward toward the catastrophe of civil war.

          And doesn’t that last sentence seem just like I wrote it today to describe these times we are in now?

          I thought so, anyway.

      2. Chas Cornweller, dude, as I have said in here many times, and probably will again, when you go off on something, or in this case, someone, you go off like a Roman candle on the end of a Nike-Zeus missile, and that’s quite a sight!

        And let’s face it, Chas Cornweller, you’re not going to find impassioned, spirited writing like yours in some failing, tired rag like the Washington Post.

        If they were going to write something like what you just wrote above, they’d have to assign five or six of their writers to the task, and a couple of editors, and it would come out fake and stale.

        So, with that said, I have to say that this post above has caused a great deal of consternation to your many fans and admirers up this way, because it seems a cheap cop-out, Chas Cornweller, at least to those who truly wanted to read the long dissertation you were going to write to explain who you am and what you do.

        As to punching Mike in the mouth, Chas, don’t you think that might be a bit extreme?

        What do you think violence is going to solve?

        1. Apparently, they figure eventually we’ll see things their way.

          I mean, that’s how it works right?

          Threaten violence (Chas’s specialty of late), harass officials, storm the doors of the institutions that form the backbone of the country, shoot congressman, block traffic, call people “deplorable””vile”and “NAZIS!!!!”, mock the FLOTUS’s accent, call for her son to be raped by a pedophile …………………………………and then expect us to switch sides.

          Talk about setting yourself up for disappointment.

          FWIW – https://www.attacksontrumpsupporters.com/

        2. Well said Paul. I often find myself thinking of the Brooks/Sumner attack and how history does seem to be repeating itself. But sadly I am of the opinion it will be more like Bosnia than Birmingham circa 1860.

          As the meme goes, one side has 500 million guns and billions of rounds of ammunition.

          The other can’t decide who goes into which bathroom.

          Wise people pray for peace, but smart people understand that si vis pacem, para bellum.

          1. The question is, who are these violence prone lunatics?

            The answer is that they are the people who believe that a DNA test that shows Sen Warren is about 1% Indian makes her correct to take advantage of affirmative action for personal advancement.

            These are the people who are totally out of touch with average Americans. They want us to buy into the racial weirdness that dominates their tribe, where everyone is ranked by their perceived position in a hierarchy of grievances.

            To the average American it’s patently ridiculous basing your self-image on who your ancestors were.

            Their racist, sexist views are so stupid that you can’t help but laugh. Which really sets them off because to them, it’s all so serious.

            Sadly, they actually believe their bigoted garbage, hate us because we don’t and really hate us when we laugh at them.

            But how are we supposed to react?

            Are we supposed to take them serious?

            Not likely.

            We live in the real world, where their nuttiness doesn’t fly. Where average Americans interact with people of all races, orientations and creeds. These folks are just too busy to care about stupid labels.

            The people who do care about these labels are the people who would love to be ruling over us.

            People like Chas. They think we’re deplorable idiots, perfectly acceptable to be threatened with physical violence, yet they are the ones who can’t see past someone’s skin color.

            We’ll stick with the “content of your character” stuff, thank you.

          2. You’re up to at least 50 AMENS with that one, Ray Otton.

            As to our dear friend and fellow commentator Chas Cornweller, I truly think he does America a public service by bringing forth in here the viewpoints that he does bring forth in here, so that the American people can actually witness those viewpoints being expressed.

            That is an essential part of true democracy is my thought.

          3. Twenty AMENS to you, Mike!

            The Democrats are calling this civil war not the “War of Northern Aggression,” like the last one was, but the “War For The Soul Of America,” which makes for a very catchy slogan and TWEET and soundbite, all in one.

        1. Back in or about 1681, Hoss, and I am sure you probably remember this from your grade-school teaching, back when they used to teach personal responsibility and the fact that the world already existed before we came into the world, so we were in school to learn about that world and how it functioned so we could be prepared by our schooling to be able to go out and take our place in it as productive citizens, as opposed to the crap taught to these millennials that has them believing that before they were born, nothing existed, and everything that does exist today is for them, and because of them, and everything is about them, the governor of Virginia at that time, Sir William Gooch, said to be one of Virginia’s ablest and most successful chief executives and second only to Sir William Berkeley in the length of time he lived in the colony, succeeding where his predecessors had failed by working with, rather than against, Virginia’s strong planter class to implement new policies, the most significant of which was the Tobacco Inspection Act of1730, which created a network of warehouses that graded the quality of the harvest and destroyed low-quality product, reported that “Maryland is now in torment…and in great danger of falling in pieces.”

          That comes to mind in the wake of our dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller’s obscenity-laced tirade against Mike Kuzma above here, where Chas employs this classic line, “Stay in Jersey,” a line said with quite a bit of panache, I would say, a line that you would expect to hear in a thriller movie such as “On The Waterfront,” alongside “You don’t understand, I coulda had class, I coulda been a contender, I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let’s face it, it was you, Charley,” which I always thought was pretty powerful as far as drama goes, because I think Chas Cornweller might hail from there.

          Interesting how the human mind associates things, isn’t it?

          Anyway, back then, and again, we’re talking maybe 7th grade American history, Maryland was a proprietary British colony under the complete control of the Calvert family as the Lords Baltimore, and there was quite a bit of factionalism and political discontent, just as exists in America today, which is why I think Chas Cornweller’s contribution to this discussion is so important, as we will see as I develop this history further, to wit:

          In 1681, Lord Baltimore once again faced rebellion, led by a former governor of the province Josias Fendall (1657–60) and John Coode (Coode would later lead the successful rebellion of 1689).

          Fendall was tried, convicted, fined forty thousand pounds of tobacco and exiled, but his co-conspirator Coode successfully escaped retribution.

          By this time, the political fabric of the province was starting to tear.

          end quotes

          Today, Hoss, as we can see from the posts of our dear friend and fellow CCM commentator Chas Cornweller above here, the political fabric of the whole damn lash-up from coast to coast and top to bottom is starting to tear, and were it not for the posts of Chas Cornweller in here, that tearing apart of society in America would be harder to discern.

          Getting back to basic American history, around that same time, Lord Baltimore, the head dude in Maryland, found himself embroiled in a serious conflict over land boundaries with William Penn, the head dude in Pennsylvania, engaging in a dispute over the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania.

          In 1681 King Charles II had granted Penn a substantial, but rather vague proprietorship to the north of Maryland.

          Penn, however, began building his capital city south of the 40th Parallel, in Maryland territory.

          Penn and Calvert met twice to negotiate a settlement, but were unable to reach agreement, so in 1684, Baltimore travelled to England, both to defend himself in the dispute with Penn as well as to answer charges that he favoured Catholics in the colony.

          When Calvert as Lord Baltimore went to England yo answer those charges, he left the province in the care of his nephew George Talbot, whom he made acting governor, placing him at the head of the Governor’s Council.

          As history tells, however, Talbot proved to be a poor choice, especially when he stabbed to death a Royal customs official on board his ship in the Patuxent River, which act ensured that his uncle, Lord Baltimore, suffered immediate difficulties on his return to London, such is politics.

          Calvert’s replacement for Talbot was another Roman Catholic, William Joseph, who would also prove controversial, because in November 1688, Joseph set about offending local opinion by lecturing his Maryland subjects on morality, adultery and the divine right of kings, lambasting the colony as “a land full of adulterers.”

          end quotes

          That is what brought this all to mind, when Chas Cornweller lambasted Mike Kuzma above with another classic line, that being “(I)diots like you are a dime-a-dozen in this land, I don’t owe you squat.”

          Talk about classic lines, that one post alone is a goldmine full of them, which is what reminded me of William Joseph lambasting Maryland as “a land full of adulterers.”

          As I say, it is interesting and curious how the human mind functions to make these associations between past and present.

          I thought so, anyway.

          As to Sir William Gooch, that dude served in the army during the War of the Spanish Succession(1701­–1714) and later during a Jacobite uprising in Scotland, so he wasn’t just another pretty face and an empty suit like so many politicians in America are today, especially Barack Obama, and Gooch was wounded in both ankles in the English attack on Cartagena in what is now Colombia, which he helped to lead in 1740, while still lieutenant governor of Virginia, so he was a man who led from the front, not from behind with his behind, like Obama did, which is why today we have this s*** show happening, with Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the murder of an American citizen, a reporter no less.

          Getting back to Gooch, as a result of those wounds, he subsequently suffered poor health for the rest of his life, but on the other hand. Gooch’s tenure coincided with a period of prosperity in Virginia.

          That’s history as I understand it, anyway.

          1. I do not think this Chas would say the same things in person. Can you imagine someone that lets folks call him Chas act like a tough guy, anywhere but in a moderated forum? He would be the first to call the cops if someone slapped the taste from his mouth. Then he would call his lawyer.

            Oh yeah, we were lied to and told Columbus discovered the new world.

            Sad, how kids are lied to just to support the teacher’s masters agenda, so the teacher can receive their paycheck.

  5. No, man, you come on. This is purely propaganda in nature and a deft deflection from within the White House. More of the reality sh__show that is now American politics. And what really amazes me, is how the right is gobbling this mess up and letting this self- promoting carney (actually spelled carny, or carnie, if you mean a bigoted term for a traveling carnival employee) run loose over the last vestiges of the Constitution. Though, I’ll admit, that ship sailed long ago. No, not racist. Truth spoken to a sad, sad situation. Saying the M.F. phrase in the White House? From the same mouth that said George W. didn’t like black people (remember?). No, you come on. This meeting was a sham, a farce and a legit put down to the REAL issues that confront us today. I refuse to take this presidency seriously. I Refuse. And for me to be accused of bigotry is laughable. This world has gone insane, and this meeting was just an acknowledgement of that fact.

    Note: Why so serious? The world has always been insane, as it should be. But on the bright side, besides African American unemployment being at an all-time low, Women’s unemployment rate is also at a 65 year low & almost 1.9 M more women are working today than in January 2017. Almost every economic metric has improved since POTUS took office— and nearly 55% of employment gains have occurred among women…now, that is crazy!

    1. Chas, here’s an idea. Rather that harp about Trump in just about every post, why not put together a cogent post about how Democrat policies will make things even better than what Mr. Trump is presently doing?

      Seriously, you can’t be doing your health any good steeped in the anger you exhibit here daily. So instead of going on about HIM, go on about the positive influence your party can have on the country.

      BTW, I’m not a Trumpist in any way, but I do like what he’s done for the country. If he’d just spend more time on the Federal deficit, which Republicans increased by 17% last year, I’d be very happy with our lot.

      Note: The Fed has raised the interest rate 7 times since Trump took office. A hike in interest rates boosts the borrowing costs for the U.S. government and fuel an increase in the national debt. A report from 2015 by the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the U.S. government may end up paying $2.9 trillion more over the next decade due to increases in the interest rate, than it would have if the rates had stayed near zero.

      1. The national debt is a figurative Rock of Gibraltar hanging about 6 feet over our collective heads. Hardly anyone looks up ‘cuz they’ve got their noses in their newest Iphones.

        You know, in “Brave New Worlds” is was Soma that kept the crowds quiet. We have Twitter.

        Cripes! I sound like a cranky old man.

        Get off my lawn.

    2. I find myself siding with Wayne Creed here, Chas Cornweller, with respect to the thought that the world has always been insane, whether that is as it should be, or just by design.

      As to refusing to take this presidency seriously, Chas Cornweller. that is your God-given right as an American citizen, just as it was mine to not take the dope-smoking, coke-snorting stringbean that roared Hussein Obama seriously.

      And actually, Chas Cornweller, I haven’t taken an American president seriously since Baines Johnson was in the White House.

      Why would I?

  6. Obamacare being signed at the White House. On National TV:

    “This is a big fucking deal!!!!!”

    VP Joe Biden, ON LIVE TV.

    Hey Chas? How come the Obama admin kept such super tight controls on cell phones during their parties?

    Yeah, no need for anyone to see what they were up to. Gee, I wonder what Kendrick Lamar and such refined folks as Fitty Cent were discussing in the People’s house?

    Both a hypocrite and a racist. How sad for those who have to interact with you daily.

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